Reviews from

in the past

Me prendeu mais do que deveria. O objetivo do jogo é simples, entrar em vários prédios para colocar bombas-relógio para explodi-los, tudo isso com um tempo limite. Obviamente as fases estão cheias de inimigos para tornar sua vida mais difícil.
Mesmo o game tendo aquela visão da câmera de cima eu achei ele super inovador pra sua época, com um mapa útil e elementos presentes em jogos até hoje (como por exemplo alguns movimentos furtivos no estilo Metal Gear Solid, como encostar nas paredes permitindo que os tiros passem direto por você).
Poderia ser um pouco mais longo e ter menos bugs, mas acho que estou pedindo muito de um game de 1989, mesmo assim vale a pena jogar.

(sega mega drive & genesis classics 41/58)

Reminds me of Gain Ground in some ways, though I slightly prefer this one. Lots of ideas I'm pretty fond of here, although the execution is a bit questionable. I really don't care for how the screen is laid out, for example. Your line of view is only like a quarter of the screen, and I don't quite see how this couldn't have been extended in one player mode. I can't really argue with it on two player, but like..I dunno, man. It just seems unnecessary to fill that space with an enemy list when you're alone. It's also just kind of ugly looking, though again less so than similar game Gain Ground. I think if you like one of these, you'll like the other. I found them both to be eh but liked the ideas and potential I saw.

This kicks ass. Hotline Miami predecessor in a really sick way. Definitely frustrating and with a punishing level of difficulty, but the core gameplay loop is great. Love the way you can stick to the wall to dodge bullets. Also Mandrills as an enemy is the tip of inspired 80s game shit that you don't see anymore.

A fast paced top down shooter that keeps things moving with the bomb planting objective.

Clunky. That's the best word encapsulating what Crack Down is. With neat ideas, way too ahead of the times sadly. Fuck those moving platforms!

Bem peba,não curti tanto e não me chamou atenção

Fun co-op top-down shooter with stealth-esque mechanics; think contra meets metal gear.

Crack Down is an extremely interesting top-down shooter that's ahead of the curve on a lot of things, but it's hampered by some pretty bad design.

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