Reviews from

in the past

Not what I expected from this game. I thought it would be a couple hour romp full of jump scares and shit, but it ended up being a narrative driven character study. I did not expect to be this invested in this story but the way Ellis was written, it was hard not to.

Without spoiling anything, the game revolves around Ellis, a veteran police officer investigating a missing child in a forest. I absolutely love the original movie, and was curious to see what it would do. The game is set a few years after the movie, and there aren't a lot of ties to it, and there aren't even that many easter eggs or stuff that only people who watched the movie would get, aside from the whole gist of the blair witch, which isn't really even explained in the movie. Anyway, the game really does encapsulate the feeling of the movie, delving into the giant forest, and getting lost. I would have liked some more time in the daylight to establish the game, as the game sort of gets dark(literally) quite fast. I'm not gonna speak too much on plot details but the plot did hook me, even though I could see the major twist coming from a mile away. The ending too, is quite satisfying, both the good and bad endings. The story is told through various means, phone calls, video tapes, hallucinations etc. and they all work well together to tell the story without giving away too much(most of the time). Something I appreciated about the game was how it didn't insult the player's intelligence. Aside from a handful of moments where Ellis would just straight up say what's going on, without you being able to figure it out, the game relies on you to understand what's happening through context clues, which I like. Ellis as a protagonist is great, all be it sometimes generic. Another thing I would like to applaud about Ellis is the talking to himself part. Something I hate about games is characters talking to themselves. Not only does it not make sense in most games, but a lot of the commentary is lackluster and annoying, disconnecting you from the character. This is especially annoying in first person games when you are supposed to be one as the same with the character. Ellis talks to himself quite a lot in this game, but it makes sense and also most of his self-dialogue is necessary. At various points at the game Ellis would say something word-for-word as I was thinking it, which is very very impressive. VA was also pretty good, Ellis being a highlight while the "carver" was a low point, a lot of the time sounding cartoonishly evil. Some criticisms of the story are: Some story threads were sort of half baked like the grocery store thing, or Ellis potentially beating his wife, which was mentioned like once. Also, the switch up Ellis has on Lanning after a certain point in the story makes no sense to me. He goes from hating his guts and not following any of his orders to suddenly being sympathetic.

The story, no doubt, was strong, however there is other components to this game which I think fall flat ridiculously. The combat, if you can even call it that, is pathetic. It appears I think 5 times in the game, and each time I could have done it asleep. The combat consists of looking at your dog to see where hes barking at, shining your flashlight at that area, and repeating. Same thing goes for the puzzles. The puzzles are terrible, and compared to contemporaries like resident evil, they are pathetic. It's not even worth talking about just because they aren't of note at all. The only time in the game where a puzzle had slightly involved me was during a sequence with a cart, where a glitch happened where my dog got stuck trying to give me something for a puzzle which I couldn't pick up which was frustrating. There's the whole tape thing, which is a fairly cool concept but is so underutilized it's crazy, they boil down to only being a story telling device towards the ending portion of the game. All this leads me to the question: why was all this in the game? While yes the argument could be made that the game is already quite lean as it is and cutting it down would lead to it being shorter, is that really a bad thing? I understand if they didn't have time to fully flesh out the various mechanics, so why not completely remove them and turn it into a straight up walking sim?

Now as a horror game it isn't super successful. The game, while creepy, failed to scare me for the most apart, the exception being the great last chapter but even that wasn't super scary. The game is very atmospheric, and as I said in the intro to this review, I see it as more of a character study than a horror game. Ellis's PTSD and trauma haunts him, and maybe the true monsters were the people?????
Seriously though, the depictions of PTSD were quite interesting, although I never had the feeling of "is this real or not" as the game seemed to want me to have. In terms of visuals, the game is quite great aside from some of the animations and models in the tapes looking off, although thats quite a minor nitpick for a game that does overall look very good. The sound design is also something I wanted to shout out. While a little too much at times, especially when you're walking in the forest and theres like a million different sounds, the sound design contributes to the overall atmosphere of this game and is a huge plus.

Overall though I would recommend this. While not doing everything it sets out to do, and failing as a horror game, for a 4 hour spooky experience with a great story, this is worth it. Not the scariest game you'll ever play, not the best game youll ever play, hell not even the best bloober team horror game that came out that year you'll play, but a worthwhile, enjoyable experience.

Um jogo incrivel, como uma história intrigante e um personagem incrivel - Bullet. O jogo te deixa imerso do inicio ao fim e, por ter uma capanha curta, é possivel terminar a primeira run em um unico dia. Peguei o final ruim na primeira campanha, mas definitivamente irei atrás dos outros finais para entender as pontas soltas deixadas.

Bullet melhor amigo do homem, não repita o ciclo...

Desculpa Bloober Team, a ideia do jogo é até boa, mas o jogo falha em simplesmente tudo que tenta executar.

Juego de terror bastante interesante, con algunos aspectos muy buenos, pero que en la secuencia final baja mucho el nivel

Well, this was... interesting. I expected more scares, but the atmosphere was spot on. The last chapter dragged for too long, I think, so much that I just can't bring myself to play it through again for the other ending. I loved the dog, though!

The Blair Witch it's really a simple and straightforward game. I liked that you can interact a lot with your dog Bullet, but the story and the puzzles are slightly disappointing.

Loved what I played of it, great atmosphere and great story. However, when I played the game was filled with glitches.

also, this was the first horror game i’ve ever played. (not counting five nights at freddy’s.)

If you are a fan of the movie and the mood, this is a really great game honesty. The woods and atmosphere are truly creepy and the scares don’t feel cheap. Love the video camera gameplay. Cons are it can be a bit confusing as to why you are supposed to do and where to go. You’ll def be hitting up the internet for walkthroughs from time to time, but I have a bit of nostalgia for that so it’s doesn’t really bother me too much.

The game does an excellent job at building the atmosphere and creating tension with it. Good story that has branching paths depending on how you play and certain very specific actions can either give you a good or bad ending. My only complaint is that it drags levels for too long sometimes and may become a tedious walking simulator at a few points. The whole house sequence at the end was brilliant, although feels very draggy as well that you would think was merely to extend the runtime.

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This was HORRIFYING and I am convinced that anyone who didn't like this has never gotten lost in the woods before. Right off the bat, I will admit that this is a walking simulator. I don't think that's a bad thing. The game is short but it's super slow paced. It gives itself a ton of time to breathe, and as you very slowly uncover this mystery (that, by the way, does the time loop thing a MILLION times better than the 2016 movie) it feels so satisfying. The open world lends itself great to the super scary feeling of being lost in the woods, and the tape recorder mechanic was a great way to both mechanically hint at the time travel twist and add some interesting story beats. This was an incredible depiction of PTSD as well, one that made Ellis feel layered and multidimensional and not like a war stereotype, and using the Blair Witch as an allegory for the way that veterans can spiral into this violent cycle was really clever. This is one of my favorite stories of any video game I've ever played and I have full faith in Bloober Team to knock the Silent Hill 2 remake out of the park.

Game set me up for the "bad ending" right from the start of my first play through, probably the only thing about this story that isn't overly predictable.

The dinamic with the dog was cool for about 30min, after that the game got boring and I simply couldn't find a motive to keep playing it

spooky and cool but progression doesnt make sense to me I had to abandon the game sadly

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love that the central thesis of this is that if you are severely mentally ill you are irreparably broken and will either die or succumb to your extremely violent impulses. this fucking blows, easily the worst thing with the name Blair Witch - when it's not being boring as shit, it's stealing from the movies and all it really made me want to do is watch the movies again. fuck this lol

Jogo divertido e bem 'spooky', além de ser uma boa homenagem ao filme original.

Expected many more jump scares but ended up being pleasantly surprised.
Turned out the game was really atmospheric and played with you psychologically, twisting your senses and prodding your emotions, which is just how a Blair Witch game should be.
The sequence at the end, in the house, was very good and definitely got my heart beating.

Beautiful graphics don't make up for lackluster gameplay and story

I think I don't like horror games at all...

As far as horror-walking simulators go, this is certainly one of them. The puzzles aren't very difficult and most of the "scares" are really just tension from the unknown. Something moving off screen, making a sound, the dog acting weird etc. Its not terrible, and there are some good scares scattered about, but overall it was a pretty forgettable experience.

Far too easy to get lost in the woods and not know where to go. I think Bullet got better with helping navigation in an update, though. The game itself: boring. Not really worth checking out.

Fazendo jus ao filme e toda expectativa, tem ótimos sustos, sua gameplay convence até metade do jogo, história fenomenal como de costume da Bloomer Team, uma pena que seja muito mau otimizado.