Reviews from

in the past

Do you ever think about how Wayforward peaked when they made this game and how they will never outdo it ever

Even though I'm not a fan/very familiar with the TV series, I decided to try this game based on the Zelda influences. Overall, it was an enjoyable game with both overworld and then side scrolling exploration segments that obviously pay homage to the classic Zelda games. The game was fairly easy and short but straight to the point with solid controls an good presentation.

I remember when this game came out. It was the first proper Adventure Time video game, and I was in a HUGE anticipation for it to be released.
Back then I was in high school, and Adventure Time was a big thing to me and my friends. We even went to the point of vandalising the school with marker drawings of Gunter everywhere. Yeah, good times.

Well, I got it on my DS as soon as it released and, to my surprise… it took me only a single day to beat it.

OK, the game was fine, but the short length of the adventure left a sour taste in my mouth.
But, well, I found myself thinking about the game this afternoon, and decided to give it a try on my 3DS. Unsurprisingly, it took less than five hours for a 11-years-older me (damn, is it that long already?) to fully complete the game in a single sitting.

Alright, it’s a game made for kids, so you can kind of expect it to be easy. The music is fine, but super repetitive and with a flair of chiptune every now and then, with some very muffled voiced recordings. There’s a huge amount of backtracking going on as well, and it’s mostly the boring type of backtrack. Also, the game’s story, despite being fine for an Adventure Time episode, was nothing to write home about.

… however, yeah, it’s a charming and fun little game.
The plot and characters are reminiscent of the earlier seasons of the show, which were my favourites, and it is undoubtedly fun to travel through Ooo and chat with its denizens.
All of that in a Zelda II-inspired setting and gameplay. Of all the Zelda-like formulas they could have come up with, they went for that one; and they made it fun and interesting, with a progression that, easy as it is, doesn’t hold the player’s hand and makes it so that they match the puzzle pieces by themselves.

And, well, it’s WayForward we’re talking about here, so you can expect at least a tad bit of polish.
The game has super tight controls and some very nicely done pixel art visuals that look great even on a 3DS XL screen.
Also, the game looks better on the 3DS than on the DS, with additional details on the foregrounds and the backgrounds.

All in all, despite being far from a blockbuster, it was a great first game for the franchise. They executed some nice and fun ideas very well, and condensed all of it in a bite-sized adventure that, despite being super easy, was fun enough at the end.

I ended up enjoying it as much as I originally did eleven years ago. But, there really isn’t any reason for me to replay it in the future.
Except for nostalgia reasons, maybe. Waiting for this game to be released back then was part of the experience itself, and I’d still love to get the collector’s edition that came with a stylus shaped as Finn’s sword.

touhou fans in SHAMBLES after the final boss

This was a pleasant surprise! Effectively a modernized zelda 2, this game is a nice short little romp that dosen't overstay it's welcome, while sporting an insanely good ost, a lighthearted story that perfectly fits the world of adventure time, and genuinelly fun gameplay that takes the best parts of zelda 2 and expands upon them, removing most of the annoying features that game had. Really enjoyed this more then I expected and it makes me wonder how the other Adventure Time games hold up.

This game's theme song is absurdly catchy. I can feel it jostling in my brain right now!

Ice King my favorite villain

This review contains spoilers

He stole their garbage so that he could make some kind of garbage princess.

Charme hat das Spiel ja schon sehr, so n bissle cartoony Zelda 2 bockt schon. Teils ist es aber fett langweilig weil man immer wieder die gleichen Wege ablaufen muss. Die paar kleine Secrets und das ständige Item bringen schüttet in meinen Gehirn genug Dopamin aus um mich am Ball zu halten.

Played this game once 8 years ago. I think I liked it, the music and art was really good at least. This game had a DS version apparently??

It's pretty average. Most of the platforming mechanics aren't very well utilized and exploration is pretty simplistic and mostly wastes your time. The character animation looks good but the environment design is quite bland and flat. Most of the music is alright, but a few tracks are really good. It's okay, nothing special. Even as an adventure time fan, it didn't do much.

The game is "ok". It has good music, it's very colorful, and the humor of the series is present. The story feels like a random episode of "Adventure Time," and the gameplay is like "ZELDA 2" but with the ability to craft things.

One thing that did bother me a bit about the game was the backtracking. Having to repeat the same mini-levels every time you go back for something can make you go "Ahhhhh, what a hassle." However, this doesn't amount to much since the game is extremely short; you can finish it in a single afternoon.

the sprites are cute and the music is good but the backtracking is tedious and it's not a game that respects your time very much (despite only being ~5 hours). the writing is reminiscent of season1 which is funny considering it released around the time of the farmworld episodes... marceline is also horrendously out of character but i'll just chalk that up to this game not being canon. i liked the castlevania reference

Secret Screeeennnn

This is the secret secret screeeennnn

I kinda wonder how much of the fun I had with this game came from actual enjoyment of the game itself and not because of the insane amount of nostalgia I have for this game.

As license games of the era of late 2000s early 2010’s go it’s probably one of the better entries. It does nothing really spectacular, it’s pretty much just Zelda 2 but with much better control, maybe too much backtracking at times and a Adventure Time spin. The game is probably way too easy but I remember the game killing me a lot when I played it as a dumb baby so maybe it’s just easy enough for kids and too easy for adults. The best aspect this game has going for it however is how well the game translates the early seasons of Adventure Time into game form. The game still has that weird barely logical humor the show was known for at the time while also having all the writing feels very snappy and funny even for a depressed adult like myself.
Even if you didn’t grow up with Adventure Time like I did I still think you’d get a pretty fun Zelda-like adventure game out of it even though the game is only 6 hours long. I had a great time going back down memory lane replaying this, I still have have super fond memories of playing this game on my old aqua blue 3DS and not understanding what I had to do or where to go, the good old days when the only video games I played were Nicktoons Globs of Doom and Shrek the Third the video game. It’s kinda nice to know that not all the garbage licensed crap I played as a kid was terrible.

zelda 2 with marceline
so better than zelda 2

replayed this for funsies and yup its just as excellent as i remember it being several years ago

Le entrego este juego la mejor calificacion que le puedes dar a un juego licenciado de una serie de dibujos animados americana en una consola portátil:


100th game marked as played, i'm glad it was this one :)

quite possibly the best title screen theme of any game ever, also not-so-fun fact: i remember beating it on the way to a funeral

"Feast Fight Be Manly" is the only thing worth saving from the culture of masculinity.

Really didn't believe my first ds game ever was gonna be fun once I got older and realized what I was supposed to do to move the plot. The final fight was awesome but I wouldn't do it again.

This game is actually not available to play in Europe, legally.
In the US, this game was released physically on both DS and 3DS, but in Europe it only got a digital release on 3DS, and we all know what happened there.

Luckily I have a flash cart, so I got to play the DS version and it's pretty good.
A fun platformer that i could've seen myself playing as a kid, but I'm not into the backtracking especially as the dungeons aren't mapped out, so you can't really see where you're going and what you're doing (although I'm pretty sure this format was improved on in a later game I'll get to).
You walk pretty slow, too, which I'm not into either.

From what I played of this, however, I still enjoyed it and would probably play more of it at some point.

Oops, I'm behind on updating this! (Granted, I haven't played many games lately, but still.) ...between the lengthy title and disclaimer, all I can fit in for a review is "it's a fun Zelda II-like." Sorry!

very fun and silly, channels a lot of that early adventure time energy, sometimes video games don't have to be super deep to be good

that said, the writing is a little weird considering what adventure time was actually like when this came out, like literally a few days after the farmworld episodes

Kinda lacking, although the idea of Link 2 AT was fun at first

Cool adventure time game heavily inspired by Zelda 2. It's got cool music, albeit heavily HEAVILY compressed, even for DS standards (and seemingly, with no way to hear it uncompressed anywhere else. Bit of a shame)
The humor is very early AT, and while quirky, funny and memorable at times, it does get a bit old by the end, and it doesn't help how the whole cast treats IK. Seriously tho, Marceline does him so badly in here. Either she's trying very hard to dissociate from him and failing misserably or this is straight up not canon (Which I highly consider after some of her texts)
It's a short game, which makes it perfect for that one afternoon where you don't really know what to do and want to do a one off thing.
Despite all it's flaws and not being canon, it's still a fun game for what it is. Plus, that simphony of the night reference was pretty neat

this is the only good game wayforward has ever made

A simple, fun adventure game based off the cartoon. The gameplay is decently fun, with extra secrets to find and some cool dungeons, the writing is funny and very on-brand with the source material, and the music is, frankly, better than it has any right to be, with the gloriously Anamanaguchi-esque Party in the Clouds being a highlight.

It is very short, though - like, "you can 100% complete it in two hours" short - so enjoy while it lasts.