Reviews from

in the past

It's a nice little game, especially for being in early access. It takes a lot of the cool elements of Terraria, Minecraft, and Stardew Valley and fits it into this nice little package. I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

Game #68: Core Keeper

As a person who got bored pretty quickly from Terraria and Minecraft, I wanted to give Core Keeper a chance. Well, even though it's still in early access CK is a good game. But nevertheless I still got bored from it quickly.


Great art style, great combat, fun automation without feeling cheesy, and is constantly being updated. Fantastic soundtrack as well to top it all off. I spent more hours week 1 than I'd like to admit. I put it down for now, but plan to come back after a few more updates so I can have more content to explore instead of rushing through the bosses.

Really addicting fun. The rpg mechanics make it great

Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew Valley karışımı ve en az bu oyunlar kadar kaliteli bir yapım. Daha fazla kişilerle oynadıkça keyif katsayınız da artar. 7 saat başından kalkmadan oynadığımız oldu arkadaşımla, bağımlılık yapan bir tarafının da olduğunu söylemek gerek. Hala oynamaya devam ediyoruz, yılın en adı sanı geçmeyen oyunlarından biri olarak daha fazla değer görmesini isterim.

It's okay! I think it has a nice fun feel to it but I almost feel Stardew Valley has a better gameplay loop and it feels much more laid back, but also fleshed out due to having more things to interact with (NPCs, storylines, etc.)

It's got good combat and bosses but I always like the exploration aspect the most. (review will be updated when it's finished.)

Le volveremos a dar una rejugada cuando salga la 1.0 este año, pero creo que 61 horas de juego en 3 semanas lo dice todo jajaja

Totalmente recomendable, ojo, para jugar con gente, se hace mucho mas ameno

un decente juego sandbox, aun esta en desarollo asi que esta review de seguro se desactualiza

fun for a week but then my friends stopped

Un juego bastante majo para jugar con amigos.
La banda sonora está muy bien, el estilo artístico es precioso y en general es muy entretenido.
Los puntos malos son es que a veces spawnean demasiados enemigos porque sí, casi cualquier enemigo hace una cantidad enorme de daño aun en los compases finales del juego y hay algún jefe (el pulpo) que es absurdamente complicado. Además, si no tienes contigo una fuente de luz no se ve nada.
Está en early access, por lo que tengo muchas ganas de que puede dar cuando esté acabado.

Played from – to: (2023-01-26 – 2023-02-18) – PC keyboard.
‣ 6/10 – Hope the full version has more balance and less grind.
‣ Thoughts: After 40 long and chaotic hours, we have reached a rather anticlimactic conclusion in this game’s story. What I mean is, we beat every boss that has been released so far and explored all there is to explore. In terms of story, I wouldn’t say Core Keeper has much. Defeating bosses does not provide lore, besides go west or east for you next target and the NPCs you bring back have no dialogue. Safe to say Core Keeper is not a narratively driven game. Your biggest reward for overcoming any fight is a piece of armor or a weapon. Everything else, like the location of your next target or better gear is a grind. Exploring the randomly generated biomes provides enough to keep you going, however the map is so big it made me narcoleptic. Some important locations you will need to reach are going to be so far that even a singular portal won’t be enough. For me, Core Keeper is that type of game where for every positive thing I have to say, there are two negatives that I can easily find. My best advice would be to play this on normal, because hard is unbalanced to the point where two players with the best possible weapons don’t have enough DPS to survive the onslaught of tornadoes that accumulate faster than flies on left over shit. Slime boss fights are repetitive and there’s at least 5 of them. Not only that they have an invisible target range that if exited will make them regenerate all the health instantly and reset the fight. Overall, Core Keeper just screams unbalanced repetitiveness. Every cool item you might want to craft will suck up all the recourse supply you’ve gathered. Portals literally take 20 minutes to boot up, and boss location items ask you to gather materials that spawn once in a blue moon and can’t be all collected in one world. Safe to say I’m not really a fan of this game, although there were moments where I loved it. My biggest praise for this game is its art style. The shadows and reflections look amazing. Secondly it is the unique boss fights and their attack effects. The rest, sadly, needs work.

¿Te imaginas un juego mezcla de Terraria, Minecraft y Valheim? Pues si los conoces y te gustan pon toda tu atención porque hoy vengo a hablaros de mis primeras horas jugando a Core Keeper, un simulador de supervivencia y RPG tipo sandbox, ambientado en el mundo minero y que está siendo desarrollado por el estudio Pugstorm y editado por Fireshine Games. Digo «desarrollando» porque se encuentra en una fase avanzada de acceso anticipado (salió el 8 de marzo del pasado 2022) y cada día tiene mejor pinta. De hecho el próximo 4 de octubre se espera una nueva actualización conocida como Frontera Refulgente.

No voy a tratar de deciros que va a ser el próximo exitazo, porque eso es una realidad, lleva en año y medio más de 1 millón y medio de copias vendidas y sus reseñas positivas en Steam son más de un 90%. Así que vengo a contaros lo que estoy encontrando en Core Keeper en su estado actual tras más de 8 horas de juego, y el porqué de su éxito.

Perdido y solo en mitad de la oscuridad

Formas parte de un grupo de exploradores que se dirigen a investigar una reliquia antigua y misteriosa, tras llegar al lugar decides tocarla e instantáneamente eres transportado a una oscura y misteriosa cueva subterránea. Solo, perdido y atrapado en mitad de la nada deberás conseguir sobrevivir en las profundidades subterráneas a cientos de peligros y enemigos mientras exploras kilómetros y kilómetros de galerías bajo tierra.

Como argumento y contexto narrativo es básico pero la verdad es que la historia es suficientemente atractiva para establecer una base para Core Keeper. Un juego que centra todos sus esfuerzos en la diversión y en ser realmente adictivo.

Sobrevivir nunca había sido tan divertido y adictivo

Las mecánicas de Core Keeper recuerdan (se nota la inspiración) a otros grandes del género como Minecraft o Terraria. Los jugadores comienzan en un entorno hostil, desconocido y peligroso, y deben minar recursos, construir refugios, crear herramientas, armas y enfrentarse a desafíos naturales y enemigos para sobrevivir y avanzar en la exploración. Si has jugado a juegos del estilo, todo te parecerá familiar. Empiezas a jugar y al rato te das cuenta que estás creando objetos, minando como si lo hubieses hecho toda la vida, y sin que te lo hayan explicado. Es todo muy intuitivo.

Ambientado en un mundo minero, os tengo que reconocer que cavar será lo que más hagáis, pero es muy divertido y adictivo. Es como si relajase ver como se van formando galerías. Por momentos venían a mi cabeza imágenes de Dungeon Keeper… cosas de viejos. Cavando y cavando podrás subir de nivel, aumentar las habilidades de tu personaje en minería. Al igual que puedes subir en cocina, creación de objetos, combate,… todo lo necesario para que las mecánicas de RPG te den la sensación de ir avanzando y progresando.

El número de opciones de crafteo, personalización y la amplitud del mundo abierto tipo sandbox que nos presenta Core Keeper son enormes y provoca que sea un pozo sin fondo de horas. Empiezas a jugar y sin darte cuenta el reloj no frena y no te aburres ni un momento. ¡Es muy divertido!

Qué bien le sientan los pixeles a Core Keeper

El apartado gráfico de este entrañable juego de supervivencia es un bonito pixel art que si bien tiene un cierto tono oscuro o triste le sienta muy bien a la ambientación de un mundo perdido donde estás solo. El movimiento de los personajes, enemigos e incluso la iluminación está tratado con maestría y resulta realmente atractivo. Me encantan los diseños y la elección de la paleta de colores, sin dudarlo es muy llamativo y el cuidado de cada detalle es asombroso.

Los sonidos de Core Keeper y su banda sonora no desmerecen a los bellos gráficos, de hecho hacen que la ambientación sea más envolvente, el mundo se siente más vivo gracias a los efectos acústicos y la música.


Tras probarlo me atrevo a afirmar que Core Keeper es un éxito y lo es por méritos propios. Su número de jugadores y el elevado número de reseñas positivas lo avalan, pero si dejamos a un lado las frías cifras lo verdaderamente importante es que es realmente divertido y adictivo. Y ese es su secreto.

Yo lo he probado en solitario, pero la experiencia en cooperativo (hasta para 8 jugadores) tiene que ser plena, ya que por sus mecánicas es un juego ideal para divertirse con amigos. Un juego que además crece gracias a su comunidad y los mods que ya existen y que dará contenido para cientos y cientos de horas. Core Keeper todavía tiene mucho que mostrarnos, y prueba de ello es que el próximo 4 de octubre llega una actualización que promete mucho más contenido. Si os gustan este tipo de juegos, de verdad que no podéis dejar de probar lo nuevo de Pugstorm.

if Terraria and Minecraft had a weird baby that featured some minecraft mods, while simultaneously feeling like its own unique thing. also the musics godlike. chill game

Core Keeper é, praticamente, uma mistura de Terraria e Stardew Valley que deu MUITO CERTO!

Neste jogo, você desbrava um mundo subterrâneo, cavando seu caminho afim de encontrar novas cavernas, biomas, materiais e equipamentos para ficar mais forte, derrotar bosses e entender porquê há um misterioso núcleo no centro de toda essa rede de cavernas subtérreas. O jogo possui um mapa GIGANTESCO (randomicamente gerado) e mistura alguns elementos RPGs, ala Terraria, permitindo ao jogador criar/encontrar armas, armaduras e outros elementos para ficar mais forte conforme explora as cavernas. O jogo também conta com diversas mecânicas secundárias como um sistema de culinária, plantio, pesca e construção de maquinários para automatizar algumas das funções básicas do jogo (como mineração).
Indispensável dizer que a ambientação de Core Keeper é fantástica: A pixelart é muito boa, os efeitos visuais de luzes e reflexos são belíssimos e a SoundTrack é muito agradável. Tudo combinando e enriquecendo bastante a experiência de gameplay do jogo.

O jogo ainda está em Early Access, mas constantemente lança correções e adiciona mais conteúdos. A versão atual conta com bastante coisas para fazer - vários inimigos e bosses para derrotar, biomas para explorar e melhorias para achar/fazer - assim sendo, desde já, uma ótima opção de jogo para quem curte o estilo dos jogos acima citados.

Its terraria with a top down view, very fun with a bunch of friends

Upon looking at this game first, you may think that this is another Stardew Valley game, Terraria game, or Minecraft (especially with the familiar fonts), but letme tell you that it's all of them, but unique?

This is Core Keeper, one of the newest games on the block since the 2020s. You play as an explorer that upon grouping with two other poeple, you discover some "core" on the surface that when reacting to it, you get sent to the underground.

You might find yourself in an enclosed space, but with the tools that you are given (depending on which skill that you chose in the beginning), you are able to get out of the place, and explore more of the underground. I'd like to call this exploration design something similar to Terraria's "Don't Dig Up/Zenith seed." Your goal is simialr to that game too in which that you need to gear up, fight bosses, and suvive and find more about the "underground" that you've explored.

Now as of making this review. I only know much about the beginning stages of this game, so it's up to you to figure out from others or for yourself on how the rest of the game will do.

Quite a pleasant entry in the crafty-explorey-base building genre. There's a gorgeous pixel art top down aesthetic that just looks absolutely fantastic, and there are moments of great beauty looking out across flooded caverns illuminated by glowing blue flowers.

There were a couple of flies in the ointment. Tried playing this in a group of 4 or 5 pals, and the scaling on the boss combat feels decidedly wonky, one boss is notorious for being nigh-impossible with a large party. The time/reward ratio on some activities felt disproportionate - there's an extensive fishing system with equippable rods, baits and buffs, but in the time it took me to catch half a dozen fish my pal could grow hundreds of vegetables. Other times, if you wanted to refloor a room it was always a total chore- walls are incredibly abundant from mining, but you have to specifically go out of your way to dig out bottomles s pits in order to collect the appropriate ground tiles. One of the worst elements for me personally is the complete absence of signs, making it nigh-impossible to effectively organise a group base without repeatedly being asked "where do we keep the minecarts"

I enjoy the look, I enjoy a lot of the systems, I greatly enjoy making little rail lines to all corners of the map. Something holds me back from a ful lthroated endorsement, and I'm really optimistic that by the end of early access it'll be firing on all cylinders. As-is, it's 90% there, and just needs a little axle grease to make it perfect.

minecraft and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Wonderful to discover and create in it- Allows for base building, crafting, and has Great multiplayer. The bosses are rightfully daunting, but the rewards for besting them are great!
It's still in development and there's been some great content updates!

Its a cool take on mining survival games, but it got boring after the second boss for me. Fun to play with friends tho.

One of the best games I've ever played. It's gorgeous and can run on my old laptop. The amount of love and time the devs consistently put into Core Keeper is truly astounding. I could (and did) sit for several hours a day for several months playing Core Keeper. Deserving of a full 5 stars.

i think i found my newest obsession for this year

A friend gifted it to me and I played it for a couple hours and got bored, im sure i would enjoy it if i gave it the time but it will probably be a while.

its pretty boring on your own, if one of my friends were to play it with me I feel like my opinion would change for the better

One of the best of these Terraria / Minecraft types I've played. Really beautiful pixel art, nice subtle music and sound design, and some great design and pacing decisions that fixes a lot of issues I often find with these games.

Exploring outwards from a central area, instead of just starting in a random spot of an infinite world, helps a lot with keeping things interesting since you feel like you're always working towards a new biome and new items. And I feel like the pacing of new items / tiers of tools is really solid - you don't feel stuck at one tier for too long but it also doesn't progress so fast that the tools are running out of usefulness before you even get a chance to use them.

i feel like a government plant every time i mention this game in vc

Terraria en moins bien. Non, petite blague vu que les jeux n'ont rien à voir, et qu'accessoirement le jeu est toujours en early access, c'est cool mais y'a des crafts qui demandent beaucoup trop de ressources et les aller-retours sont juste chiants. Les 3 derniers boss sont assez cool comparés aux premiers.

Pretty good, but also pretty boring.

Early game Core Keeper is fun. You mine for ore, run away from enemies because you're too weak to fight them, and then eventually get good enough armour and weapons.

Then you venture out to the next area. You mine for ore, run away from enemies because you're too weak to fight them, and then eventually get good enough armour and weapons.

And repeat.

Not to say it isn't fun, it's just that this structure gets boring after a while. There are bosses, but they seem to be extremely hard compared to what weapons you currently have. (or maybe I'm just bad, who knows)

Do take this with a grain of salt though, as the game is still in early access, so my issues may be addressed in the future.

Worth a purchase, but probably only on sale.