Reviews from

in the past

It's far from one of the greatest games I've ever played, but it's still very solid nonetheless.

It feels like a mix of Hades/Darkest Dungeon and Dark Souls to me. If you're a masochist like me you'll definitely get some enjoyment from the game.

The UI and environmental traps are Hades to a T, but the art style and darkness mechanic are very much like Darkest Dungeon. Taking more damage when not in the light makes you play a lot more strategically and the curses/corruption mechanic is a pretty unique concept too. Basically you can pay for an item or upgrade by corrupting yourself and once your corruption meter reaches 100 you get a curse which is a debuff and buff of some sort that you'll have until you fight and beat a boss at which you'll get a chance to cleanse one of your curses (You can have a total of 5, the 5th and final one is basically a death sentence though seeing as how it makes your health drain to 1 over time)

This is the kind of game that thrives on its combat alone and the combat is much more precision based and strategic than Hades due to having a stamina management system ala Dark Souls, but you do still have a main weapon and secondary weapon along with various perks like in Hades and there's tons of weapon variety too.

I'll say there's hardly any story, there's no other characters you talk to in the main hub area like in Hades and the music might as well not exist as well and due to these factors the game really dragged on in its last hours because there's really only 3 different temple variations you go through and once you go through them each like 20 times they get kind of boring.

That said all the bosses were a lot of fun to fight and all throughout my 30+ hours of gameplay I never got sick of the combat, just wish there was more variety in the level design and the music was more memorable. All in all though I enjoyed the game, it had some fresh concepts I haven't seen utilized in the genre before and very enjoyable core gameplay and combat plus it was very challenging.

You explore an ancient temple in roguelite fashion. It draws a lot of inspiration and concepts from Hades which is a good thing because Hades is amazing. It also adds some layers to it, for instance, the curse mechanic, everytime you clear a room you get cursed and after a threshhold you get a curse (up to 6 times) which hinders you but at the same type gives you some kind of bonus to compensate, it's pretty interesting and makes you plan in a certain, different, way each time or the inclusion of stamina as a core mechanic. But that's just about it, the rest of the game, as I said, it's pretty uninspired and pretty easy for the genre. Worth a try but not for full price or at least not until they release some extra content in some way.

Extremely satisfying combat! Definitely not Hades, but a wonderful roguelike.

i love rougelikes and this one has some cool mechanics and weapon combos but dang am i bad at it

Nunca vi um jogo com um sistema de upgrade tão porco quanto esse, você tem a sensação constante de que não está evoluindo a porra do personagem, não importa o quanto jogue. Além disso, não tem nada de mais nos gráficos, e mesmo assim os loadings são grandes, o que é um absurdo. Como se não bastasse, depois que você zera a “primeira” parte do game, é liberado uma nova, que pensamos que vai ter inimigos e chefes diferentes, mas não, são literalmente os mesmos, porém com status alterados para ficarem ainda mais fortes (como se já não fossem fortes o suficientes antes), e os malditos desenvolvedores ainda te obrigam a ver as MESMAS CUTSCENES, sem direito a SKIP.
Agora se tratando da gameplay (mecânica do jogo), é bem legalzinho, sem bugs e combate fluido. Tinha tudo para ser um bom jogo, faltou diversidade de inimigos e um bom sistema de upgrade.

Not a bad game honestly
Fun weapons and mechanics that offer a good challenge

Basically just a Hades clone. It does do some things a little differently but mostly it's just eldritch themed instead of greek themed.

It's harder than Hades, offers more customisation, and more variety of weapons but it never really stood out to me as its own product or felt rewarding to play as it's generally a harder game. Not offensive, just doesn't really have it's own voice either.

- Graphics, music, and story were all just… fine. Nothing amazing, nothing terrible. Good theming, if not a little overdone. I enjoyed the art direction.

- Gameplay was ok, but of course I found myself comparing it to Hades constantly. This game has parry and a limited number of dodges though, so the combat feels very different. Not to my liking but I see the appeal. It also had a cool light system but felt clunky at times. Maybe I just needed more time with it.

- I think I’m just a bit spoiled with how much direction Hades let you shape your runs with. This game is very much a traditional roguelite where you are at the mercy of RNG and can’t seem to do much to influence it. Again, not for me but I see the appeal.

- I can’t recommend this in 2023. I think when it came out, it was probably a stellar game. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it just felt a little flat for me since other games have (read: Hades) have come out and did better. I gave it a solid 3 hours or so on a plane and well… just go play Hades.

It's fine, a middle of the road roguelike with entertaining visuals.

I play a lot of rougelikes and this one was especially fun for me, the dark, and grim art style that resembles darkest dungeon, to the combat that was rather challenging but still rewarding, this game had me in a choke for the first week after I got it

Decently fun rogue like. I'll boot it up every now and again

Uno de los mejores roguelikes jamas creados donde tiene un gameplay que me mantiene enganchado.

One of the best action Rogue-lites I've ever played. Very skilled based action with no shortage of difficulty, if you have the stones for it.

Very much enjoyed the game at first, but after a dozen hours or two and having completed a few dungeons, I'm just not feeling it anymore. The art is gorgeous and moody, the combat is solid and fun, but I'm just not enjoying the way the game handles stamina management and how frustrating it feels when enemies interrupt your attacks when stamina is so limited. It doesn't help that this, again, feels like playing a demo where I have to unlock the full game, and the unlocks are so expensive too. Just seems like a case of a solid game that I'm not really vibing with and I just want to move on.

Really competent rogue/souls/like. Hard combat but satisfying when you master it.

Ein nettes Rogue like, bei dem die Raumwahl wirklich einen Einfluss hat.
Allerdings ist es im ziemlich langsam.
Und damit meine ich nicht die Kämpfe, die sind hektisch und schnell, aber man läuft langsam, rollen wirkt kaum schneller und birgt immer die Gefahr in einer Falle zu landen.
Und dazu muss man das Spiel 15x durchspielen um zum finalen Boss zu kommen, das ist leider die altbekannte Roguelikekrankheit. Immer mehr Spielzeit, egal wie sinnfrei.

Good game, similar to Hades but it's better, combat in this game is kinda slow and feels like Witcher 3's shitty sword combat. Still good tho.

A rogue-like with a very quick and responsive combat system. I liked very much all the peculiar mechanics, but overall it's style doesn't really click with me. Fun game tho'

El juego no es un desastre, la esquiva es satisfactoria y artísticamente es muy pintón. Además, la maldiciones que te ponen cada X salas están bastante bien equilibradas, cambiando tu forma de jugar. El problema es lo demás.

Yo le he echado ganas porque me cuando lo vi le cogí hype, pero es que no. Hay como 25 enemigos en todo el juego y de esos 10 son bosses, y para más inri los 15 restantes están divididos en 3 mundos. Esto hace que ya en la primera run estas harto de matar lo mismo (más adelante los mezclan en un único nivel, pero es el final del juego). Según vas avanzando salen versiones mejoradas de los mismos, que simplemente tienen el triple de vida y algún ataque nuevo. No son malos arquetipos, pero al verlos una y otra vez te acabas cansando de ellos.

Las armas. A priori ves que hay muchisimos tipos de arma, pero es un engaño hay un puñado de arquetipos y luego modificaciones de los mismos. Y aun así no importa, cuándo desbloquees los arcos pues el resto carecen de total sentido, hacen mucho menos daño o te comprometen mucho la energía. Que esa es otra. Tienes energía para disparar, esquivar, o parrear. Funcionan como una barra de estamina compartida por todo lo que haces, lo cual te obliga a atacar muy poquito si no te quieres quedar sin y estar vendido. Pero los enemigos elite tienen muchísima vida, así que buena suerte dando vueltas mientras vas poco a poco bajándolos.

Esto hace que las runs sean bastante largas tirando al final. Runs iguales, con salas no demasiado diferentes, y que a niveles altos te lanza 4 o 5 élites así al azar. Lo mismo se te juntan tres que no te dejan atacar en ningún momento, de forma que solo te queda quitarte a uno comiendo daño. Estas mezclas no deberían ser azarosas para aportar "variedad" al combate. Solo aporta injusticia o banalidad. En ocasiones se me han juntado 3 esqueletos élite, lo cual lo hace un paseo donde estoy completamente quieto y esquivo la ráfaga de flechas ocasional, estos funcionan con otros que te atosiguen cuerpo a cuerpo, pero son muy blanditos y lentos.

Los bosses si son agradables porque es un 1 vs 1, pero en la zona final vas a tener que matar a los tres mismos para llegar al true boss final en una run muuuuy larga y tediosa.

Me da muchísima pena y me he forzado a que me guste porque le veo cosas buenas, pero la falta de presupuesto para enemigos, el tirártelos así al azar y rezar para que sus secuencias no se solapen, las runs exageradamente largas, el desbalanceo de las armas, los élite son demasiado tanques... Ha hecho que termine hastiado y ni lo acabe. Una gran pena.

this one didn't get me, go play hades

Crunchy combat but not much else

Dark Avatar of the Serpent killed the game for me. The game has a few flaws here and there, but that's okay or so I though. That boss was the epitome of awful boss design, boring fight and unfair punishment all in one. After a 40min run, you can't kill the boss because the game requires you to have one specific kind of weapon to fight, and there's absolutely no way for you to know this.

It's a fun roguelike with cool aesthetic choices, unfortunately not my cup of tea so I left it unfinished

eu amo esse jogo e n sei explicar o por que, um dia eu jogo ele novamente

Hades-lite roguelike does the genre proud.

COTDG is a solid roguelike with speedy gameplay and enough variation to keep you interested. It is challenging, so you die a lot if you're not good, just like with all roguelikes, but you usually get a solid run in before you run out of the pixels in the red meter. The graphics are fantastic and everything looks and sounds wonderful. There are a ton of different weapon and bonus combinations to keep each run feeling somewhat fresh, and unlocking further levels and power ups provides a bit of a goal to achieve.

I haven't progressed too far in the game because I die a lot due to lack of skill. It's still a good time to power it up every once in a while, though. I do wish there was more of a story other than "You were looking for treasure, now you're stuck in this dungeon purgatory". Honestly, that is where Hades excels compared to Curse Of The Dead Gods. Hades has more character and flair, whereas COTDG is solid if a bit unspectacular.

If you're looking for an action-filled game to play for about 30 minutes or so, you don't mind some setbacks, and you can't afford Hades, this is the one for you.

Review from

It's just alright. Not bad, but it seems to rely on being hard without the payoff. It is very challenging and that's okay, but it doesn't feel very fun or rewarding when you do succeed. There are better games to spend your time on in the genre.

Fun fact: The devs admitted that the game is heavily inspired by Darkest Dungeon and The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild both visually and mechanically.

Combate e chefes bons, de resto nada se destaca ou aprofunda muito, um tipo de roguelike que aprendi a desgostar.

✨️: 6