this was the first Star Fox game I ever bought since this was back during the marriage of my complete obsession with Nintendo at 14 and the initial 3DS drought. consequently, this was also the last Star Fox game I ever bought.

I'm sure it's good to people that like these kinds of shooters but honestly this was very much not my thing. I think this stunted my growth as a furry because of how frustrating this game was for me


honestly it's a pretty alright game. I never really care enough to beat Space Stage even though that's the focus of the game but I absolutely love the creature and tribal stages. but maybe that's just the old Warrior Cat fan in me talking

it was fun enough back in early 2017 when I had friends over and we couldn't play Breath of the Wild together, but man this game reeks of "we wanted to use Miis but the Wii U made us shy about including literally any assets that might remind people of that era to the Switch". so glad Miitopia and the new Mario Golf started taking baby steps to fix that

the marble game is actually pretty fun too

Mario Kart 8 was already pretty fun, but the fixed battle mode means that this is a great Mario Kart to play with. I'm not too opinionated on kart games but this one's a fun one

if there was any game that aggravated the shit out of my ADHD the most it'd probably be this one. there's just so much shit to do that I keep dropping sidequests to go do another one

some of the puzzles in this game were quite hard but honestly? for a free game this is pretty damn good

it's a mobile game for sure. I think I beat the main campaign and then stopped around.... Pedra Valley, I think? some of these Pokemon are downright unfair at times but overall it's a fun little experience

the designs were cute and battling was fun and stuff but I never really found it was engaging enough to finish. but maybe that's just me personally

I still can't believe people actually want main series Pokemon to be like this. could modern Pokemon animations use a little more personality? sure, but part of my problem with Battle Revolution and prior Stadium-like games was how it felt like it took a good 45 seconds to watch a single animation of just your Pokemon being hurt and get to watch that over and over and over with some of the ugliest Pokemon models known to humanity

some of the battle styles were cool and the stages were pretty neat but this game was not worth $60 when it first came out and it's barely worth $20 if you don't have a copy of Diamond or Pearl. if you MUST play a Stadium-esque game just grab a copy of one of the Gamecube ones instead

I liked this game initially... though upon finding out that the people behind it are complete shitstains that have no problem assaulting Black teenagers I implore you to go play literally anything else

there's a lot you can say (or not say) about New Super Mario Bros. U. the game feels "enough". just fun enough to capture your attention, just interesting enough to hold your attention for a few hours without making you want to close the game and play something better, and just solid enough physics to keep you secured that you (usually) won't die due to a bullshit obstacle you didn't anticipate. but that's the issue - the game is just "enough". there's little here where I can claim that you should play this game over its predecessors (except 2, fuck that game) unless HD is something really important to you. I've heard New Super Luigi U is decent but I have to acknowledge that I am not a particularly skilled player in the slightest, so maybe things are better there. but if you have a Wii U I'd probably just pick up the Wii U version

game's pretty though and some tracks are pretty fun though. I'll give it that

admittedly this was THE game that made me really want an iPhone as a little middle school girl getting ready to get into high school. again, there's something about this game era that I miss dearly

I can't tell you how many hours I wasted just cutting up fruit.... I admittedly miss playing it a lot but, well.... they don't make phone games like this anymore. sometimes if they have Fruit Ninja FX at the local Dave and Buster's I'll play that

I played this game all the time as a kid, and to this day this has to be my favorite of the Putt Putt games. I just love giving that little car kid treats

genuinely enjoyable, though you will probably get more out of this if you're in the intended age range. my friends and I got to the part where you could make your own stories and we literally just spent an hour laughing about the various combinations we got. we are college-age kids.