Reviews from

in the past

Gostei bastante desse segundo game.

Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly takes what I enjoyed about the first game and improved upon it just slightly while retaining the immaculate vibes.

The gameplay remains the same as last time, serving drinks based on their specific requests and every so often some latte art. The game adds more beverages to the table with new ingredients such as Blue Pea and Hibiscus, which I guess explains the title. I love experimenting with the new beverages I can create, and it makes me want to try more coffee flavors in real life.

By far the biggest improvement comes with its story. The game lasts 15 in-game days compared to 8 in the first one, and thanks to its extended length, it gives more time and energy to focus on fleshing out the characters, new and returning faces, and having conversations about their own motivations and struggles. It includes a banshee who has aspirations of becoming a singer but was affected by social media due to the social prejudice of her race, a social media influencer who wants to do right by people while trying to break through and be someone different in an algorithmic world filled with views and likeability, a couple who wants their marriage to be something special but can't decide on what can be suitable for each other, or an average person who wants to live his best life, attempting to find love while also trying to escape his past. These are just a few examples, but each and one of these characters have something people can resonate with, even more so with its predecessor. Not saying the first game's story is bad, I just think the sequel makes a much stronger connection with its characters.

You can't have immaculate vibes without some chill music to set the ambience, and Andrew Jeremy killed it once again. I'm gonna enjoy listening through all of this on Spotify I can tell.

Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly is a great sequel to one of the most coziest visual novels you can find on all modern platforms. With its new features and refined story, combined with its chill atmosphere, this is the perfect game for those who want to sit back, relax, and enjoy the game with a coffee in hand.

Rest In Peace, Mohammed Fahmi

Continua tendo uma vibe muito boa assim como no primeiro jogo.
Na minha opiniao ele melhorou praticamente tudo em relaçao ao primeiro,os personagens novos sao legais e os novos drinks q vc pode fazer sao muito bonitos.
Soundtrack continua muito boa e a arte do jogo tbm continua linda.
Fico triste quando lembro q o criador do primeiro jogo,morreu tem poucos anos por causa da covid.
Entao comprem(tem no gamepass tbm) e joguem,pq é um indie muito bom.

The second episode of Coffee Talk is as good as the first entry, with a couple new gameplay ideas, great storytelling, and amazingly chill tunes.

Olay örgüleri ilk oyundaki kadar ilgimi çekmedi. Ancak içeceklerin çeşitlendirilmesi ve müşterilerin önceki gelişlerinde ne içtiklerini hatırlamaya zorlanmamız hoşuma gitti.
The plots did not interest me as much as in the first game. But I liked that the drinks were varied and that we were forced to remember what customers drank on previous visits.

    This sequel was not dissimilar to the first one, so I don't have a lot to say. But there were some differences and thoughts I had so I'll write them down.

    Firstly, I think there were a few improvements to the first game. For starters, they added more to the gameplay aspect, making the drinks that you had to make not so obvious and also adding slightly more variation to them. They also added the feature of items that you could receive and give to the characters. On top of this, the social media feature was added to, giving a feed to tell you what the other characters are up to. So, overall, the gameplay had an upgrade.

    There were also improvements to small things such as the GUI. In the first game, the chat logs were a bit buggy and inconvenient. For example, when I would open the chat logs I'd have to scroll up a bunch before I even get to where the dialogue is. Here, the logs are much cleaner and operate better, which I appreciate. Also, they gave us a fresh new soundtrack, which is, needless to say, a banger like the first game's was. 

    Only a few new characters were added, and to be honest, I appreciate this decision as I think it fits the setting of a coffee shop well. Instead of making every encounter exciting with new people every time, having familiar faces and casual conversation is definitely where the appeal of the game is for me. And because of this, I like how there were only two major characters added, whilst the other characters were built on further instead, really fleshing them out. One thing I wasn't happy with, though, is the lack of Freya. She is probably my favourite character so having her appear the least made me sad, but it did give room for the other characters to develop more so I understand the decision. 

    Overall, it was a satisfying continuation, making me like it for the same reasons I liked the first game. It tied up loose ends, cleaned up some of the rough areas and in general was a very pleasing sequel. Here's to hoping for a part 3!

Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly is an enjoyable experience overall. It successfully maintains the charm and warmth of its predecessor, delivering a narrative-driven game that feels like a comforting cup of coffee on a rainy day. It might not be a perfect blend, but it certainly offers a satisfying and heartwarming experience for those who enjoy narrative-driven games with a side of fantasy and a splash of coffee!

Read our Full Review >

While not as good as the first Coffee Talk, I still enjoyed my time with Episode 2. It did drag a bit at the beginning, it feeling like that the conversations didn't really go anywhere and just went over the same things over and over again, but I did really enjoy the latter half of the game. The new characters were quite nice, but I wished some of the old characters would have appeared a bit more (besides Baileys and Lua) throughout the game. Overall, it was a nice, relaxing experience with a great cast of characters, but the reliance on the walkthrough for some requests (some were quite unclear) and achievements and the repetition of the same topics again and again definitely hindered the experience a bit.

Even better than the original, every character was handled amazingly here, even if not all my favorites got the most time to shine

It's Coffee Talk, but better. It remains nice and cozy, but it definitely stood out to me that all the conversations are profound and very deep. Not a criticism, just an amusing observation.

RIP Fahmi

Pretty much just more of the same, but considering how charming Episode 1 was, that's hardly a complaint.

Tengo una cafetería de especialidad en Barcelona al que suelo ir. Es un sitio que me suele relajar mucho, y sirve cafés a buen precio y excelente calidad regentado por un matrimonio de una brasileña y un argentino. Sin embargo, una parte por la que me quedo, precio aparte, es porque muchas veces acabo entablando conversación tanto con los dueños como con la otra gente que está por la zona. Es una conversación fluida, que a veces se vuelve muy superficial, pero otras veces más profunda, algunas divertida, pero es puro caos agradable en un entorno tranquilo en el que nadie te va a incomodar salvo que sea un íntegro gilipollas.
Coffee Talk es un juego que a través de sus minijuegos de simulación de barista te permite explorar la atmosfera y simular esas conversaciones. Es un juego que ya desde su música lo-fi y sus elementos minimalísticos pretende generar ese espacio de confort. Para eso, es importante escuchar y experimentar con los ingredientes para dar con la bebida que se te pide. Si fallas, a la tercera ese personaje desaparece y ya no hay historia que seguir, pero incluso en eso hay intentos, e incluso cuando se falla a saco tampoco es un drama exagerado. El juego, además, expande sobre su primera parte, y se ambienta no solo tres años después, sino que coge su base y le añade los objetos y varios ingredientes. Sin embargo, su fórmula apenas cambia, y es porque pretende seguir en ese espacio de confortabilidad que muchos jugaron durante su primera parte.
Para mí, sin embargo, hay muchos problemas. Coffee Talk episodio 2 es una novela visual continuista, pero una cosa que ya me venía irritando del primero es lo antinatural que me resulta. La literatura millenial reciente, la experimental (pienso en todos los que nominaron a los Granta, pero también en voces como las de Irene Solà en parte, Andrea Genovart con su "Consum preferent", o varias novelistas de fuera como Eimear McBride o Claire Louise-Bennett), en una fluidez que viene de representar la voz de los personajes y su flujo de pensamientos. Coffee Talk pretende representar esto: intentar simular que ves a personajes que quieres, voces y temas y carácteres distintos, y que haces eso como si estuvieras viendo y escuchando tras una cortina. Ese voyeurismo, este juego de conocimiento cómplice o vigilante, pero, es más falso de lo que parece, y quizá esto me escama porque, tras leer el texto de Marta Trivi en Anaitgames (, me di cuenta (aunque intuía ya) de lo irritable que es eso: de cómo hay un orden, una cautela excesiva y un script que te explica los problemas y te los espeta. Había ya ese punto incómodo en su primera parte en el cual las cosas se explicitaban demasiado y eran demasiado ordenadas, y aquí a la pulcritud se nota la torpeza.
Dicho esto, no quiero decir que este sea un mal juego. Creo que es un juego con ciertos continuismos que funcionan bien, y hay algún añadido que funciona (las stories me gustan bastante), pero hay otros que me restan como los objetos, y creo que hay algunos temas que se exhiben de forma demasiado abrupta incluso para lo que yo sé cómo son estos sitios. Lo he disfrutado, pero ha sido al darle un par de vueltas cuando también las incomodidades que me producen este juego también han ido saliendo poco a poco. No sé cómo explicarlo, aunque sí puedo decir que lo recomiendo a quienes disfrutaron la primera parte.

Coffee Talk 2- sirveme otra tacita

En esta segunda parte del simulador de cafetero, nos encontramos con nuevas historias y otras que continúan, hoy os cuento mi paso por la cafetería Coffee Talk2.

Lo mismo de siempre, por favor

Para empezar, este juego es una continuación directa del primero. Hay personajes que repiten, y continúan contándole sus historias al barista (el jugador). De ahí que el título sea Episode 2.

El barista les servirá una de sus mejores bebidas (no alcohólicas) para el disfrute del cliente. Al igual que en el primero, estas bebidas se irán desbloqueando por pedidos, experimentos nuestros o por la historia.

La novedad es que nos dan dos nuevos tés, Anchan e hibisco, con los que hacer nuevas mezclas. Y el Tomodachill, la red social ficticia del juego, que nos permite conocer más a los personajes.
El teléfono del barista, cuenta con el Tomodachill, la guía de recetas, una suscripción a un blog de relatos y el spotify de baratillo con la banda sonora del juego, para que la cambiemos a nuestro gusto, mientras trabajamos de barman cafetero.

Aunque a muchos ya los conocemos y sabemos su bebida fetiche, el juego hace ver que el barista ha cambiado de móvil para que tenga que aprender de nuevo todo. Algo bastante puñetero, porque hay clientes que vienen y te sueltan “lo de siempre” y si no te acuerdas, pues le darás algo que no ha pedido y no se pondrá de muy buen humor…

Septiembre de 2023, por fin vienen las lluvias

La trama de Coffee Talk2 se sitúa en un Seattle muy lluvioso de septiembre de este mismo año 2023. Continuando con la historia del primero, nos encontramos en medio de una boda, la de Baileys y Lua, la adorable pareja del primer coffee talk; también nos reencontraremos con Silver el adorable extraterrestre viajero, que continuará con su vida a la llegada de su hermana Amanda.
Otros que también repiten son Hyde y Gala, así como Rachel la Nekomimi, su padre y el superpatrullero Jorgi.

Pero también nos llegarán nuevos clientes como Riona, una banshee adorable que aspira a ser cantante de ópera, pero cuidado con ella, si nos equivocamos más de dos veces en su comanda, la perderemos de vista para siempre.
Igualmente, llegará de nuevas a la cafetería, un influencer fauno adicto a las fotos y a las reseñas de locales, Lucas.

Café y un buen libro

CoffeTalk2 es una novela visual, y como tal tendremos que leer durante horas. Si lo vuestro no son las novelas visuales, alejaros como de la peste de este juego. Vais a tener que leer mucho para enteraros bien de lo que nos cuentan. Gracias a que esta vez contamos con las “historias de tomodachill” que solo duran un día, pero nos dan pistas de las inquietudes por las que pasan los personajes.

Estas inquietudes o historias/fotos, nos darán una ligera idea de lo que quieren tomar nuestros clientes. Deberemos leer mucho cada jornada para saber la afinidad del barista con la del personaje en cuestión. Incluso rejugar un par de veces y cambiar ciertas situaciones para conocer la historia al completo.
El juego transcurre en dos semanas en las que, con un tema central y varios secundarios, deberemos servir bebidas y conversar con nuestros clientes, para descubrir que ocurre en este Seattle tan feérico.

Las bebidas las prepararemos con mucho mimo, eligiendo los ingredientes a conciencia y decorándolas con gusto y arte. Otra de las novedades de este capítulo 2 son los objetos con los que interaccionaremos. Objetos olvidados por nuestros clientes y que deberemos devolver u objetos en los que tendremos que hacer de carteros y entregar de un cliente a otro.


CoffeTalk2 es más de lo mismo: Hacer cafés, tés y demás bebidas calentitas, mientras escuchamos a nuestros clientes y les hacemos de psicólogos. Recupera la fórmula del primero y la mejora un poco, pero tampoco mucho. (si algo funciona no lo toques)
Peca en lo más básico: dar por hecho que los jugadores se pueden acordar de las recetas preferidas de sus clientes como Hide, Jorgi o Gala. Deberían haberlas dejado en el móvil o con un pequeño recordatorio.

Tampoco veo “muy útil” la app del blog, en el anterior tenía su tal porque era el blog que escribía Freya y hacía de resumen de lo que pasaba cada jornada. Desconozco si este también lo escribe ella, pero no aporta nada a la historia troncal.
Por lo demás, si lo vuestro son los juegos cortitos de unas 5-6 horas de duración, pero rejugables y tranquilos, CoffeTalk2 os distraerá muchísimo y no os hará pensar en las complicaciones de la vida.

An amazing sequel to an amazing game, well worth the wait and stays true to the original but adds a little more. The story introduces new faces and brings back old, enthralls you in the world and goes deeper into the relationships between characters. You can tell the devs put their heart an soul into this series. A solid play and a solid experience.

com a súbita morte do criador do primeiro jogo, Mohammad Fahmi, essa sequência chegou repleta de dúvidas, tanto da condição do resto da equipe para continuar esse projeto quanto sobre o jogo em si, será que eles conseguiriam entregar um produto a altura do primeiro?
a resposta é que sim, Coffee Talk 2 é uma sequência incrível para o primeiro jogo, mantendo boa parte da estrutura já estabelecida e funcional do primeiro, mas adicionando algumas outras coisas, como o sistema de itens para se entregar a certas pessoas e duas novas bases para as bebidas: hibisco e blue pea, conhecida também como ervilha borboleta.
os personagens antigos mantém as suas personalidades e características, com a gente podendo ver como que suas vidas tiveram prosseguimento e como eles evoluíram, tanto profissionalmente como pessoalmente, e os personagens novos são bem gostáveis e identificáveis, tornando ainda maior esse amável cast de Coffee Talk
a OST é tão boa quanto a primeira, com o Andrew Jeremy entregando outro álbum de lo-fi excelente, que poderia facilmente passar como um álbum normal, e não a ost de um jogo, e tivemos também uma certa participação especial nela, que é extremamente agradável e um bom fanservice.
no geral, uma ótima sequência que, apesar de tudo que circulou o lançamento dela, manteve o nível da série e até mesmo elevou em alguns aspectos.
rest in peace Fahmi.

Although the original creator of Coffee Talk sadly passed away, they still captured the charme and vibe of the first episode.

It's more of the same, but with QOL improvements!
One of the best comfort games out there.
Lots of chill vibes and subtle rain in the background♥

A must play if you enjoyed the first one and/or enjoyed VA-11 Hall-A

A nice sequel that I liked just a bit less than the first game. Most importantly, the vibes are still there. The chill lo-fi beats, the cute pixel art and simply gameplay form a trio that is ever so serene and peaceful. It makes for the perfect ritual; Complete one in-game day, every day before bed.

On the narrative side of things, I didn't feel like any arc matched the quality of some from the original. But there is still some nice stories, whether that is new characters or furthering development of returning characters.

Mechanics are pretty much the same, and this is something I would like to see overhauled for (hopefully) a third game. There is too much guess work without much ability to test things before committing. Feels like you if you don't blast through it in a few days, you will forget some detail that a character will ask you to remember. It feels bad when you get an order wrong but some orders feel impossible to figure out without a guide, in most games I wouldn't have a problem with this, but it goes against the core feelings that the rest of the game elicits. There are incentives to replay the game through different endings, but this isn't the kind of game I would care to do another playthrough for minor changes in the ending slides.

Looking forward to episode 3, whenever that might happen!

Assim como o primeiro, este jogo é relaxante, ótimo para jogar depois do trabalho ou em dias que você está cansada e precisa de algo leve. Ainda não conclui todos os finais e talvez mais tarde eu faça isso, ainda sobraram alguns mistérios que vale a pena revisitar e descobrir.

This was a really calm and relaxing game. I liked that it took what it did with the first game and extended it with more characters, but also did it without needing to know what happened in the first game completely (tho it is a better experience after playing the first one)

i’m currently grinding away to get the last few achievements, but i’ve played the game more than once and I feel comfortable reviewing it now.

this is probably the purest sequel to exist. it’s “safe” in that the only gameplay changes are adding two, new drink bases, the ability to give some items to customers, and most of the original cast returns with a few new faces. that “safe-ness” is not a bad thing though! it’s familiar and the game leans into the theme of change, but wanting stability. big fan of this. guess i’ve been burned by bad sequels too many times lol.

new characters are cute ‘n fine. jokes and story maintains the quality of the original. music is still fire.

i really don’t have any critiques for this game, but it doesn’t hugely innovate. it does everything well like it did in the first one which is all i could’ve asked!

Apesar de manter todo o carisma do primeiro jogo (nada como fazer café ou conversar com alguém ouvindo um bom lo-fi) e apresentar umas mecânicas novas interessantes, essa sequência não me cativou tanto quanto eu gostaria. Apesar de gostar dos personagens novos eu senti uma falta de conexão com a maioria deles, como se alguns dos plots não ornassem — dito isso, a história do Lucas e da Riona foi bem legal de acompanhar. Além disso, os replays necessários para alcançar 100% do jogo ficam um pouco cansativos nas últimas horas, mas a função de avançar rápido pelos diálogos ameniza um pouco isso. No geral, é uma sequência boa, mas que não melhora muito o que o primeiro jogo teve a oferecer.

Once again a beautiful story with interesting new characters and old acquaintances!

Secondo me, purtroppo, meno interessante del primo gioco nonostante l'entusiasmo che vedo qua su Backloggd. Inoltre, mi pare fin troppo facile sbagliare diversi degli ordini da preparare per i vari clienti, e l'aggiunta della possibilità di consegnare agli stessi degli oggetti a fini narrativi è implementata troppo male. Almeno, l'atmosfera lo-fi-beat-ass-sex-pop è rimasta, i personaggi son comunque tutti carini e abbastanza ben scritti ed è un piacere poterla rivivere

Society if I could kill people I don't like (Hyde)

Much weaker than the first, RIP the creator, but still an amazing OST and super cool and unique characters

Wanted to skip waaaaay too often
(And I did it with no regrets)

These games always have a way of putting me at ease and I really enjoyed how they expanded on the characters from the first game :)