Reviews from

in the past

Wowie wowie, this was so good.
I don't know where this game came from, but I'm glad I stumbled upon it because it may be one of my new favorite indie 3D platformers.
First off; this game is RIDICULOUSLY fluid to move around in. Your moveset is deliberately limited in super clever ways. You never wish you had more movement options, because there are so many things you can do with the few moves you have. Not a single platforming death felt cheap. It encouraged me to understand the physics and master them. Just masterfully done.
The game's structure is strange, but I really dig it. The game is basically one big Banjo-Kazooie-esq world with a TON to do. You only have a few things to collect, but they all feel like such an accomplishment when you find one. The EXP as a collectable is a cute mix-up. It functions fundamentally the same as Music Notes in Banjo. But them NOT being an object to see that single number go up, delivers a waaay different kind of satisfaction. It's pretty smart. Besides the big open world Owl level, you have a few little platforming challenges throughout, and a decent gauntlet towards the end. I can't stress enough how AMAZING that final gauntlet felt. It's been a while since I've played 3D platforming level-design THIS good.
The only grips I have with the game are one; before the final platforming challenge, there's a pretty lame boss fight. But it isn't very hard, just quite a bit of waiting around.
And the game only having one level, while a cool idea, ends up feeling a little small in scope. This may not be a bad thing to some. But I find myself loving the surprises that come from exploring new worlds in these kinds of games. I would have preferred something like three smaller worlds. Even so, the way this game chooses to pace itself is very unique and provides a very comfortably small experience.
The visuals are also worth mentioning, they are so stupidly well done. It is, at first glace an N64 game. But once you see it in motion, it's obvious they didn't limit themselves 100% with this illusion. The animation is insanely smooth, the worlds are huge and the game runs at a really smooth... 30fps lol. I know this is a point of contention for some, but I didn't mind at all. The game didn't make me WISH it was in 60fps. It was fine. It defenitly helped I played this on my CRT. Highly recommend if you're able to. It felt perfect for it. Thank god it wasn't emulating the slow down a game of this size would have had on that fuckin' system.
Anyways, this game is excellent. Super excellent. It's less than $10 and worth every penny. We need more games like this. Oozing with passion and skill. It's confident and doesn't over-stay it's welcome.

In terms of modern retro 3d platformers this is easily the best I have played. The characters are cute, the platforming is tight, and you need to actually think about and lab out how you use your moves and the environment to unlock certain secrets. Most impressive though is how densely littered each of the two worlds are with hidden items. There is a lot here which most players wont ever know about in a short one and done playthrough and I respect a game which hides so much without nudging the player towards it.

wish it was longer ( in terms of more full levels) but it was amazing what i played

bellissime animazioni, dialoghi e ambientazioni che puzzano di stephen king da km e rimane giocabile anche se va detto che non si capisce molto dove andare. Anche questo palese omggio non solo a king (e a tutte quelle influenze da doomer/emo insomma le persone nu metal) ma a tutti quei platform ps1 dove potevi passare ore in un livello solo perchè non avevi visto un sentiero da seguire

there's a solid base in here for a fun platformer and it gets a decent bit of mileage out of it but it's way too fiddly a lot of the time and the main collectable just being XP makes the act of collection feel like the most dripless thing in the world

started at like 7 pm

The visuals, music and personality is very cool, but it is a simpler platformer less focused on a moveset that allows for epic emergent movement, and those usually are more mind numbing to me like I'm just kinda checking off a checklist

Out of all the games that try to emulate the N64 look, this is the game that looks the most like an N64 game in my opinion

Had a good time, wish there was more. The levels that are there have a lot of thought put into them. Only wish dying didn't reset some objects in the area even when it makes no sense to. Besides that great short game.

I love the game's stupid sense of humor, its goofy and charming designs, and its excellent animation. Gameplay-wise, it has a lot of neat ideas which it sometimes really pulls off. But it gets held back by a lot of frustrating control issues and design decisions, which just got more and more annoying as I got further into the game. (And I suppose in some ways, if BogoSoft is trying to emulate the feeling of playing a PS1/N64 platformer, they've succeeded in that respect :P). I think I'd be willing to play more (like, if they made a sequel or DLC), but it's hard for me to call it "great".

Played on a 13" JVC professional CRT via crtemudriver on my PC.

Cute, short throwback collect-a-thon platformer of the Banjo variety. Feels super authentic to the area in look, sound, and gameplay. Plays really well, which a lot of these throwback 3D platformers can struggle with. Cute little aesthetic and humor. It can be easy for throwback games to get lost in references to and recreations of "the classics", but Corn Kidz forges pretty much its own identity for tone, humor, setting. Never once felt like it was just presenting reskinned ideas from my childhood. Instead, it's its own thing inspired by, but not beholden to, the past.

The best 3D platformer Stephen King adaptation you'll ever play. Easy recommend for any fans of its inspirations. Will keep you fully entertained for about 4~ hours.

short and sweet game, gameplay was great and loved the vibes of this game, hoping to see a bigger title or another game entirely from this dev

Fall damage in a platformer👎

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I wanted to absolutely love this game all the way through but it is in severe need of polish in many areas. Jumping and ledge grabbing can feel wildly inconsistent in regards to if you succeed or not. Often I would miss a ledge or a platform for no clear reason. Rarely a fall or death felt like entirely my fault and it was difficult to discern what exactly I did wrong. Many of the platform challenges in this game center around the wall jumping mechanic, and it's just not clear or consistent enough to work all the time.

There's three worlds in the base game. The first is essentially the obligatory tutorial level. The second is an extremely charming forest village called "Wollohs Hollow." The third is a large, very linear challenge stage that compares to the end part of Prince of Persian: The Sands of Time. The second level is by far my favorite part of the game and I wish the last world was more similar. There's some post game content but I doubt I will go back to try it.

All that said, this game is extremely charming in its writing and presentation, and when the platforming challenges aren't above bottomless pits that force you to redo entire sections to try that one jump again, they're really fun, and that's largely what kept me playing until the credits.


Poucas coisas estão no mesmo nível que a "childlike wonder" que uma obra como essas emana. É aquilo que você mais quer viver e reviver do seu passado e uma das coisas que eu mais amo experienciar nessas histórias.

My only complaint is that it isn't longer and that I'm bad at the platforming sometimes.
I love the character design and world, the dialogue is straight out of the quirky n64 era <3

Great retro throwback aesthetically with a good game feel, solid dynamic soundtrack, but aggressively unfunny every single time a character opens their mouths.

fantastic lil platformer with cool ideas and mechanics. 7 bucks is kind of a steal honestly. i think some more clear objectives would have helped with exploration but its still very fun to collect things

An enjoyable little platformer about nachos and goats.

Incredibly solid n64 era platformer. I'm not as familiar with the indie scene for this genre as I wish I was, so I can't speak to how revolutionary this is in the grand scheme of things. However, as someone who has played a number of the classic collect-a-thons (especially Banjo-Kazooie which this is clearly inspired by) and a good amount of indie 3D platformers--i.e. Demon Turf, Toree 2, Spark 3, A Hat in Time, etc.--this is one that I'd really love to see more of.

There's so much life in its environment and characters, and the mechanics are beautifully versatile without feeling overwhelming. I understand that the dev team is very small and this probably didn't have much money behind it, but there's so much intelligence and creativity packed into such a short experience that I'd seriously love a true follow up that could really let them strut their stuff. As is though, this is still awesome. And I'm glad I found out about it just now cuz after playing 140 hours of Dragon Quest 11 S I really needed something simple and tight.

This game's core moveset is taken advantage of very well and feels great to perform. Platforming is a good challenge and isn't too obnoxious thanks to the checkpoint system.

The lack of a totals screen is really weird and can get annoying when trying to track down one singular cube you're missing.

Pretty great indie game, it's like a bite sized Banjo Kazooie, but the platforming is more challenging.

pretty fun platforming but it's short and pretty easy to get lost

short but fun platformer. movement is limited but it feels good. fun characters and great designs would love to see more from developer

Corn Kidz 64 feels like a better thought-out Banjo tooie game. I love the main characters and their personalities, and the darker aesthetic of levels. The actual platforming mechanics are some of the best I've actually played in a 3d platformer, it's crazy. It's a short romp, but it's super cheap and fun. I hope to see it eventually get a big full-fledged game.

Great lil game with really satisfying platforming and great level design. Awesome aesthetics and cool music being the cherry on top. Insane value for £6 like even double that would be a great deal. Would love to see something a little bigger from this team in the future since there's a huge amount of potential to build upon.

Como usa el movimiento es exelente y bastante interesante todos los conceptos aplicados, pero aveces es bastante lioso algunas cosas dentro de el segundo mapa, siendo un tanto fastidiosos en varias cosas. Pero dejando eso, esta muy bueno.

Haven't done the final level 5 door yet but super solid platformer. Hoping it gets a sequel.

Kinda wish there was a bit more to this one, there's basically only one real level, but for what it was, I still really liked what it did, the world design really captured the style of Banjo Kazooie in a nice way

In Shadowrun, Dog controlled my destiny.

In Corn Kidz 64, Dog rewarded my piety.