Reviews from

in the past

Its bland. Too bland even.

An extremely charming game, most reminiscent of the classic 2D Zeldas. The combat is, albeit simplistic, pretty fun and nicely paced. There's a lot of fun little puzzles, which are also relatively simple, and exploration is rewarded due to there being a lot of collectibles and secrets to find, some of which are post-game exclusive and are required for the game's true ending. I had a lot of fun solving every secret myself without any external help. The story is nothing too impressive but it's nice and does its job. The characters are a fun and charming lot and the game has a nice sense of humor while also touching decently on the theme of death, though it's hardly a new story thematically. The bosses are all great, specially the final boss, although I found them rather easy. The music is fucking godlike, comparable to Hollow Knight in quality and style. Lastly, the game is great visually, with a charming but simplistic art style that just looks really nice.

Now my issues with the game. For such a short game, it's very formulaic with the 3 main areas following the same formula. Also, I always wished there was a dash button because dodge rolling everywhere gets old fast and the areas are really large so it feels slow going when hunting secrets. Also, it's kinda easy which isn't much of an issue, but sometimes it just tries to be hard by throwing hordes of enemies at once. The bosses are pushovers. Enemy variety is lacking. Though I still found it challenging enough to be engaging, it's not Kirby's Epic Yawn level.

Anyway this is a lazy review from me but the game was great and its flaws weren't big detriments to me, but it also just doesn't breach very high highs. Though it's at least consistently good all the way through. Also the charm is undeniable for me.

a pretty average zelda-like, that is elevated by its presentation, themes, and characters. for me it fell victim to its own hype a little bit, as the gameplay and puzzles just aren't very deep. does have pretty neat post-game secret hunting, though.

This may be a case of too high expectation as this was on everyone's GOTY list, and while I am enjoying it, I'm having a hard time really getting into it. I'm not a big fan o metroidvanias in general so I'm not exactly an expert but I feel like there's something I'm missing from truely understanding the appeal of this game

It is however beautiful, funny and challenging

The concept and art are amazing, but the gameplay is gets really repetitive very early, and even the bosses get recycled, probably should've got more diversity on it

I'd played Titan Souls by the same dev as well and liked it, but Death's Door is just something else. Loved every bit of it. Looks amazing, the characters and writing are cool and the music was absolutely fantastic and memorable as well. Will come back to it to do an umbrella run. Death's Door is a proper gem.

Um joguinho muito carismático e gostoso de jogar. Tem um mundo muito legal de explorar e um design de personagens impecável. Claramente muito inspirado nos filmes do Ghibli. Ele ainda tem uma historinha que te faz pensar um pouquinho. Divertido demais

Muito divertido nas primeiras horas, mas ficou cansativo da metade pro final do game, lá pra área da Betty eu só empurrei com a barriga mesmo, talvez se tivéssemos uma maior variedade de armas e estilos de combate, isso impactasse menos. A história realmente me surpreendeu, é um universo bem único e o plot final é legal. A direção de arte é com certeza o ponto mais forte do jogo, é incrível graficamente e esteticamente.

75% - Two people made this, I struggle to make dinner AND I have a way less fun time doing so.

I had negative impressions when I first played this; fortunately, I gave it another chance a couple days later, and it turns out that the intro areas are just dull and don't represent the rest of the game very well. It's not my ideal kind of Zelda-like - puzzles are a bit simple, and there's too much emphasis on combat and too many gated combat encounters for my taste, and while the levels are designed in such a way that the lack of a map doesn't hurt as much as it could have, it doesn't particularly help the experience either (it was certainly enough to discourage me from attempting everything you need to get the true ending). Still, the art direction and presentation are great, controls are snappy, and the dungeon-y areas are generally fun to explore, so I'm glad I gave it another shot before it leaves Game Pass.

I really do suck at this game, though, especially the combat. Don't think I could have beat it without a trainer.

Ordenador, genera "Demon's Souls hecho por Nintendo en el estilo de un zelda 2D, trending on Artstation"

All in all I liked this game. It was not to hard but you still have to be concentrated or you died.
It's not to long, and not to short.
Gameplay worked, and that's important in this kind of game.
Just the road you have to walk if you died was a bit boring.
Either you walked to the boss without doing anything or you have enemies on your way which you don't kill because it doesn't matter if you do. They don't drop enough to waste time killing them.
So after all why 3,5 stars for a ''standard" game?
The score. I really liked the score. :D It fits great to this game.

Death's Door is here to remind us that an indie game, largely developed by two people, can rise higher in people's hearts than most modern AAA games.

Death's Door is a carefully crafted action-adventure game with light souls elements. The art is simple, yet gorgeous; the combat is crisp and rewarding; the soundtrack tugs at your heartstrings; the characters are memorable; the story elements are genuine and thought-provoking; and finally its secrets are plenty and gratifying.

I can't say enough good things about this game. I'm moving it top my top5 games of all time. I absolutely adored it.

there are crows in this game

It's a little janky, and maybe a little straightforward, but it has good combat systems, music, characters, and environments. Very satisfying and engaging game, definitely got more than I paid for

Eine interessante Welt in bezauberndem Artstyle mit liebenswerten Charakteren und tollem Soundtrack. Eine knackige Steuerung mit spaßigen Gameplay-Elementen und ein überraschendes Ende.

Mein Lieblingsspiel 2021.

I'm feeling something warm inside my chest after finishing this game.
Visually gorgeous, and with a charming soundtrack from start to finish (some of the main theme guitar variations hit REALLY hard), but what really stands out for me is its level design. It aims to make you feel smart in combat or movement, but instead of relying on complicated systems or forcing you to learn through grinding/punishing game loops, as other games of the genre often do, it gives you seemingly simple tools in a clever way with elegant results. It's nothing revolutionary, but it feels great.
I will remember fondly those levels where enemy animations or platform puzzles would follow the music beat (I am thinking of the foundry right now), that was super effective.
It's really hard to think of something negative here, I did miss having a map at first but soon I realised I really didn't need it. Also I found the true ending much weaker than the standard one, I would stick to that one plotwise.

Combat was decent but a bit too simple for having no diversity. Everything just seemed way too short whether it be the combat set pieces near the end of each dungeon, or puzzles in all around the world. Post game content was neat and umbrella run is fun.

A real charmer, right to the end.

Doesn't take long at all to get a finger on the pulse of this one, instantly it's cheeky, playful personality starts nudging at you and it's a joy throughout. Taking the reigns of a reaper crow with a penchant for shiny things, you make your way through Deaths Door's deadpan, expiring world looking for 3 giant souls to open a mysterious floating door. Sounds like a video game! Even if the adventure can often feel familiar, it's a familiarity I can find comfort in. An isometric Souls-like that does plenty right and only falters where its predictable, slightly repetitive structure is concerned. Forgivable though, once it hooks you in it's talons it's a smooth, relatively short but oh so sweet ride.

Memorable bosses, varied environments and just enough weapon variety to welcome slightly different playstyles; though most of that just comes down to timing. Death's Door is a great time, there's room for improvement in the way you go about each boss' domain because they all follow the same requisite of finding 4 lesser souls in the area, fighting 4 waves in an arena, unlocking a new magic attack to open up new pathways in it's metroidvania-tinged levels, and finally making your way to the main boss. It's a structure that never feels absolutely exhausting, but one that feels a tad amateur next to everything else it does so well.

A subdued journey right down to it's soundtrack which feels like a gentle, hushed wind pushing you forward. Im not sure if Death's Door releasing so close to Tunic is an unfortunate overshadowing or just good company, because while they are extremely similar games -- comparative enough to be mentioned in the same breath regularly -- finishing one really gave me a fixin' for the other. Between the two games, with their isometric cameras, their anthropomorphic, sword welding mascot characters, and their circular arenas; I'd have to tip the crown to the fox. Tunic just has that extra spark of pure magic, what it did with it's Zelda inspiration felt huge in concept and scope, what Death's Door does with its Souls wrappings feels... competent, Death's Door might impress more for people looking for a more traditional experience. Tunic is there for those who truly believe they've seen it all and are ready to be surprised again.

Either way a good time is guaranteed, treat yourself and play 'em both!

Um soulslite indie surpreendentemente polido e competente, que parece um cruzamento entre o combate de Dark Souls e a exploração de The Legend of Zelda.
O combate é simplista até em excesso. São 5 armas no total, mas não existe uma diferença tão grande no estilo de jogo entre elas. Seu arsenal também conta com quatro ataques à distância, que são duas ferramentas e duas magias, permitindo uma variedade razoável de formas de atacar os inimigos. Uma fórmula divertida, mas não oferece muita profundidade. Não é um jogo muito difícil, mas é fácil se enrolar em certos momentos quando diversos inimigos te cercam.
Isso é compensado pelo carisma dos personagens e da história, além da direção de arte bastante competente e pela duração que não se alonga nem te deixa com gosto de quero mais (terminei a história principal em pouco mais de 11 horas).
Uma pena que o conteúdo post-game não me prendeu tanto quanto a parte principal do jogo. Vale a pena conferir, especialmente no Gamepass.

This game is so tedious and boring it's insane. Every area is the same 4 enemy's and the difficulty in this game is just to spam more enemy's. I’ve fought the same mini boss 5 times with just the 4 other enemy’s next to it. Gameplay aside the puzzles and map exploration are boring and take no effort as well. The weapons are almost the same at the end they do almost the exact same dps/s. At the end the only thing going for it are the visuals, although they are not incredible either.

Complete playthrough with 'true' ending and 100% in-game progression, all achievements unlocked except for "Academy of Umbrellas". A fantastic game, and particularly impressive due to the small size of the development team. The core gameplay is fun throughout, with brisk, tightly controlling combat, perfectly balanced in terms of the level of challenge, and satisfying if fairly simple puzzles throughout each environment. Those environments are excellently designed, with intricate interlocking paths that unlock shortcuts as the player progresses through them, and larger combat arenas scattered judiciously. Also notable are the wonderful sense of humour on display throughout and the very characterful animation style, imbuing the game with a distinctive personality, very effectively capturing - and holding - attention from the player.

What an interesting game with very pleasant visuals and a very pleasant world.

The writing mostly oozes the same feel but there are a few out of place gags and lines that took me out of it a bit. It's not enough to ruin the game though as the charm is maintained throughout. Puzzles and combat were simple but fun, even if I felt the player didn't have enough invuln time after getting hit at certain points and upgrades barely affected anything. Also wish you couldn't move off cliffs if swinging a weapon. Dungeons also had a fantastic atmosphere but I really wish there were maps in this game, as being lost is only fun for so long.

The 2nd boss of the three plot MacGuffin ones was an incredible fight, possibly one of my favorites and a boss I'll remember for a long while, but then the 3rd is a huge difficulty spike unga bunga brawler with no build-up as to who they are that it was just frustrating and clearly the weakest link of the three dungeon bosses.

Death's Door is still a great game to explore, take in the atmosphere, and get lost in. Don't let the few hiccups take away from this visually stunning and charming world.

What a poignantly crafted game with exemplary writing, a thoroughly explored theme, and satisfying gameplay. I didn't want my time to end, but, unlike the desires of many of the bosses present in the game, all things must. The only thing that would have bolstered the experience is including a map and making it longer. Give this a go if you love Zelda games to death.

A fantastic tale about the journey of a single crow and the will to complete his job. Without giving too much away, the story, characters, design, combat and environments all make for such an enjoyable top down RPG. I could not recommend it more as it pays homage to the great RPG titles before it. Rating: 9/10

Peguei o jogo pela PS+ sem nenhum tipo de expectativa, apenas tinha me interessado pelo estilo de arte. Não só o jogo não me decepcionou como foi além, me prendeu tanto que em 3 dias já tinha platinado. Com certeza a melhor surpresa que eu tive em 2023.

O jogo é basicamente uma mistura de Zelda com a mecânica dos jogos Souls. O combate funcionou perfeitamente, é bem fluido e satisfatório, além de ter uma curva de aprendizado bem rápida, existe uma variedade razoável de inimigos, esses inimigos variando entre si em questão de padrões de ataque e dano/vida, os chefes são muito bons, tanto pela maneira como são apresentados e desenvolvidos como pela bossfight em si apesar de, para mim pelo menos, não apresentarem muito desafio. A trilha sonora é espetacular e funciona muito bem nos combates e, principalmente, na exploração, que é muito satisfatória e que te da de fato uma recompensa por fazer e desvendar tudo o que há pelo mapa. Eu gostei da história do jogo, apesar de não muito complexa, principalmente quando essa é complementada por um mundo cheio de segredos, com visuais lindos e personagens misteriosos e carismáticos.