Reviews from

in the past

the only good thing going on here is that its set in rapture, and you get to see the city at its peak

Just watched Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “Rope” and immediately wanted to get back into Bioshock. Finally checking out the dlc for Infinite and it’s pretty fantastic. infinite gameplay in Bioshock 1’s world, sign me up. Also this game is going to make my Switch explode, the fan is going so hard whenever I boot this up lmao.

Never play this, or the second one. Just don't. It's bad, it's the video game equivalent of fanservice clickbait, and it doesn't even deserve further elaboration.

The store page farts on about how this has "the best parts of bioshock and bioshock infinite": no it fucking doesn't. It's cool to revisit rapture (my beloved) but it's missing the atmosphere and claustrophobic level design that made the original location so enchanting. The combat tries to bring in the survival horror elements of bioshock but trying to hamfist those into Infinite's action heavy style just makes everything worse. Fighting a big daddy without all of the immersive sim elements just feels wrong; fighting anyone else is just annoying.

That plot twist is stupid as shit too.

I'm not yet sure but I think I still have a chance with my daughter.

Stupidly short and the plot still gets dumb, but hey weapon wheel is back,

Really don't know what they were thinking here. The story just starts to pick up, then immediately it is over? There really is nothing gameplay-wise to differentiate this from the original Bioshock Infinite game, which already sucked. Really disappointing, which is impressive, because the original is so disappointing already.

Best bridge between the main game and the second episode

It was a short. And nothing really important seemed to happen. It was cool seeing Rapture again, and parts of the gameplay were mildly interesting. Nothing else really to say.

If you played and liked the base game, I see no reason not to try this out. Other than that I wouldn't recommend it.

I don't know what to say, it's not bad. Cool setting. I've never cared about the Bioshock story so maybe it's really good

Some of the best bioshock content out there. Seeing rapture again was so bitter sweet, and seeing it in it's prime AND with characters we've come to love from infinite? Dope. Part 1 is fairly short, however.

The first part of the dlc connects Infinity to Bioshock 1

I kind of liked it, it felt like a self-contained little story with a kinda dumb but appropriate enough twist in the line with the usual Bioshock endings, elevated by not getting into the insanities Part 2 entertained itself with. The action felt fun enough, though less enjoyable than I had remembered Bioshock Infinite to be. I guess the biggest disappointment was that after remembering people talking about the Burial at Sea duology as a kind of DLC high-mark, they both left me kind of disappointed, especially the second one. Oh well, this one was alright for what it is, and not an inch better.

Review EN/PTBR

"Constants and variables"
A short and well-made dlc for those who love Rapture, giving a new perspective on Rapture lore following the ideas of the base game's ending and with a new gameplay vision to remember the good old Bioshock 1.


"Constants and variables"
Uma dlc curta e bem feita para aqueles que amam Rapture, dando uma nova perspectiva de Rapture seguindo as ideias do final do jogo base e com uma nova visão de gameplay pra lembrar o bom e velho Bioshock 1.

Not even Rapture could save this DLC from Infinite's terrible gameplay flaws. Burial at Sea Episode 1 felt more like a bait for nostalgic fans rather than an expansion that creatively integrates Bioshock 1 with Infinite's multiverse concepts. A wasted opportunity is essentially what this DLC is.

Honestly, returning to Rapture just does so much for Infinite.

fun and makes elizabeth actually a little interesting for one sequence

extremamente chato e maçante a unica que salva essa dlc é o final e a parte em que você joga com a elizabeth

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big daddies are still scary

It was nice seeing rapture again and the twist at the very end was something to talk about but I don't know. I wanted to by hyped about this, but guess I wasn't really feeling it. The gameplay is the same as in base game, just instead of being in the sky, you're underwater. Story beats and character interactions were good I guess but I just feel like something was missing

No geral é ok. A história tem alguns problemas, mas foi bom ver Rapture no seu auge e o Booker e a Elisabeth continuam interessantes.

Офигенный пролог, но дальше вся игра проходит в безлюдных трущобах. Фанатам Биошока играть надо, фанатам шутеров играть можно.

I was swimming around my memories and I feel the return to Rapture in this DLC's is pretty good. Still a big fan of Elizabeth.

Continuing after that shocking ending of Bioshock Infinite, we get in the middle of the downfall of Rapture. Now in a fantastic detective noir type story, we try to find the disappearance of a little girl and why in the hell is booker under the sea.

this is so cool, love how it combines the 1st and infinite

Infinite in the Rapture! Cool! 

decent trying to capture that of biocock vibe in infinite

Bem curta, não fede e nem cheira.
Mesmo voltando a Rapture ela não tem a mesma identidade que a do primeiro jogo, preferia ter jogado o primeiro jogo de novo.