Reviews from

in the past

Some very glaring issues with this. You get punished for playing with a larger FOV, because there's no way to zoom in on what you're doing when you're performing any cooking actions (i.e. chopping ingredients, seasoning, etc), which makes aiming an absolute pain and made it nigh upon impossible to grab my food from the oven. The actual controls do not translate well to a mouse and keyboard setting because of how accurate the developers are trying to be with rotation and moving tools/containers up and down, so it feels really sluggish and strange doing simple tasks like transferring items from fryer baskets to a plate (which is where I also ran into some bugs of my food items phasing through the basket & plate). And there's this constant struggle of needing something in your hand vs needing to put it down somewhere (and it's not as simple as it seems, because you often need a specific angle to place something down on a surface; it gets quite finicky) because you can't hold more than one tool/item at a time on your person, and tongs/oven mitts don't exist in this game so you always have to use containers to transfer hot food. The main career mode definitely has a demanding time component, so since I could not get used to the awkward controls and preparation, I found career mode quite punishing and unfun. I'm constantly reminded that I'm basically performing a service/chore made significantly more grueling thanks to the non-fluid control scheme, while not actually getting one of the main perceived benefits from the process (that is, taste testing your own food).

I just think this game doesn't understand what it wants to be. There's not enough looseness with the mechanics of the game for this to serve as a creativity simulator; mixing & matching ingredients and experimenting with different techniques is crucial to creating interesting and appealing dishes in the real world, and that's just not possible in a game this streamlined and stiff. The controls feel too slipshod and non-intuitive at times to keep up with customer demand as a management simulator. And there aren't enough things I can light on fire or get a reaction out of microwaving for this to be an effective meme simulator. At least you can still microwave the fire extinguisher.

Best part of this game were the commands that gave you all the Xbox achivments.

Não me deixa criar uma corrente de botijas de gas e destruir toda a cozinha no processo 5 de 10

A proposta é interessante, mas é um jogo que deveria funcionar na pressa e não funciona. Você não consegue usar o mop ou a espatula de forma que não jogue tudo para os ares. Fora que o jogo as vezes dá uns glitches e ai se foi prato feito, ingredientes, isso chega a ser muito frustrante. Não sei porque toca uma música de natal no menu hahaaha. No final você acaba com o balcão cheio de temperos e garrafas, e ai tudo começa a dar errado.

Não sei o que aconteceu, mas esse jogo tá horrível no pc.

Não sei se foi o meu pc, mas a sensibilidade do mouse, os controles, tudo tava esquisito. A movimentação da camera tava muito estranha.

Joguei um pouco pra ver se acostumava mas não foi. Pra mim esse jogo só serve pro VR.

oddly more fun than what my and the average ratings make it seem. it's a physics-based cooking sim and that's about what you get. you can play seriously or be silly, and it fulfills both quotas.

my only real complaint is the burgers. you do not need to stack the ingredients like a burger to get a 5-star burger. if you just drop the correctly cooked and portioned ingredients onto a plate you will ace it. this was a 5-star burger according to the game.

i have no clue how you could even code some sort of method of detecting if the burger is stacked. but these burgers are ridiculous

Very goofy cooking game that is made to make you feel like you have Ratatouille controlling your every move, but only after he imbibed one too many brewskis before cooking.

I did not play the campaign, and I don't dare to. I guess if you're looking for some sort of semblance of control in your life, then sure, but I think this game is best played with full access to everything immediately. It's very funny for a good few hours, but the physics can get infuriating; my plates in the pizza DLC kept shattering if I just blinked at them the wrong way.

Overall, it's the kind of game I go back to when I want to goof off with my friends, but probably wouldn't binge in one long sitting like other games.

I like the idea of this game, but the standard controls are very frustrating, and the challenges don't feel balanced.

Watching youtubers play this in edited clips is more fun than actually playing it yourself.

It was clearly not made for switch


Sandbox mode is the best imo

Frame rate on switch was hurting my eyes so I couldn't stomach playing it anymore

"Simulator" is code for "low effort"

damn its almost as if something as contextual as cooking doesnt really transfer well in a video game with limited control options and, you know, being unable to taste the thing you made.

this game looks so fun to play but then once you play it its complete bullshit

Cooking Simulator really is one of the best example of a Youtube game. Its fun to see someone else struggle with for a bit, but really sucks as an actual game. The controls are horrid, the physics feels purposefully off to make the game "wacky," and the overall experience seems distracted from what it could, and should be. Overall a very disappointing experience, and a fact that I find sad. It is obviously that this could be a very interesting game or more so "tool" to teach or just experiment with cooking; being in an environment that is, being digital of course, much more forgiving of mistakes or simply messing around. Yet it is nothing but a sad mess of a game with little enjoyability.

i put like 30 hamburger patties in a bucket, dropped them on the grill and the game crashed. 10/10

It took me an hour to make a sandwich. This game is a fun sandbox experience but I cannot recommend it for any actual "gameplay"

Довольно забавный симулятор повара

É legal por 10min, mais que isso tem que ser maluco!

this game is incredibly buggy and the bugs are so bad at times that it gets frustrating (such as objects randomly sinking through the chopping bored). not sure if i'm just bad at the game but my recipes never look good. anyway, it's pretty fun. i enjoy it a lot.

Esperava mais desse jogo, muito bugado e faltam muitas funcionalidades básicas, como por exemplo, salvar o progresso do jogo automaticamente quando troca o dia

never played the campaign so im gonna say retired

Extremely fun to play with friends