Reviews from

in the past

This is how to do a batman game, story is good but is more of a backdrop for everything else and that includes the dark immersive atmosphere and great voice acting it ticks all the boxes and the gameplay is challenging without being overly tedious, problem solving feels authentic and challenging, combat is great, boss fights are good despite not being the best, a great game overall

Upon my initial playthrough of Batman: Arkham Asylum, I believed it to be good but not exceptional. How mistaken I was! This game transcends greatness; it stands as a masterpiece. Considering that Rocksteady had only previously developed Urban Chaos: Riot Response, marking this as their second game, it's remarkable how they transformed from an obscure studio with only an FPS in their portfolio to an industry powerhouse. Batman: Arkham Asylum not only solidified their reputation but also paved the way for two sequels, Batman: Arkham City and Batman: Arkham Knight, along with a prequel, Batman: Arkham Origins, crafted by Warner Bros. Montreal under Rocksteady's endorsement. In essence, this game truly immerses you in the role of an orphan hunting down the infamous Birthday Clown, exemplifying Rocksteady's evolution into gaming royalty.

Hell yes, probably the best entry in the trilogy. So tightly focused and cool.

Batman Arkham Asylum foi uma grata surpresa. Eu já esperava um bom jogo por ser do Batman e pela fama que a franquia tem, porém, o game ainda conseguiu superar minhas expectativas. O jogo que foi lançado originalmente em 2009 se mostrou ser algo muito a frente do seu tempo, tendo uma gameplay, combate e sistemas que são muito atuais e divertidos.
A história se passa dentro do Asilo Arkham onde o Coringa está promovendo uma revolta, sendo muito boa e prendendo o jogador. O game em vários momentos tem uma atmosfera que beira o terror (o medo só não vem pois somos o Batman afinal) e é recheado de vilões icônicos do herói.

I'm not a huge Batman fan, but this still holds up. It took me a while to get into because of the slow pace of combat, but this is how you make a superhero game that respects the license.

You are Batman and beat up a bunch of bad guys and villains, is there anything better?

I don't know what it is about Arkham Asylum that gives me nostalgia but I always remember when I first got the game as a kid and carrying the box home for the Xbox 360.

I know this is a very unpopular opinion but to me this was very mid. The story and combat system are both pretty decent tho the stealth is mixed, The Poison Ivy boss fight was very good and the scarecrow boss fight was actually great but the Bane boss fight is meh and I enjoyed the Killer Croc boss fight for like 5 minutes and then it just got annoying and kinda boring but eventually got creative at the very end, and the final boss is actually pretty bad. The voice acting was obviously great especially with Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy and I liked the spooky atmosphere, but the overall map was small and was nearly impossible to navigate. Adding up all the stuff I liked and disliked This is a very mid game for me.

My main problems with this remaster is it still runs at 30 fps on the PS4 and character models look slightly worse than the original to me.

Full disclosure: I wasn't a huge DC Comics fan at all, going into this game. I was told by many that this is a welcoming entry into the world of Batman, and I couldn't agree more. The time I spent in Arkham Asylum made me appreciate the wacky villains of Gotham...but that's all this game really impacted me with.

Truth be told, I expected this game to be some linear stealth brawler, not a metroidvania. In a way, it wouldn't have bugged me much if I hadn't already played several other games like it. The cool boss sequences (with Scarecrow's being my favorite) are ultimately undermined by a stiff combat system and a skill tree that feels absolutely pointless to upgrade later on in the game. Hell, even the voice acting shows its age!

The tl;dr here is this. Batman: Arkham Asylum is just Metal Gear Solid with a DC license on top of it. Similar cheesiness, similar plot, and similar elements of traversal. That's not to say I didn't enjoy my time with it. This game just wasn't as fantastic as other praised it was.

A product of its time, for sure.

Completed everything in the game except for the challenges and it's a very late 2000s game. Sure, the graphics and some other stuff were improved, but there are a TON of gameplay problems I've got with it that really take away from how awesome the story and world-building is! The action can be pretty great when it actually works as it's supposed to. All in all, I give it a 7.5/10!

a very fun metroidvania that maybe could've used a bit more of a challenge on hard. a lot of fun performances in this. in hindsight this is a great antidote to the stodgy self serious Nolan movies which, a few great performance aside, disappeared up its own arse.

Cool gimmick boss fights, the final boss is annoying though. The Scarecrow parts are my favorite, especially the third one. Exploring the asylum is fun and there is much to see. A lof of easter eggs. Combat is a bit whack.

I played this for the first time as a 11 years old kid, I never read a comic before that but I loved the movies and the Animated Series (Where Paul Dini was one of the main hands), i loved the game and played the demo times and times until I rented the game for a good while. I had fond memories of this game and vividly remember some moments of my life surrounding it, of the game itself I remember only stuff like the combat system and the gadgets, the Scarecrow sections, Nygma things, the Joker final boss and that Ivy and Quinn sure did a number on me in molding my taste for women. I remember not being scared as I played the game because I was Batman and not even fear itself scares Batman. I would later play City and Origins but not Knight because I had no Ps4 so I saw that on YouTube but I guess I'll talk about that another time.

Fast forward 12 years and I'm 23, I've seen the movies time and time again, hating some of them, enjoying the later animated stuff and reading a really huge number of Batman Comics, from the latest Snyder and King runs to the acclaimed Morrison's and Miller and Moore's masterpieces even going back to Starling and Aparo and O'Neal and of course, Paul Dini. I really like Batman. So why not replay the games and finally play Arkham Knight? Every couple of months they are on big sale sure why not. I start the game and there is the big walk with Hannibal Lecter like Joker and now I'm a guy who watches the credits and here I see the name Paul Dini and things start to make more sense, I beat up the first tough guys taking some punches since I play on hard but it's okay, it's fun, and some minutes later there I am walking in long ass corridors trembling like a leaf, I wasn't thinking I was Batman therefore that setting scared me, if for a second you forget that you are Batman you realize that you are in fucking asylum for insane people that murdered hundreds of people, who would ever want to set foot in a place like that? Fuck them, close everything and let them starve to death, but Batman wouldn't like that so here we go punching thughs, helping Gordon and noticing little details that an 11 years old hardly would have grasped, like when at the start of the game while escorting Joker turning around the guards in the back you can notice one of the guards drinking alcohol and then you play a couple of hours and there he is that guy and his alcohol are important to the plot, so I spent the next twenty hours looking for every secret and reference and all the Nygma Riddle because it was fun to read the bio of character sadly not in the game. I noticed that there is a lot of stuff I didn't remember like I thought it was all tunnels so when I got out and later in the batcave I felt like a kid again discovering wonderful places. Then there is that great pov scene even more at the end and the dub, ugh, Conroy and Hamill are so so so good. What a game. What a experience. Far from perfect as a game of course, some qol that is normal now wasn't there yet and I'm 100% that I'll like Arkham City more If my memory serves me correctly but whatever, you probably haven't even read this far. Play the game if you haven't and still manage to read all this, respect.

I honestly don't know what was the initial point that I wanted to make, but I don't care, i love talking nonsense non stop, Batman is great, you should play the games, you should watch the movies and you should read the comics, about that, now I'm going to read the latest Zdarsky and Ram V's issues, bye bye.

The original title didn't have any additional content aside from the PS3 exclusive playable Joker and a few challenge maps. So this is basically just a higher resolution version of the 2009 epic. It's probably the definitive way to play this game moving forward but I will admit I miss the hazy visuals of the original. It added an almost grimey texture to the whole experience.

Despite sounding negative here this is still an excellent time and I'm happy I finally went and got the platinum. I'd be inclinded to do it again with the original release if Batman would just break his no kill rule on the Riddler.

Such a near damn perfect superhero Metroidvania

This review contains spoilers

This game is truly legendary and it'll forever have a place in my heart as one of, if not the greatest, superhero games of all time. It is atmospheric, intense and truly amazing fun being Batman in one of Gotham's most chilling locations.

Compared to the old game, this one isn't hugely different bar some graphical updates. I'm not sure if you're able to still play the original on your machine, but if not just know I had no major problems with it after 7 years (the original game was 14 years ago, feel old yet?)

This is the first time replaying it before any other batman game since it's release. I've always went back to it after Arkham Origins or Arkham City. So playing it now completely forgetting the controls etc makes this such a fun game to play.

This playthrough was also the first time I went after every Riddler trophy, Secrets of Arkham and Interview tapes. Here's my thoughts on them below. Ultimately, they're just side activities meant to pad the game's run time:

Riddler trophies - worth getting all of them, nice little ending for The Riddler, who'll always be utterly pathetic in this series sadly
Secrets of Arkham - A wonderful little side puzzle and worth the 20g Xbox achievement
Interview Tapes - Worth it if you want a little more information on the main characters and some of the doctors.

This game is a trend setter. It has a brand new combat system which no other studio can implement as well as Rocksteady did, it has stealth mechanics only a few games have done since and gave us an original story that is now legendary in the Batman mythos.

If you haven't played it, you absolutely should. It's video game heritage. I'm sure a lot of people I know started loving Batman playing this game and watching The Dark Knight at around the same time

My second single-player Xbox story-game, which came free with the Game Pass. And it was a really great game! I had a lot of fun with it, its really atmospheric and combines everything you love about Batman - a dark and gothic setting, crazy mad enemies, some brutal fighting scenes, a lot of sneakiness, the use of clever technical gadgets and also a lot of puzzle solving. All paired with a lot of beloved characters from the Batman universe.

It was great fun to play and I can see myself re-playing this one, so I'd probably be saving myself a physical copy in the near future. Also, all the other Arkham games got bumped onto my bucket list :)

Story is great combat is fun there is not enough stealth sections in the game definitely a joy to experience.

It wasn't as good as I remembered it being when it launched on 360.

Beat the main campaign.
Best superhero game ever. Far better than city. Although the final boss is underwhelming the rest of the game makes up for it.

definitely best concept of all time for a batman game

This fucks.

I played this after watching the Batman (WHICH IS FANTASTIC) which made this game even better, cause I was in a Batman zone. After playing all the insomniac spider man games over the last 2 years I felt right at home playing this. Though it is a much more slower game that focuses on stealth. Which works better for Batman.

There are a few downsides. I did have a few buggy control moments where even my friend was shocked how it happened. And I also did not like detective mode. This a very pretty game that I spent most of with a ugly purple filter over. It’s probably gonna be better next time because I will know where to go. But for my first play through, yeahhhhh… also the bosses are stinky. Everything else though is fucking INCREDIBLE. Highly recommend:D

the best arkham game. b a t m a n i s e p i c

parabéns rocksteady vcs já fizeram ouro desde o começo