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in the past

This game rocks.
I am a fan of this wave of retro platformers, but there is often a feeling that they are missing an aspect of the experience of the games they aspire to be like. Some tend to hyperfocus on one thing like exploration or platforming challenges, sandbox movesets or just looking cool. This game has it all.
Every area just feels so tightly designed. There's a purpose to every element, but they don't feel empty. The world is just really dense.
The main character is so fun to move around with. The headbutt walljump combo feels as satisfying to me as using cappy in SMOdyssey.
I have to say I'm more of a nearest neighbor kinda guy with low rez textures, but this game largely pulls the N64 style off amazingly and all of the character designs and animations are absolutely fantastic. I love Seve and Alexis.
And this is the hard part: it doesn't just have a great character to move around with and look at, this game has great level design. You use your powers in all kinds of ways and no challenge really feels like just a repeat. There's always evolution and fun creative ideas to keep it fresh. All while largely moving around these big world areas that give you a great sense of exploring every nook and cranny of the area you're in.
Idk man, if you enjoy Collect-a-thon platformers, this game should be on your list.

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7 dollar taste of what could've been an incredible fleshed out N64 collectathon platformer from late in the year 2000. no but really the animation on the main character particularly is amazingly smooth and seamless and it's fun and it's funny go play it

oh hold up spoilers --------------
I take issue with how long and tedious it is to find some secret xp cubes but it turns out there's like a ton of super secret shit too that has to do with the shiny screws that are hard to find. and you'll only really know what to do if you peruse the steam community forums and even then bash your head against the wall for a while. I guess this scratches the decades old stop'n'swap itch but idk how I feel about it. yeah 100%ing this is killing me there's no fast movement you just walk around looking for shit for hours. so, give it a good run through once for a banjo-kazooie adventure, and go for 100% if you somehow liked donkey kong 64

Millennial Conker's Bad Fur Day to both its own benefit and detriment.

The aesthetic and soundtrack for this game are really nice. It’s very clear where the game gets its inspiration from, and it emulates the feel of those n64/ps1 era collectathons very well. Sadly, this game suffers from a lack of distinct direction. I never know where I’m supposed to be in any level or what I’m supposed to be aiming for. Whenever you play sm64 or banjo Kazooie, you always know what your goal is and what you can obtain at any given time. That’s not the case for Corn Kidz 64. Also, why is it called corn kids? There isn’t even any corn!

Someone needs to tell me to stop buying precision platformers, because they consistently make me miserable. It's a solid platformer, just don't expect much level variety. Personally not a big fan of the grungy cartoon aesthetic, but if that's your thing, maybe give this a try. The anxiety tower had me wanting to off myself with all the horrendous camera angles aggravating already tight jumps.

This game does a great job replicating that old 3D-platformer difficulty, and it ramps up even more by the last stretch. The game is supposed to be 2 hours long (It took me 4 days to beat). Don't expect too much from the story, but you're free to dig around the map for lore.

If you're itching for some challenge- this is it. If you still find it too easy try the mirror dimensions hidden around the map (sick freak) I still recommend it for the experience alone. Its fun and not too hard, and you get to play as a goat too!

Really good for it's price, but sometimes too vague and difficult, you need to repeat long stretches of platforming over and over again which makes it too repetitive. Make main content a bit easier, save big challenges to side conetent and it will be fine.
Visually it's beautiful retro look with many options to make it fit your preferences. Music is good and with visual together they make really unique atmosphere.
I wish there was more levels with unique themes than 3 while one humongous one that takes 3/5 of your experience.
Still had a good time, hopefully next game will be more polished and complete.

i didnt even play it but the 64 in the title is pissing me off

Captures the N64 3D platformer era better than any modern game I've played & the more dark / twisted take on the aesthetics help it stand out as more than a homage while also being a treat to take in. The movement feels solid with a lot of manoeuvres feeling satisfying to perform & the animations are always extremely expressive & entertaining. Soundtrack is also great while feeling like a perfect match.

Its clear there is a lot of passion but this doesn't feel fleshed out enough for me to finish it. Feels more like a tech demo.

Sure, its got a tightly knit control scheme but ultimately the level design isn't really there to complement it and the camera offered here needs improving.

That said, I would gladly consider purchasing the dev's next work if the kinks could be ironed out.

whole lotta fun! one of the better retro 3d platformer indie games i've played. solid feeling movement, great look and aesthetic and some really cool character designs. the later game platforming challenges especially were incredibly satisfying and felt great to do. not real complaints, wish there was maybe 1 or 2 more worlds and my zoomer dopamine needing brain probably would have preferred a more exciting collectable over XP pellets but that's a super personal and minor nitpick. for $7 this is well worth the time!

I've tried three different retro 3D platformers recently, and of the three this one was the most aesthetically appealing to me. It really captures what was fun and fascinating about late 90s platformers. I highly recommend you check this one out.

Pretty fun platformer reminiscent of N64 days, expect a huge difficulty spike in the final level.

Really cool and short 3D Platformer that almost plays a bit like a 3D Metroidvania. I could see something like this being expanded to a full feature-length game, but as is, it's nice and cozy 3D collect-a-thon that doesn't bolt itself to being like Mario 64 or Banjo-Kazooie in overall style. And it's apparently bonkers in terms of secrets, so there's always that scavenger hunt to go back to.

More Tooie than Kazooie, and with inconsistently accurate attacking mechanics that'll have you occasionally wanting to pull your hair out as much as the mostly godawful music.

Still a lot to like here for an indie, but ultimately disappointing given how highly everyone else had spoken about this.

This is a 3D platformer with a really solid player controller. The challenges are often quite satisfying to overcome, and platforming around feels nice and intuitive. It's also got really funny writing.

The graphics are really on point and genuinely look era appropriate. If this game actually released on the N64 back in the day, we'd be talking about it alongside games like Banjo Kazooie.

Though the game isn't without its issues. I wish the game was longer (though the game only costs £5.89), but also I feel the level design sometimes lets it down. There's a few platforming challenges in this game that are made more difficult than they need to be, primarily because you're fighting with the camera.

I also really wish the soundtrack was better. It's got a fun and quirky tone, but it's far too repetitive and can get a bit grating. This would be alleviated if some of the songs had B sections that were more harmonically diverse.

In spite of these issues, I'd wholeheartedly recommend this game to any 3D platformer fans.

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Incredibly accurate to the 90s rareware platformers it's mimicking, for better or worse.

In it's level design, this game generally takes the more classic approach of not communicating much to you outside of very specific hints given by Alexis. While I feel this is the games greatest design asset, there are certain interactables that don't visually communicate well that something can be done with them. An example in the main story being metal bars that can be knocked down that don't really stand out in the environment. I took an unintended route and only learned that they were there after beating the game. There are also some issues with how fall damage works, the camera being claustrophobic in areas, and certain objects like breakable walls not always saving their states whenever you fall out of the level. A lot of these issues are inherited from the games that inspired it however, and thankfully Corn Kidz never gets to the same lows as say Clanker's Cavern or Rusty Bucket Bay in Banjo Kazooie, but it's something to be aware of.

The writing, while overall pretty good has some moments where it's 90's edge is pretty heavy handed. There are parts where this is somewhat refreshing, and others where it probably should have stayed in the era that it came from. The worst example of this is a somewhat distasteful joke after completing Garbage Grump's quest. That whole exchange feels incredibly out of place with the rest of the game and doesn't sit well with me knowing that Seve is meant to be in the tweens age range. Aside from that and a few other lines, the wring is fine.

At the same time this game just oozes style and charm in it's graphics, music and character design, with Seve and Alexis being particularly great. I really liked the interactions between Seve and Alexis and I wish I got to see them interact more. Alexis is also just, the best character in a video game ever.

I'd definitely recommend trying this out if you're familiar with games that inspired it! If not I still recommend trying it, but be aware that it follows its inspirations to a fault at times.

Definitely the best-looking N64-inspired platformer I’ve played this year. Fun character designs and super expressive, squishy animations for NPCs and enemies alike. Gameplay is a fun mix of regular platforming and Uncharted-style ledge-grabbing, and it works surprisingly well.

The tutorial level is a bit too long for its own good. I’d say it took me like 30-40 minutes, and there’s A LOT of expository nitty-gritty mechanical stuff that absolutely should not have been there in the first place.

The second level is the Hollow and it’s basically the rest of the game.

Okay yeah the game is short (I finished around 4 hours) but even that feels too long to spend in this one place. It gets repetitive.

I also wish there was fast travel or a better shortcut system. You can warp to certain checkpoints if you fall from a great height, which is good; but you have to be falling from a great height, and you always take damage anyways, which is bad.

Also fall damage, blah.

Then, there’s the collectibles, which is XP. This never felt exciting to collect for some reason? There’s a lot of it to find at first, but it’s always such a miniscule amount. It’s hard to get excited when you have to complete a ridiculous platforming challenge for one measly XP. Also, the only thing XP unlocks are doors. What the heck, dude! At least give me some unlockable abilities or something.

Eventually, the platforming and weird puzzles congeal in the third level, but by then, the game’s already over.

Not feeling it. Glad I gave it a shot, and I’m sure it’ll definitely find its audience, but I wanted something a bit more.

It feels like a tech demo of something bigger. The movement is perfect tho and the moveset incredible

Controls feel amazing, aesthetics and humor are both really great and I love the whole “super inaccurate stephen king adaptation” gag, but I’d be lying if I said this didn’t frustrate somewhat often due to unclear instructions. Still, a fun time and very valiant effort that earns a lot of extra good will off personality and vibes, helps that the platforming and exploration itself is so fun.

I really wanted to like this game, I really did. The excitement I saw people have made me crave this as I love the era of platformers this game is trying to invoke. What I got is a game that I just ended up disliking the more and more I played. I will say the game does have two positives that I think are very strong.
The art direction is great and the music kicks ass. I still think this despite really being negative on the game elsewhere. The biggest annoyance in the game to me is the extreme lack of direction. I understand the game is not holding your hand but it expects you to go one path and instead of telling you to do that just shrugs and throws 5 different paths your way and has the correct one be a hidden 6th path. The gameplay also is not the funnest to me, the game seems to want you to do tight platforming but does not really provide the means to do said tight platforming. I don’t know I like platformers but this game got to the point where it was just making me mad with some of its expected platforming especially when combined with areas where it was unclear what I was even platforming too. Finally I get its going for an early 3D platformer feel but did it really need to have an awful camera as well? That thing just served to make the game even harder to navigate.
I think the game has a solid foundation and I think the devs can have a fun time, but this game just falls flat for me. It just ended up not fun to play and made me wish I was playing other platformers both old and new. I really hate to be this negative on the game since it was clearly made with heart but I just did not have a good time.

im not really banjo pilled and this is more of a banjo pilled game, if you are banjo pilled tho you'll probably like this a lot better than i did

Perfectly embodies what it is, a bizarre scene take on a Rare platformer. What it has over Rare platformers tho is that it's fun to control at almost all times! Definitely post Odyssey in its controls and movement mechanics. That said it's got some little nit picks, the most pertinent to me being that the camera makes me motion sick 90% of the time. Otherwise really fun

A pretty challenging 3D platformer but in a good way!

Controls take some getting used to but once you do it’s fun figuring out how to get to certain areas using your single wall jump and dash abilities.

I like how weird the dream world you explore is and the dislike for a few chuckles out of me at times!

A little on the short side but I hope that just means we get a bigger sequel down the road cause I’d for sure play it.

Nitro Rad overhyped this ngl. Still fun tho

i’ve been wanting a game like this my entire adult life, the movement feels really good

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lil goat dude never got his nachos :(

Corn Kidz 64 is a love letter to classic 3D platformers, and is made with nothing but love.

The game oozes with the 90's kids cartoon style with the main characters Seve and Alexis looking like they were ripped straight out of some particularly grunge-y one, and the worlds feel ripped straight out of N64 game that says "COOL" somewhere on the back of the box.

The game plays pretty great, the platforming is pretty tight, the worlds although there's only 3 of them are filled with detail to make sure they last, and there's enough secrets to look for to make it just not laser focused on your main objective, in-fact the game's "Level" system forces you to find some of them to progress forwards, kind of like a badly telegraphed Mario 64 Star Door, though it could have been done better by designing it more like that, instead of having like 200 cubes, have about 50-70 and the doors require that specific amount, the level thing makes it feel like it's used for extra abilities, or just as a bonus, so it kind of tripped me up when I found out they were required.

There are some issues with the gameplay, for one there's only one real major world, with the first one being kind of a tutorial level with some things to do in it, and the other being exclusively a final level gauntlet, and the camera angles can screw over your platforming a lot, there probably should have been an extra reach to a lot of the platforms to make up for the fact that you'll probably be a bit imprecise due to the weird camera angles.

There was only a single boss-fight, but that's not much of a complaint because it fits in pretty well for a 3D platformer, revolving around dodging attacks then platforming to win, but having to aim stuff without a reticle and with a very awkward aiming system sucks almost as much as it did in OoT.

Sometimes finding out where to go in the level the game revolves around, the Hollow, gets a bit confusing because of how obtuse some things can be, It's not too bad and it does serve the old-school style very well so it's only a minor complaint.

There's not much else to say about the game though, It's so old school that the music is just alright and the story is almost non-existent, but that's not a problem.

I ended up liking this ever so slightly more than Pseudoregalia, so if you liked that, or even just like any 3D platformers at all, you'll probably like this.

bom e curto, mecânica simples mas complexa em sua simplicidade, exploração muito boa e desafios legais, não tem o que reclamar

This took me longer than I imagine more experienced platforming audiences used to precision jumping and figuring out strategies to get around big eyed weirdos (close to 6 hours for me), but I still had a blast playing through this.

The N64 aesthetic this game has is really befitting of the 90's rare games this clearly takes inspiration from.