Play literally any warioware game instead this shit fucking sucks

Kill me now

EDIT: A half-baked and fucking terrible story accompanied by reused stages for most of the main campaign, the new Valla stages aren't even cool with the only exception being the second-to-last map with the lock gimmick, that was (kinda) cool. The rest is just uninspired, and most of the fun I had with it was around the beginning where you actually had to manage 6-9 units (like the Wind Tribe stage from Conquest), as opposed to the 50 something units you have by the end

Fuga the goat though

I would not lend his ass 50'000 yen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

pretty neat celeste classic x AHIT fangame, controls pretty poorly and is way too short for its own good

Probably the ultimate WarioWare experience. I’d still recommend Mega Microgame$ more though because of the difficulty, which is my main problem with this game - it’s way too easy! Probably due to there being a continue option for the price of 100 coins (which isn’t much at all). Apart from that, I have basically no issues with the game. The campaign is super fun, the minigames are entertaining as usual, and the characters are awesome. Check it out if you haven’t already

the hallucinations are strong in this one

I was laughing for a good 30 minutes as the enlarged Donkey Kong sprite from DK Country beat the shit out of Phoenix Wright. Good shit

A near perfect game, this is what every platformer should strive to be. How it introduces mechanics throughout and then makes you use your knowledge of them towards the end of the game...good shit. Madeline controls wonderfully, and the story is peak as well. All of the dialogue feels incredibly genuine, which is really nice to see. I have basically 0 criticisms of the game, only criticisms of myself. How the hell did it take me 2048 deaths to beat this thing?

It's peak

Genuinely convinced Suda51 is a crackhead

Damn it, I was ready to give this a 9 because of a few issues I had with how earlier cases felt really rushed towards the end (e.g Recipe for Turnabout) but goddamn if the final case didn't make up for where the game fell behind and then some. Such a goddamn incredible case in the series and easily one of the best (still dunno if it's tied with 2-4 but I'm sure it'll age like wine in my mind and will eventually overtake it as my favorite case in the series). I won't speak any more about the storyy itself but I would like to mention Godot as a prosecutor. His inclusion and his arc is truly phenomenal and easily makes him one of the best Ace Attorney characters if not the best. His arc truly represents the finality of this game and how the last case (and T&T by extension) tie everything together into a very, VERY neat package and yeah, this is an awesome conclusion to the trilogy, AA4 is up next, but I'm sure this one will always be the shining star among all Ace Attorney games.

"The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."

I've started rewatching Seinfeld recently, more specifically Season 4. I'm a pleb who's only seen seasons 8 and 9, so imagine my surprise when I find out there's a cohesive plot between the episodes and that characters from different episodes in the season show up at different intervals throughout it! Wow!

Anyways, enough of that. Yeah, it's alright. I downloaded this with the promise of Seinfeld...and yeah, it's Seinfeld. A very short experience that captures the essence of the series pretty well with multiple endings, but it's not too hard to get different endings because if you've seen the series it's pretty easy to know which dialogue options are the correct ones and which ones aren't. That being said, it's really short, but it is free, so there's no harm in trying it out.

Also, I'm genuinely surprised the rights to Seinfeld haven't been leased out to a game developer. Why isn't there a licensed Seinfeld game? It would make perfect sense, especially in the era when those kinds of games were getting pumped out at incredible rates.

Anyways go give it a shot, it's a perfectly harmless experience.

Unironically a really fun Mario Kart clone, I am the master of the Desert stage and no one can stop me.

It's free so you have nothing to lose, download it here:

ironically I dislike the plane segments the most