Reviews from

in the past

This game is surprisingly indepth. Tons of fun levels. Played this a ton as a kid.

Domino is a good pup. As is zero. The AI of the Dog catchers puts modern triple A games to shame. Even when I turn off the game I feel like im still being haunted. I am traumatized and will never be the same person I was prior to playing this.

Then there is 6 Player Golf. Try it at a home party instead of drugs or alcohol. Just trust me, but dont say I didn't warn you

Primeiro jogo que eu comprei na vida, me divertiu quando era criança, embora não seja nada demais, talvez até ruim hoje em dia. Me da uma nostalgia do crlh quando vejo gameplay dele e minhas memórias do passado se completam a medida que o jogo avança.

Played this one a lot when I was a kid, very fun and straightforward.
There are indeed 102 dogs in this

everyone who's saying that this game was bad: blocked

its like spyro if it was painfully barebones

this game lives forever in my brain. the consecutive levels of the big ben, the museum and the underground somehow made a massive impact on me as a small creative person and i'll never forget it

THIS GAME IS SOOOOO SPECIAL TO MEEEEEEEE its like a warm blanket perfect game to stim with, i've played it like a million times now that 100% completing it is just muscle memory to me,, if 102 dalmatians puppies to the rescue has a million fans i am one of them. if 102 dalmatians puppies to the rescue has ten fans i am one of them. if 102 dalmatians puppies to the rescue has one fan that is me. if 102 dalmatians puppies to the rescue has zero fans i am no longer on this earth

The factory level was beyond annoying, for that I'm pretty sure. Also remember, when I was a kid, of being scared as hell of Jasper and Horace trying to kidnap you.

O jogo é bem curtinho, não precisa de muito pra terminar ele, ele é bem fácil também, qualquer criança zeraria, ele funciona bem com seu propósito, mas o jogo não é nada de mais também

A silly little game that has stayed with me since I was a young child. It's very, very far from being a perfect game, it might not even be that good of a game at all but it is an incredibly comfortable and relaxing game for me to play because of the familiarity.

Sí, existió una secuela de los 101 Dálmatas. No, esa que usaba nomenclatura de Tetsuya Nomura no. La otra, hecha con actores reales (¡chúpate esa, Netflix!) y Glenn Close brillando como sabe ella con Cruella De Vil, marcando el camino para que Disney explotase al personaje como marca la casa del ratón. Pero el juego que salió como herramienta promocional de la película dista mucho de ser un sucedáneo de la misma, y las manos de Crystal Dynamics lograron convertir en poco tiempo algo, a priori insustancial, en un producto comercial con identidad propia.

'Cachorros al rescate' funciona a modo de collectathon con el objetivo de salvar a los otros 100 dálmatas que fueron encerrados por los pérfidos juguetes de Cruella, repartidos entre los 16 niveles del juego. No propone nada que otros estandartes del género hayan realizado hasta la fecha, sin embargo, lo que sorprende de este juego es su capacidad para mantenerte atrapado frente la pantalla con una sonrisa, y su obsesión por evitar la monotonía y la repetición. Cada nivel está plagado de actividades que complementan la recogida de huesos y animales, sin desviarse de su esencia principal como plataformas 3D, sin pecar de dimensiones desproporcionadas o backtracking, y pudiendo completarlos al 100% en una única visita al estilo 'Banjo-Kazooie'. Pero más importante aún, juegan muy bien con la idea de ser un perro y emplear tus habilidades caninas de maneras creativas, por ejemplo tendiendo trampas a los subordinados de Cruella o utilizando el olfato para desenterrar huesos por el mapa. Con ese toque bizarro de manejar una grúa mecánica o las pistolas de agua de una feria, habitual de las grandes producciones de Disney que no se toman muy en serio su premisa inicial.

El manejo de Domino y Oddball tiene bastantes similitudes con el de Spyro, con habilidades similares para atacar a los enemigos y un rastreator para orientarse por los niveles y encontrar todo lo que falte para obtener el 100%. Las físicas que poseen son un tanto raras y requieren práctica, principalmente porque en caída se desplazan muy rápido y es bastante fácil errar los cálculos para alcanzar una plataforma. Aunado esto con una cámara no demasiado accesible y lenta de maniobrar (tarda siglos en enfocar hacia el lado que quieres), lo más probable es que las primeras impresiones del juego sean más bastas y confusas de lo esperado. Pero a base de insistir y hacerte a los controles te encontrarás con un juego muy agradable de jugar, con una sorprendente cantidad de contenido extra y minijuegos muy bien trabajados (el minigolf hubiera merecido un juego entero de lo divertido que es, también en multijugador).

'Cachorros al rescate' es el ejemplo perfecto de que los juegos de patrocinio no tendrían por que ceñirse únicamente al producto que quieren vender y ser un calco de los mismos, sino aprovechar el material base del que proceden para proporcionar una experiencia propia y más ajustada al mundo del videojuego. En cambio, la eternización de los desarrollos y la naturaleza barata de este tipo de proyectos ha hecho que estas propuestas, paralelas a una película/serie de TV, sean procuradas como merchandising rápido y cutre para aprovechar el tirón de la IP (¡hola Microids!). Por eso viene bien recordar títulos como este, que ejemplifican la capacidad explosiva que tiene este medio cuando es capaz de aunar distintas artes escénicas con todo el cariño que merecen. Aunque vengan a colación de un truñaco de película.

Cruella de Vil's finally had it. She's made an array of countless toys to sell off but unfortunately for her, not a single child could even care less for them.

So in typical Cruella de Vil fashion, she decides to kidnap an array of puppies and turn them into toys so that it'll finally grab their attention. Luckily for then two Dalmatians Oddball and Domino aren't going to stand for that so off they go to stop Cruella and her henchmen in their tracks.

For a Disney licensed platformer this honestly isn't all that bad with it's almost Spyro esque gameplay. Yeah, it's definitely nowhere near as good as those games and the puppies aren't going to be giving that purple dragon any restless nights but I did enjoy my time with this game. It just gives me a very nostalgic fuzzy feeling inside (especially with the first two levels).

And it's somewhat better than the film it was promoting, so there's that I guess.

99% completed this on a Steam Deck in a hotel in Edinburgh and have absolutely no intent on going back to get the last friggin' bone.

I think there is golf in this game.

An average 3D platformer from my childhood. I wanted to see if it holds up or not, and well... it's not terribly offensive. 100% it is not very satisfying, but even casual playthrough isn't very fun. I particularly hated sniffing mechanic to reveal hidden bones for completion and the farm level is so boring with it's fetch quests. Some of the music tracks are pretty good though. The game isn't bad, but I'd recommend some other 3D platformer to play.

Now, the useless (maybe fun?) facts part: I played the game on all versions to see the differences (obviously GBC one is completely different, so I focused on PS1, PC and DC vers), PC has some texture warping (at one point I thought it was sorta like emulated PS1, but PS1 has more of it), DC version removes texture warping and looks a little sharper as a result, but the music in carnival level is completely different for w/e reason and the end portal is a lot of different colors together, while in other versions it's just red. If you hate texture warping, DC is probably the best, but otherwise there's very few differences between releases. END OF FACTS SECTION.

It clearly wants to ape what Spyro and such does but while the controls are sort of ok, the game just fails to really have anything all that good inside of it.

Attacks against enemies work well enough but are vague at the best of times, the music is sort of there but the worst bit is the general level design being mostly blocky, vast and empty without enough detail or design to it all to make any given level worth remembering.

If you happen to love 3D platforming collect-a-thons then feel free to stick another half star on. For anyone else, this is just a little too on the bland side to really stand out.

for whatever reason this is the only game boy game we had in the house for years, every song is stuck in my head like a nightmare

I played this as a kid but barely remembered it. Went back to it based on a recommendation and it's a pretty solid platformer. Essentially Spyro but with dogs. A bit too easy even for kid's game but it's still fun.

SOOOOOOOOOO ICONIC, i kept dying to those mini eletric red cars

Jogo divertido e bem elaborado

Fases são bem legais, muito foda a fase da loja de brinquedos, parque de diversões, museu... todas com suas peculiaridades e ficou tudo bem feito

Os minigames também são muito bons, acho muito foda o golf, tilt maze e o da corrida

Um dos grandes problemas você não encontra caso não queira zerar 100%, que é basicamente encontrar todos os ossos, pois você é obrigado a ficar farejando para encontrar uns ossos enterrados em lugares nada a ver, e as vezes, isso é bugado... vou dar exemplo:

na fase da loja de brinquedos (toy store), eu estava vendo o final da fase porém faltando alguns ossos, o farejar "ajuda" você a encontra-los, e bem, me fez ir lá pro começo da fase para latir para uma caixa registradora para liberar alguns ossos (a ideia é ok, mas não é algo que se imagina que seja possível, ainda mais se você for jogar pela primeira vez)...

E após pegar todos os ossos, tu pensa que o farejar vai te mandar para o final da fase né? NÃO, ele fica bugado meio que pedindo pra tu ficar indo no escorregador da segunda parte da fase, por que? não faço ideia... já tinha pego todos os cachorros e todos os ossos... mas estava usando o farejar pois achei que pudesse ter alguma pendência/"quest" que liberasse um sticker ou sla...

Tirando o fato de ter que caçar ossos enterrados em lugares nada a ver e o farejar que não funciona tão bem, outro problema seria um pouco a câmera do jogo, mas acho que é algo comum nos jogos de PS1...

Recomendo, esse jogo é gostosinho de jogar

Child me had some fun with this. Best feature was the BARK button.

The level designer had a fetish for moving platforms and I abhor it. If I play the dreamcast/ps1 version I will update my review since this dumb website has one page for GBC/PS1 versions.