Reviews from

in the past

Не такая интересная, как ориг, но игра (DLC) котороткая, поэтому норм.

Don't remember why I robbed the bank but it was dope

Pretty good, but the main games are better.

The outsider died for our sins 💔 💔

Legit não vi motivo pra esse jogo/dlc sair
É vendido pelo preço do primeiro jogo, mas é uma versão capada em todos os aspectos do 2 e muito curto.
Junta que a história ainda é bem mais desinteressante e tu tem menos liberdade

Doesn't exactly reach the heights of the previous 2 Dishonored games, but it is still absolutely fantastic. Level design and player choice is masterful.

tão divertido quanto seus antecessores, os poderes da billie lurk, mesmo sendo poucos, conseguem se manter bem sólidos em combate e stealth, principalmente o teleporte, não o desprezem por ser curto e por ter menos conteudo!!

It's pretty cool but not as good as the others

Great followup to Dishonored 2. Billie, like Daud was a more compelling character than Corvo, is a better protagonist than the main game's Emily. Both her and Daud have more interesting, complex motivations and more enjoyable powers than their main series counterparts. Although this game is short, I found the levels that were there really fun - the centerpiece level is more open world than anything in the first two Dishonored games, and I found it super engaging. I also thought the final level was pretty satisfying, both more otherworldly than I expected a Dishonored game to go and more narratively exciting than I'd expect from a Dishonored game. Ultimately, definitely worth it for a fan of the series. If this had just been the Dishonored 2 DLC it started out as (and gamers weren't racist misogynists), it'd be even better received than it was.

It's more D2, which is fine but a bit uninteresting. Was hoping for something more original like A Crack in the Slab. Outside of the ending it at least handles non-lethal options better by not having assassination missions.

Great end cap to the Dishonored series. Meagan Foster/Billy Lurk was the most interesting character in Dishonored 2 so it was great to see her taking centre stage in the standalone story and Rosario Dawson delivers a great performance as ever. I also like how much it links into the original Dishonored 1 DLC through its connections with Daud and Billy's relationship. It's short length in comparison to the other games made me even more motivated to jump back in and try levels in a variety of different ways (e.g undetected, kill everyone). It also brings a few more powers to play with, and although I didn't find them quite as compelling as some of the new additions in Dishonored 2 I still enjoyed finding interesting ways to use them to produce unexpected results. The new contracts feature is also interesting as it compels players to really explore the corners of the world in a way that was more so left up to them in previous games. Part of me is sad that this will likely be the end of the series (for a considerable time at least), but I think it really is a high note for Arkane to go out on and I'm even more excited for the new worlds they'll now be able to introduce to us in future (e.g Death Loop, Redfall).

Given how sharp the Dishonored formula is, I found it a little surprising to feel the onset of diminishing returns just three games in. I suppose the main failing is that Arkane’s willingness to explain their worldbuilding and their ability to actually deliver compelling stories in that world are wildly mismatched; we have to access troves of exposition that isn’t going anywhere in particular. As such, the gameplay has to shoulder the main responsibility to not just create a new level pack instead, and some of Arkane’s choices here feel like arbitrary ways of spicing things up, such as the changes to Dishonored 1’s excellent mobility power, Blink. Still, performing possessions with Semblance and gathering intel with Foresight are at least novel enough, and the base formula is good enough that the diminishing returns aren’t too bad, I just felt that there was little in this expansion that lingers with me once the joy of playing it in the moment has run out.

Nice resolution for the "side-characters" seen on the first games. In comparision, it's shorter and except for some new weapon or Void-power there is no innovation. And I think that's good, because it feels as an appropiate and enjoyable ending for a franchise that has already reached it's peak. If you enjoyed Dishonored and Dishonored 2, this will be a fine end to say goodbye and close to the franchise.

Billie dehşet sıkıcı bir çar

more of what you grow to expect out of this series

DotO is basically a DLC for Dishonored 2 which completes the series's story. While Billy has her own abilities (which are pretty awesome), overall the game plays just like the first two. It's basically more Dishonored goodness, so if you like Dishonored you'll like this one. The level design is fantastic as always and the story a solid end. Overall wroth buying for fans of the series.

I like Duad and Billie more than Corvo and Emily as characters but man their kits always were such a mixed bag for me and Billie's is definitely my least favorite out of the 4 void blade is dope tho


This one feels so nice to play, which is sad, because it really fumbles a lot of my favorite parts of the other two games. Even though it makes sense in lore, it completely tanks any replayability by removing runes and the chaos system.
The powers you're stuck with aren't super intuitive, and don't feel very fun to use - and you only get a few!
Also, it costs the same as Dishonored 2, with half of the run-time and none of the replayability...

No está mal, pero, ¿era necesario?

- Se asienta sobre una base, la de Dishonored 2, que no deja de ser fantástica.
- Apenas hay soldados mecánicos, for God sake.
- Teletransportarte dentro de un enemigo y hacerlo explotar es Ñami Ñami.

- Aporta muy pero que muy poco respecto a Dishonored 2.
- Los poderes se han recortado mucho, se ha perdido la vertiente de progresión y los nuevos poderes no terminan de hacer click.
- Los escenarios son infinitamente menos variados que en su predecesor, recortándote las opciones para abarcar las misiones.

Una pequeña entrega que cierra la saga de forma relativamente satisfactoria a la vez que introduce nuevos poderes muy divertidos de usar. No lo he exprimido como las otras entregas, pero merece la pena solo por la misión del banco.

It's just more dishonored, no special traits

Plays like 2. Good for a single playthrough? I struggle to find anything interesting to say about it.

Still an amazing game in the Dishonored series, but it definitely pales in comparison to the first 2

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More tightly designed than Dishonored 2, but the alternate timeline stuff really lost me.

Basically just more of the same from dishonoured 2. There are so many different paths to a mission which is perfect for multiple playthroughs.

I still like the first one the most as it felt truly original when playing it.


aunque se note que es un budget title por lo corto que es realmente abraza mejor las raices de inmmersive sim que los dos primeros, probablemente lo finalice cuando vuelva a pillar game pass y tenga más tiempo en general

The levels are fun and the constantly refilling mana makes for an interesting way to play. But the lack of powers and upgrades for powers really hinders the replay value of this entry.