One of my favourite farming games of all time! This is definitely what the HM and SoS series are missing!

I bought this on a whim when it appeared in my Steam discovery queue. I like the look of it, and it looks to be an interesting game, so I decided to get it. 30 minutes in, and I love every minute of it. I'm pretty early in the game still, so the puzzles are still manageable. I am never great with puzzle games, so I hope I won't get too lost.

I bought this game on a whim due to the Winter Sale, and also I was curious to see what the hype about this game is all about. As of this writing, I am about an hour or so into the game, and hence, hadn't really gotten into the main story as of yet. But the little that I've seen of Aloy's story and the world, I do like it.

The game is set in a post apocalyptic world that had been largely inhabited by machines, with a few human tribes being the sole humans left in the world - which is a big change from most post-apocalyptic games that I've played in the past. The combat system is easy to pick up, and there are several resources you can pick up around the world and even loot the machines you fell to make better gear and weapons and even upgrade your satchels.

This game runs great on my Steam Deck straight out of the box, and I have no issues when running the game. Ironically, it's on my PC when I run into issues, as the game lag or freeze at certain points, especially during the opening sequence, and even crashed on me a few times. I guess I'll probably be playing this game on my Steam Deck for the foreseeable future until I either upgrade my PC or start building my own.

I bought this on a whim early last year when Steam had a big sale for several of their titles. Even still, it was lying in my Steam library, untouched for several months before I decide on a whim to suddenly play it last week. And before I know it, two hours have passed.

That is how good the story is.

The plot of Judgment revolves around Yagami, an ex-lawyer turned detective who was suddenly embroiled in investigating a series of murders.

I am still early in the game, and just in chapter 2, but the story is already captivating. Performance wise, I mainly play this on my Steam Deck, but so far, I have no issues with both performance or graphics. If anything, the graphics are more realistic than anything that I've ever seen before.

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I've been following the Trails series since the time when Falcom released Trails in the Skies FC back on the Vita years ago, though I did end up waiting for a decade for the release of SC. If I'm being honest, Estelle as a character does have more character development than Rean, but Cold Steel is still one of my favourites in the series, which is why I ended up double dipping for this game.

As is the norm for Falcom, the game has a strong story and plot, and even a great combat system, though I honestly could do without the whole harem aspect... :( Newcomers to the series would really be very lost when jumping in head first in this game without playing through Cold Steel 1-3 at the very least. Without playing those games, they won't know what the heck is going on, and who all those characters are, since CS4 easily has the largest cast ever in a Falcom game. Not to mention the entire build up to the story in Cold Steel 4 starts from Cold Steel 1, and really builds up Rean's relationships with those in Class VII.

Many rave reviews about this game ended up in me getting it, but I can never get into it. Not a big fan of constantly getting lost either, and I am forever looking up in the wiki for the quests.

Initially had this on Nintendo Switch, but due to it constantly lagging and the constant crashes, I ended up getting a copy on Steam. Cute game with cute graphics, tho I feel like I'm taking care of a bunch of toddlers!

Reminds me of some of old RPGs in PS2 days, but I do like the story and the graphics.

I played P5R on PS4, and will definitely be getting it once it hits Switch later this year. This game is essentially a sequel to the first game, and newcomers will be lost if you never played that game.

Essentially a hack and slash game instead of the turn based combat in the previous game, the game still kept the basics of sneaking around and ambushing enemies. Dungeons however are easier than the original.

Definitely worth playing if you like Persona games.

Had this originally on PS4, and I was so thrilled when I heard it was going to be released on Switch as well! This is my favourite Persona game of all time! The characters and the story itself are very 'real', as it really hits on the problems that the world faces with unfairness, and how most people literally couldn't do anything to certain people due to the power they held. Whether it is against a teacher, a politician, and even a powerful businessman. The characters too really grew on you, due to their backstories and how well they connect with each other.

Definitely something worth replaying.

Bought this during the last Summer sale. I had a few games that involves cleaning over the years, but I got bored of it less than an hour in. I went into this, not expecting much. Three hours later, I completely changed my mind, and there is a reason why this game is still on my Steam Deck months later.

For such a simple concept - you essentially play as a cleaner that cleans places or vehicles, it is surprisingly addictive. As of this writing, I am still deep in career mode. It isn't a game I can play for long however, as it totally cramps up my hands. One thing I find particularly annoying is that there are times when I miss small spots, and have to go hunting all over for that one spot that I missed out cleaning! It'll be more helpful if there is a map of some sort to show us what we missed out on cleaning.

Overall however, this game is very relaxing and enjoyable, and had this uncanny ability to suck you in for hours.

This is probably one of the toughest games I ever played, since I'm constantly getting my ass kicked by bandits. But I do enjoy this a lot and the missions, and that you can customise your avatar.