Reviews from

in the past

glass syrup, moon tears, and primordial soup: the lunar restaurant in forever stasis. chit chat turns to noble chit chat turns to desperate chit chat as hours slip past by the dozens, hundreds, and thousands

melancholy gives way to a peculiar sort of idealism. not the sort where everything works out swimmingly and all outcomes are optimized to perfect mathematical parameters, but a more material state where the possibility for more and better is present and included; the swells of grief, guilt, regret, loss, and forgetting existing in purgatorial space where they can be unwound and untied and unfurled and worked out. where given enough time, anything can find adequate closure and resolution — a mirror placed in opposition to eternity's ability to persist in unfettered rack and ruin

hopeful and kind and unassumingly warm. peculiar and off balance and stark in its duo toned sketches and sheepishly brief musical loops and soft little jokes and heartfelt excavations of personhood and unpersonhood and everything in between

time unspooled as radiant promise and mending touch

Enjoy the Diner is whimsical, brutal, existential, confusing, strange, and comforting all at once. It's a lot of emotions to pack into 3 hours, but hey, there's a soda fountain, and that's nice.

i had a sigh of relief wash over me when i saw there was AT L E A S T people on backloggd that didnt have this game fly under them undetected. this was so short but so speciallll ill circle back to my moaning after the meat of my review is done but Enjoy The Diner is an interesting visual novel to me because its one of the few where i feel like it aims for a specific limited color paletted art style of about 4-5 colors max to really give off the baked in nightly moon vibe and feel going on for the game
I love this art style in it's simplicity and atmosphere it has goin on :>
This premise yanked me in really quick because a compact (all things considered i mean it is technically a restaraunt setting) diner with a handful of characters goes a long way when the writing is really nice and the story doesnt really overstay its welcome to the length

It's a bit hard to tack down how this game makes me feel but for frame of reference this game borders on melancholy but never in the way that i feel like is heavy handed with what its getting across, the messages and themes of persisting against time. Living with mistakes and even the passage of time feeling like a blink or an eternity thats stopped mattering or even feeling the constraints of the fabric of reality at all. Like a purgatory but youre still able to freely do as you like with interacting with others, get a drink from the soda machine, maybe rifle through something thatd otherwise be impossible to figure out within your own lifetime
you have a short time in the diner but i feel like when youre in it you dont notice how much time's passed, sometimes i sat in different corners of the diner just listening to the OST (which i t hought was so fucking pleasant there was two options to go through with the steam version but i picked the old one but i iknow the newer stuff is really nice too)

its like almost entrancing
i think i like literally all of these characters but if i had to pick a fave im picking Laterre obviously hm i wonder where she is
oh well,

play it if you got some hours to kill, dont rush, soak in it
enjoy th- gunshots and thunder crackling uh. yea do the thing if u wanna.. i loved it for whatever thats worth..

also uh.
can this game get like atleast 30% more popular bc the only person on youtube thats really extensively covered it is a vtuber and shes a sweetie for being like the only motherfucker on that site to really do a full playthrough like that

but also aside from the steam page there really is not many ppl not from japan that ik that even Know Of this game

and its TECHNICALLY(this version atleast) NEW
but, even if it doesnt BANG bang im content with the offhanded occasion that i do get to see some more lovely fanart of the characters, listen to the ost more standalone
and mull over how awesome itd be to drink a penguin soda
or rlly any of those sodas in that machine sound delicious and mouthawtering good omg

nobody told me the spot the difference book wasnt progression related by the way, i found that by accident and ws so disappointed bc i thought haha yes!! yeS!! YES!!!!! MUAHAHAHA im so owning this shit

and i suppose that in it of itself doesnt really matter because time spent is not time wasted when youre enjoying and savoring.

Liked this more than I thought I would! The story kinda goes off the rails near the very end but man, the vibes are absolutely immaculate. The visuals are beautiful (they're very reminiscent of vewn's work) and the writing is wonderful and very impressive considering it has been put through a localization machine. I don't think I'll be forgetting Moon Palace anytime soon even if I only spent 3 hours or so there.

I enjoyed my time in the world of this moon diner, with its unique artstyle/color palate that fits the mood and atmosphere of its world perfectly with its yellow and blue shades portraying nighttime/the moon perfectly. The story of this Visual Novel/Adventure game was pretty engrossing and drew me in pretty quickly with decently written characters and a unique premise. That being said it does stray a bit absurdist and got closer to loosing me a few times, but I got over those moments quickly and was able to accept this game for what it is. A quite relaxing Visual Novel where you talk to other members of your situation and try to get yourself out of the Diner you are stuck in for what seems like all eternity.

Drank soup with a straw. 10/10.

But the moon is as full as it'll ever be, and theres even a soda fountain

Indescribable game. I cant really figure out what to write about it as the whole thing felt like it washed over me, I was so entranced. Enjoy the Diner is very bittersweet and calming. I very much like its approach to things, the way everyone speaks, reacts. How things are resolved. There is a place for anger and despair in the world but there is a distinct lack of judgement or punishment where I realize there could be. Its more focused itself on a hopeful acceptance, no one intended to be stuck in a diner set in infinite space just as no one intends to have regrets or grief, I think. But everything is taken in a quiet stride, and they manage to do as the title isnt that bad of a place to be, after all, at the very least there's a soda fountain. I'm really struck by this games atmosphere and simplicity. I love its creativity and capacity for the alien and weird. Its so soothing and melancholic, a hint of silly. One of my favorites of all time, I love and cherish it very much.

A really wonderful little diner visit. Perfectly encapsulates the vibe of going to a late-night diner. There are the regulars, they get the vibe here. The machines are broken. They’re out of something. The back of house is ominous. There are two moo—two moons?! Definitely seems like something like A Short Hike where I’ll come back to it every now and then, but instead of coming back to it when I miss summertime, I’ll come back to this one when I’m feeling lonely around 1am, just like tonight. Redeemed Unity-made indie games for the time being. Reminded me a lot of Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk, in its haunting loneliness and art style (was surprised they weren’t made by the same folk). Having played that game on Switch last year opened the door for my mind to fully get locked in here. Will try for ending 2 sooner rather than later.

Quite a good project to end my gaming year. Enjoy the Diner is a small visual novel with quest elements that immediately attracts attention with its intriguing premise and pleasantly simple style (as well as a certain minimalist-retro approach in general). The development of the story and the development of the characters are very good, and in general the variety of dialogues with the characters is pleasing. The only sad thing is that the game seems to end after revealing the whole essence of what is happening, leaving the feeling that although the project is quite well filled with thoughts, the creators could have taken paths that were much more ambitious, emotional and even frightening (the whole game I was waiting for the events to take a more sinister tone, but (fortunately?) this did not happen). But we can hardly blame the developers for this; instead, we should hope that they themselves will take on a more grandiose idea in the future.
And this one is just a little melancholic, but still warm little thing for a couple of evenings outside of space and time. And there's even a soda fountain (and a great soundtrack).

And finally, the inscriptions at the bottom of the screen with a map of the cafe are simply wonderful

An absolutely fun exploration of a diner. Nothing weird here. Hnope.

Supremely vibey. Reminded me of all the weird point & click adventure games I would play on Newgrounds and the like.

Wow, this game leaves a deep impression. The beautifully atmospheric music and the incredibly distinct Game Boy x 90s PC-like hand-drawn graphics and colour palette completely engross you into the world and really make you feel like you're just spacing out in an a timeless alternate dimension as you play the game. All the character designs are extremely appealing and befit the lo-fi look so excellently, that even though the number of frames used is quite small I simply never got tired of looking at the same image for hours on end. Story-wise, this was definitely not the type of mystery I had expected at first, and I did leave with a handful of unanswered questions, but it was genuinely fun to learn about the impressively fleshed-out world of the game.

Beautiful, delicate, and magnificently conservative adventure game. What seems like it'll be a loose metaphysical purgatory story hits all the same vibes before transforming into a very grounded group of character vingnettes. Enjoy the Diner has a certain cadence and whimsy that has become extremely lost or thinned out in a post-wholesome games society.