Reviews from

in the past

Ram head first into a wall you couldn't hear, go cross-eyed as a mile long, football field wide worm crashes into your submarine. Cry, as your friend dressed in a clown costume rewires all the ships electronics to a fart sound effect emitter. Moral of the story, Install Europa Waifu + and all it's dependency's and marvel at boobs under da watah.

Dead Space com amigos e no fundo do oceano

This game is great, but you need friends and your friends need to have a brain in their head.

I wouldn't say this game is bad but...It leaves a lot to be desired. The submarine is too dark to see anything. The other AI members don't do anything except just walk around and even though I'm the captain they don't respond to my commands at all. the game is still fun at certain points though

Pretty fun with friends but starts to feel the same after the first couple runs

it's like space station 13 but for people that have jobs

Really interesting but need to replay on 1.0

This game offers some unique mechanics that has alot of depth to its combat but for my tastes I found it lacking in its gameplay loop to keep me playing. If you like management games and horror, you will probably enjoy the game greater than me.

J'ai rien compris, le jeu est beau, y'a plein de mecaniques, faut une equipe et une coordination de fou, mais BORDEL que c'est dur d'accès. J'y ai joué avec des copains qui connaissaient deja le jeu, j'ai rien capté. Je penses pas y retourner un jour, trop dur

Unique in every which way, although it does get a bit monotonous preparing all those systems as engineer sometimes.

I can see myself playing this so long as there's others to play with.

really fun and good game with not so fun and good playerbase

Really fun multiplayer submarine chaos simulator, but could do with more content

This is literally one of the worst games I've played in my entire life. But it's way better with the right people. Solo it's 1.5 stars. With my group of friends it's 3.5/5

Extremely fun in multiplayer. Basically you make sure your submarine doesn't blow up while stalked by horrors beyond your comprehension.

Play with friends to have fun on this game. The fun comes from what you and your crew do with the systems provided to create wild moments and stories. There is quite a bit of downtime between each "event" but when something finally happens and shit hits the fan, it is an absolute blast.

breaking into her house and feeling scared

Great survival, submarine simulator to play with friends. So cool to get out of horrible situations.

Superb coop experience. Would not recommend to play solo but it is possible.

Another good example of why the ocean can be so scary.

spank fish and friends with my baton

Great atmosphere and sound design. Addictive gameplay, but hard on newcomers.

The stories that this game can create from gameplay are amazing. I will make sure to tell them all to my grandchildren one day.

i don't remeber why i have this game

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great w friends

Fuck you Juan. 3 Missions with Maximum Hyper Psychosis.

Would absoloutly play again