It's unpolished indeed, enemies have far too much health, levels are too long and the hitboxes for enemy bullets and your character are far too big (but not the ones for your bullets for some reason?), which makes it really, really frustrating to play. Charming, but I decided to drop it instead.

Both incredibly pretty and extremely boring, none of the systems that are meant to change up the gameplay can compensate for incredibly monotonous levels, enemies and bosses that very much overstay their welcome.
A shame, since I really wanted to like it due to its presentation.

This one is written in a way that really understands abuse. Seeing it unravel is incredible.

Although it starts up like a silly-ish scare focused haunted mansion deal, when you finally get into an ending it takes form and becomes something quite special that surprised me. Most definitely the origin of both choice-ending based adv/vn (wtc is really inspired by this, presentation and story-wise) and even possibly horror rpg maker games. It's a classic for a reason, and hell, it even made me cry.
Endings completed as of yet: 1

Powerfully designed and with good characterization. As expected, once you remove the extremely overblown, uninteresting action, the things the writer is good at shine brighter.

Bogged down by it's weird, extremely punishing system, but it's good

Why would you change scenes if you aren't gonna go the long mile and actually make them feel different. Hell

I beat the SoM version (2000), which is not in Backloggd

People should stop treating games that try to be different as jokes.