Reviews from

in the past

É uma piada que foi meio longe demais. Super curto, cansa depois de um tempo.

very gimmicky and meh but harmless; i think i intended to refund this game since i beat it <1 hour but i either forgot to or it was too late lol

the last time i played this game was for the steam spring cleaning event and i probably shouldve done literally anything else

A short & sweet anti-capitalist romp.

It's a joke gimmick game. It has less than an hour of content. It's boring and doesn't even have good visuals. The joke it's trying to tell is a little bit amusing, and it sure was correct about the direction of the gaming industry, but I feel like the concept is funnier than it is in practice.

a mediocre platformer which gimmicks how some companies would lock basic gameplay features behind paywalls back in the day.

Had a lot of fun with this one, I enjoyed the loop of gathering currency and purchasing gameplay upgrades, short goofy fun.

its not really funny after a few seconds but at least its cheap

Basically a quick little flash game.

DLC quest isn't what I call a game, but a parody or satire of one. While the joke of having to collect money to unlock abilities wears out after awhile; the game eventually expands its pot shots to the gaming industry itself. I won't call DLC Quest a good game pre say, but its certainly is a great joke.

Amusing parody of a bad part of video games. Short enough not to get too annoying.

A short of what was to come... :/

É uma piada que começa divertida e não se sustenta até o fim.

Yeah man this game fuckin sucks. It's obviously made with a lot of love but it feels like the satire and humor wears this after you hit "Play".

I played this game in 2013 and thought it was funny but it didn't age that well in terms of humour. The worst part is the criticism is to some extent still true.

DLC Quest has its moments, but at the end of the day it's a short collect-a-thon with nothing really going for it aside from the quirky humour, which would likely fall flat for most people.

Hardly a bad game; It certainly doesn't overstay its welcome! It's just hard to recommend this over something like Reventure or Donut County, which have better humour (a low bar, I know) and are more engaging moment-to-moment.