Reviews from

in the past

It has been a while since I beat this game, but I have really fond memories of it. It is a shooter game that doesn't take itself too seriously (which is something not very common, in my opinion). The mechanics in this game are really fun and satisfying and the game is totally worth a play if you enjoy FPS games.

It's nice when a game has a clear simple concept, executed well. At it's heart, that's what bulletstorm is. A FPS which focuses on crazy kills and having fun. A bit like a first person gears of war that takes itself even less seriously, bulletstorm puts you through a while fairly short, pretty fun and action packed campaign. The story doesn't matter, it's all about killing enemies in the mos fun ways possible. You can kick enemies and they go flying. You have a leash to pull enemies towards you. Your guns all have a variety of firing modes, some of which are totally crazy too. Best of all, the environment is set up with a bunch of things to help you kill enemies. The main focus of the game is linking all these together to create ever more crazy kills as you work through the campaign or online multiplayer. In many ways it's a breath of fresh air, focusing 100% on fun, and it mostly succeeds. I really enjoy the challenges it gives you, a checklist almost, which encourages you to kill in different ways. At some points though, it does get a bit samey. It's perhaps because the levels all have the same focus. You are either fighting your way through a series or enemies, or holding a room from an enslaught of enemies. This is maybe a weak criticism, as many games are like that, but i did find myself bored at times. With that in mind, i still highly recommend bullet storm. I like to pull it out every now and again and blast through an hour or two in between playing other games. A nice one to have in the collection.

Good and silly FPS, surprising amount of soul, extremely fun combo/points system. Just in general a really great unserious time.

Pretty mid overall but I remember it more than other shooters released at the time.

Fun game despite it's meh story

There's something to this game. I really wish there was a sequel or some other game that would revisit and polish the ideas in this game. The score attack/stylish combat rankings and the various moves you had with your laser tether thing were great.

An action fps attempt, satirized all it could about shooters of that time and made combat something more meaningful and addictive to the protagonist than alcohol, the writing didn't work for me at any level. Pretty outdated, you are not going to see enemy behaviour comparable to those from devil may cry games in a fps before doom 2016, the kind of enemy bulletstorm makes fun of can only rush or shoot at regular intervals.

My friends and I said this would be the next Borderlands. We were fucking idiots

The developers of Painkiller disappointed me, yes, in the gameplay i see an attempt to bring something new to the shooters, but it`s not exciting enough+terrible character designs and setting.

So I trade jumping for being able to lasso and kick people into all kinds of environmental shit? Alright, we have a deal.

was actually kinda fun, but not my vibes

One of the best fps of the seventh generation. Super fun gameplay and hilarious dudebro attitude.

Oh, Bulletstorm, how delightfully crude you are. For that is the crux of the game's chief aesthetic: A biting, cuss-filled, sci-fi satire of crudeness. Also, you kick and whip people into sharp things, which is pretty damn fun on its own. Literally everything else about this game (the characters, the look, the music) is great, too; the only regret I have about finishing it is that it'll likely never get a sequel.

Лютый шутан. Насыщенное, сверх-динамичное, весёлое, незатянутое приключение. Это описание касается как повествования, так и игрового процесса. Разработчики хотели предоставить максимальное развлекалово игрокам и у них получилось. Игра держит быстрый темп, накидывая кучу противников, с которыми можно разделаться массой способов. 7 пушек и альтернативный огонь у каждой. Механики пинка и хлыста. Взаимодействие с объектами на грамотно задизайненных локациях. Эти элементы генерируют множество ситуаций, а набравшись опыта в голову приходить мысль начать экспериментировать самому. По итогу прохождения игра даже не надоедает. Она короткая, поэтому заканчивается, можно сказать, на пике положительных эмоций, что нечасто увидишь в игровой индустрии именно относительно приедливости игрового процесса. Bulletstorm линейна, вам не нужно заботиться о прокачке или зачистке локаций. Чёткий спинно-мозговой экшен.

Помимо геймплея, развлекают персонажи, КАЖДЫЙ из которых харизматичен и способен зацепить. Несмотря на общую комедийную обстановку, сюжет вполне осмысленен и наблюдать за его развитием хочется. Он написан не на уровне тупого боевичка, хоть и выше головы не прыгает. По мне, это идеальная игра типа «шутерок на вечерок». Придраться тут не к чему. Даже саундтрек порой выдаёт эпик, откликающийся в сердце.

Fun over the top FPS with an arcade style score system for executing combos and crazy/wacky kills. Gameplay is pretty good for its time, story is pretty much nonexistent and forgettable.

A fairly stupid, unimaginative and repetitive FPS that thinks it's way clever than it actually is. The trickshots are fun for an hour, then they get just repetitive and dull. Dialogue so stupid it probably was written by a toddler. Nope thanks.

My guilty pleasure game ... story is cringe, it's too short, but the gameplay is so fun idk why it just works for me fast paced creative, evolving

beneath the snarky, smart-assholery, buried inside of this generic PS3 era campaign there is some pretty on-the-nose but nevertheless knowing commentary about the carelessness of the rogue-ish video game archetype's casual warpath (not only is Grayson, bulletstorm's lead, a pawn for a psychopathic war general in his life before the game, his quest for revenge essentially leads to the destruction of all life he encounters).

but while the game can step up to the line and have its lead character admit his sins, it ultimately falls somewhat short by having supporting characters let him off the hook in the bluntest ways, revealing, unfortunately, the shallow writing propping up wat is mostly an excuse for some creative gameplay and fun video game set-pieces.

the game is maybe the most ps3-ass game i've played since vanquish, which was also a seemingly generic game on the outside, that, too, was hiding some actually pretty fun gameplay that ultimately didn't quite live up to its full potential.

pretty fun overall, i'd say.

This is a goofy shooter with point/combo mechanics similar to the tony hawk games. Your moment to moment concerns will be less about survival and more about whether you should blow an enemy's head off before or after binding them in an explosive chain and kicking them in the testicles. It has come memorable settings as well. Unfortunately the humor did not age well and the game is relatively short, but it's the only game of it's kind.

Enjoyed this a lot as a teenager, but probably wouldn't find it quite so endearing going back now. Filled with endless profanity and dumb jokes, but gameplay-wise it's pretty much a DMC FPS.

Mechanically, it's just like piss.

This game is not great. It's got an arcade-y scoring system but a campaign that isn't that fun to replay. The multiplayer does more with the scoring idea, but was very buggy and empty. When the multiplayer did work, the optimal way to play was very "let player 1 kick them up/slide into them and player 2 blasts them into an environmental hazard."

However, filling out the checklist of every single way you could score a kill is so interesting. The game rewarded curiosity. "Hrm, maybe i'll attach a sticky grenade to this dude, kick him away, do a ground slam with my electro whip, and detonate the explosive while he's up there." "hrm, maybe I'll slide into a guy and shotgun blast him to send him flying into a spike wall." Every time a new finisher name popped-up, you felt smart!
It is certainly a unique shooter with quirky environmental sandbox design that I'll never forget.

Played ages ago when I was too young to be playing it lmao but I remember it was fun.

HATED the story but the gameplay is good

360 ☆☆★★★
Finished on Hard difficulty. This friggin' game, man. What a blast. | "It's a murder party, starring me!"

It's like if Painkiller and Gears of War had a loudmouth, obscenity-spewing child - which is to say, it's pretty awesome. The skillshot system is fantastic even if it does lose some of its luster towards the end, and I expected a little more from the weapon selection. But all in all, Bulletstorm is one satisfying, gratuitously violent shooter with some of the funniest lines in gaming history.

Kill With Skill™ by fragging those charlies with your holosight AR (oorAh) and taking cover to regenerate your health, just like how it was advertised in Duty Calls. Featuring Douche Nocum from the Duke Nukem Forever series.

basically no memory of this one