Reviews from

in the past

My review goes for the original game, it was very good before it got butchered.

was great in beta, then got questionable updates that killed its playerbase

The beta for this game was actually completely different from the end product, and a lot more fun to me. It was more of a WW1 trench warfare game where the two sides slowly build trenches and tunnels toward each other. Jagex bought this game after that and turned it into a bad TF2 knockoff. I'd give that Beta a 4/5.

Todo mundo que era fã da versão anterior pensou que essa versão nova de Ace of Spades que fosse mais trabalhada e desenvolvida iria dar extremamente certo, o que não deu nem um pouco, que não durou nem 3 meses de vida e já estava começando a ser esquecido pelos fãs e cada vez mais abandonado até o estado que se encontra hoje. Infelizmente, acredito que a essência do primeiro jogo era toda aquela simplicidade que tinha, ainda mistura com o apego dos jogadores a versão antiga com uma administração que não se preocupou em manter o jogo chamativo, ai deu no que deu.

Tente entrar em um servidor hoje em dia, é mais fácil você ganhar na Mega Sena, levar um raio e ser atropelado do que achar uma partida, o que é uma pena porque esse jogo sempre teve um potencial absurdo que só foi bem executado na versão Beta 0.1, e hoje só está na biblioteca das pessoas da Steam que o adquiriram naquele tempo e nunca poderão sequer testar o jogo, pois não tem modo algum offline e todos os servidores estão praticamente mortos sem chance de ser conectado (a não ser que você seja um cara popular e chame uma rapaziada pra ativar na marra os servidores).

Had a lot of fun back in the day playing with friends, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be as fun now that I am older or if I wasn't playing with people I know.

I understand why there was so much outrage about this game overruling the original Ace of Spades, but when I was playing it as a clueless teenager, I had a decent amount of fun.

very fun game/concept, but the player-base is gone:(

pretty cool class based fps with a fully destructable environment. i hear it sucks ass now but it was fun in its prime

Le meti 3 horas y me aburri

used to have a looot of fun with this one

+ Innovative use of voxel graphics when it was first released.
- Gets boring after some time.

I bought this game after the player base died. Bruh!!!!!!!!!

If you liked Ace of Spades before it got ruined, give OpenSpades a fair shake. God, what a fun game this was.

Feels like TF2 mixed with Kogama, it was fun but it's pretty much dead now.

Had a lot of fond memories of this game when playing with my friends. Loved playing zombie mode where my friend and I swam all the way to the corners of the map and make a little shitty fort, and then we watched the skyscrapers of the map get demolished in the distance by the zombies, only to then get swarmed by like, 20 zombie players and die.

imperdonable lo que le hicieron al ace of spades

Played this game when it was already dead, so not sure if it was actually good at one point.

I would give anything to play this again

nota pra versão antigassa desse game


Failed project with a dead player base.

I played Ace of Spades: Battle Builder in the wrong time. Back when I acquired the game in 2013, I was interested what it could offer, but the disappointment kicked in immediately.

Ace of Spades: Battle Builder is a Minecraft/Team Fortress 2 rip off with some unique features. In theory, you and your non-existing-anymore-players/friends could build your own fortress, city or base, after which you go to war with the other team and try to blow them and their creations away.

It could have been a lot of fun, and when playing on a full server, I could only imagen the carnage and chaos that would be unleashed. Sadly, I could only dream and fantasize of how things could be back then, because when I logged in in 2013, I was the only person on earth playing. I tried the single player (or just starting my own, lonely, pathetic server) but got immediately greeted by an empty dark void, with nothing to do. Compare this to Minecraft for example, a game that is still a lot of fun when playing alone. This game is meant to be played with people and friends, which is fine, but at least have some form of rewarding experience when playing alone.

Building and exploring alone felt blend, empty and pointless and did not do anything to make it worth it.

Graphically, this game is nothing special. Graphics are ripped straight off from Minecraft obviously but a little uglier (if that is possible). The landscapes and areas all feel very empty and blend, with lots of open space that contains nothing but green blocks. Animations are just as stiff as Minecraft, however in this “sort of fast paced” game, it is hard to predict what enemies will do, making it even worse.

In terms of sound, the game falls short. Music is generic and sound effects are straightly ripped from a freeware soundboard.

The interface and controls were very confusing and I had a lot of difficulty figuring out where I could find stuff, how to build stuff and understanding what I was doing in general. This however, could just be my own incompetence.

Ace of Spades: Battle Builder is no longer available on Steam, something that does not surprise me. However, this game falls in a certain category in which developers create something (most of the time, an unfinished beta), cash in, and then abandon the game, until it eventually bleeds to death and disappears from the face of the earth. It is games like this I hate the most.

So in the end, I reviewed everything that was possible from my end, which is not that much. I just wished that I could share the glory days (no matter how long that would be) of this game in which I could just squeeze out the little fun this game had to offer.

Soley for the reason that this game is a husk and I could never experience it properly, even when it was still available on Steam, I would not recommend it for what it is worth.

Such a shame.