I wasn't really expecting much when I went into this game. I played Divinity Sin and even a bit of Dragon Age, so I was expecting something similar. I hated Divinity Sin mainly because I found it very difficult to control, since they don't have full controller support.

I was surprised at how mesmerizing the plot and game of Baldur's Gate 3 is. This is my first Baldur's Gate game, and right from the start, the graphics alone sucked me in. I think I spent a long time on my character creation screen.

If there's one thing I want to complain about, it is that for certain quests, I found it very difficult to find the exact location or how to solve the puzzles if I didn't refer to a guide.

Overall, one of the better games I've played this year, and I do like how there is a morality system in this game.

At point of writing, I am about two hours in, and just doing the first exploration of Tartarus. I played the original Persona 3 long ago during the PSP era, and it was my first Persona game, so I got a soft spot for it (I played the female character tho).

It makes a very big difference being able to traverse everywhere on foot, and seeing everything in full detail and full HD - similar to how I am able to do it in Persona 5 Royal. From my minimal experience so far, it seems like there have been new events and items added in the game that wasn't in the original.

Essentially the alchemy version of Stardew Valley. Potion Permit is essentially a game where you play a budding chemist sent to the town of Moonbury to treat the mayor's daughter. Most of the ingredients you need for creating potions are done by going into the forest and harvesting plants, rocks and trees, or even by killing monsters.

The only thing I didn't like is that time seems to pass really fast, and you have to do everything yourself. I'm still early in the game, so hopefully, there will be some automation or even people you can hire to go into the forest on your behalf in the future.

The game design is reminiscent of the old RPGs from the PS2 gen, and gives a nostalgia kickback to those times. Played it on the Switch and on Steam. Probably because it's in the early phase still, there is some dropping of framerate at different points of the game.

Overall, give it a 9.5/10.

Okay, I had this game from release day. I had completely no idea why social media are full of people bitching about the game. I mean, seriously, people, if you play a game because of the graphics, play another game!

Pokemon is ultimately a game meant for KIDS! The 'kids' that Pokemon was initially created for more than two decades ago are adults now, but it still didn't change the fact that it's a game for kids. Do you think kids will care if the graphics are good or not?

Performance wise, I do agree that framerate tends to drop quite a bit, especially out in the field. I also noticed that NPCs I see from afar tend to move quite strangely, but it gets smoother as I get closer.

Story-wise however, it is mind blowing. It is a very big change from most of the other Pokemon games I played. For one, it is open-world this time, not unlike Legends. But unlike Legends' catching style, Violet/Scarlet retains the weaken them and catch them mechanic. This isn't as bad as it sounds, as it is easier than past games. Loads of new Pokemon this time, though there are still a couple of Pokemon from the Kanto region that I'm still familiar with. My favourites, Magikarp = Gyrados and Dratini are still in this game for one!

Story-wise, this is no longer the 'battle all eight gyms and then the League' any longer. There are still gym and League battles. But there are also a few separate storylines that you can pursue too which makes things interesting.

Overall, I put this as one of the best Pokemon games I've ever played.

I bought this game long ago when it first released on Steam, mainly because it look interesting, and farming sims have always been my favourite go-to games. I didn't play it immediately at that time, mainly because it lacked controller support, and I found it difficult to play using the keyboard.

Months later, when controller support is finally implemented, I finally decided to try it out. I intend to only play for one hour. But one hour soon very quickly became 5 hours in no time, and Coral Island soon became something I play regularly.

I've played farming sims like Stardew Valley and even the Story of Seasons franchise, so I was expecting something similar. Coral Island is similar and yet different from all these games at once. It allows full customisation of your farm which is good for those that love to decorate and are good at it, but hell for those of us that aren't. I think I scrolled through dozens of pictures on Pinterest before I found a few I like and took inspiration from. Getting the necessary resources for the machines I needed to upgrade my tools and buildings is a bit of a grind, but not in the annoying way.

As of this review, Coral Island is still in the beta phase, and had been getting constant updates rolled out. I mainly play this on the Steam Deck, only playing on my PC occasionally. But save for the occasional crash, I haven't gotten many major issues as of yet.

Hoping to see this game enter the full release soon!

Originally had this for my PS3 long ago, but I got another copy for Steam recently. It has one of the better stories and characters of the FF franchise. Definitely worth a replay.

One of the best YS games I ever played, and constantly replaying

One of my favourite games of all times. This is the first game I got on the Switch. I was hesitant initially, as I never do well with action games. Less than a day later, I am happily hunting down enemies of all kinds in the field.

Game is surprisingly addicting, and before you know it, you will be investing hours of gameplay.

I went into this game with some hesitance, even though I've been eyeing it for quite sometime now. But when it popped up on my feed, being on sale, I went with the plunge, considering it it on full release now. It isn't as bad as I feared, and I do enjoy it enough.

You essentially play as a landlord, and have to clean, construct and even tend to houses you own as well as your tenants' problems. Some of the complaints can be really outrageous and makes you feel as if you're handling a bunch of toddlers! But otherwise, the game is interesting enough, and can keep you occupied for a few hours.

Great game. It's nice to see all your fave Disney characters as your friends. Hoping however that devs will fix all the bugs soon!

Easily one of the best games I've ever played.

I've been waiting for Hogwarts Legacy ever since they've announced it, and the long wait is worth it! This game is set in the late 1800s, and the entire plot revolves around a mysterious power that you (the character) wields and the goblin rebellion that has been terrorising the wizarding world.

It is an open world concept, so very BOTW-like. Only difference being your weapons don't break (obviously). As you progress in the game, you get to rear and cultivate your own plants and even beasts/animals that you can keep in the Room of Requirement.

Locations in the game like the Room of Requirement and even the locations of the common rooms are very spot on. Even way before I am able to access the Room of Requirement, I already had an inkling of where it is when I happened to pass by a large painting of a man teaching trolls how to dance on the seventh floor. And when I went exploring around the school, I found the locations of the other three common rooms (I'm in Ravenclaw), though obviously, I can't access it. But the locations are very spot on.

Conversations between NPCs too tells you more of the world than what is told to you. There is one occasion when I entered a classroom only to witness a student being told off by a Howler which adds some humor to it.

You can also explore Hogsmeade and befriend the villagers and even do side quests for them.

The only complaint (not really complain) that I have, is that there doesn't seem to be a curfew for our character at all. I can still explore the school at night, and there doesn't seem to be any consequences whatsoever.

Combat too is very straight forward. You sling spells at your opponents and could put up shields and dodge. Though I almost had a heart attack the first time I came face to face with a group of Inferi which gave me lots of unwanted flashbacks to when I was watching a friend play Resident Evil. Setting them on fire has never felt so satisfying before.

Overall, I give this game a 10/10, and it definitely has replay value, not unlike Skyrim. Hoping the devs will include Quidditch playing in a DLC though.

I played the original Another Wonderful Life on my PS2 years ago, but never really got past Spring, as it is so difficult to earn money in that game, and I remember my cow and goat stopped giving me milk at some point, and I couldn't figure out what's happening.

So when the announcement for the remake came about, I was thrilled and apprehensive, as I didn't enjoy Another Wonderful Life much back then, but decided to give it a chance. And I'm glad I did.

Not only did the devs fixed a lot of the annoying stuff that is in the original, they made the game a lot better. Earning money is still difficult, especially in the first year, since the seasons are only 10 days long still. But raising friendships are a heck lot easier this time around to the point that I managed to get the free Seed Maker from Daryl in early summer! Several characters in the game however underwent a full 'makeover' like Marlin (or Matthew) in the remake to the point that I barely recognised him from the original (he's hot in the remake tho).

I played this game on the Steam Deck, and while officially, it isn't verified by Valve, you can still play it with some tweaks. Not perfect, but still completely playable.

I'm still in late Autumn of year 1 at the point of writing this review, but so far, I'm enjoying the game.

Been playing this game on and off for nearly a year now. I didn't enjoy it quite so much when on my Steam Deck, as I have to mute down the graphics just to get it to run smoothly, and this does spoil the gaming experience for me.

When I finally got a custom gaming PC, I finally had the chance to play Cyberpunk in all it's glory on a large screen and in high definition graphics.

The best part of this game isn't the story itself, but the exploration of the massive world of Night City, and even the characters you meet as V, and even the choices that you made during side quests and gigs. I'm on my third playthrough, and I'm about four hours into this playthrough and still in the Watson lockdown (and putting off meeting a certain fixer. Heck, the longer I can go without seeing his punchable face, the better it is!). This time, I'm pretty much exploring everywhere on foot or by bike (heck, it took me forever to raise the Street Cred just to get my first bike if I'm not stealing bikes from the gangs and thugs around the city!)

Overall, one of the better open world games that I've ever played, and I'm looking forward to be able to start on Phantom Liberty.

This is probably one of the toughest games I ever played, since I'm constantly getting my ass kicked by bandits. But I do enjoy this a lot and the missions, and that you can customise your avatar.

I played a Mystery Dungeon on 3DS (or is it DS?) a long time ago, and I did like it enough, so decided on a whim to get this when I saw it available at my local game shop. Not the best game out there, but I do enjoy it a lot more than the mainstream Pokemon games. I'm still early in the game, but I'm enjoying the story so far.