Reviews from

in the past

Clearly the worst out of the 3 Fable games

Not nearly as good as Fable 2 but still a fairly enjoyable time.

Got this game free on my 360 and killed so many people in town i had to make like 50,000 worth of pies. Fun to mess around with but i didn't really care about the story or anything.

It's Fable III. That's honestly really all you need to know to avoid it.

I honestly don't think there's anything I like about this game. I think Fable II is probably an okay game at best, but I honestly think this is worse across the board. The story is just dumb, I feel like I remember character customization being worse, the combat was boring, the menus were atrocious to navigate. Just a complete mess. I couldn't even have fun with it in co-op.

I played Fable 2, waited for this to come out, and beat it. It hurt worse than my parent's divorce

Kinda blows. A lot of the story elements of the first two games have stuck with me to this day but I struggle to remember anything compelling about Fable 3's plot. The combat is exactly the same as Fable 2, and aside from that they just watered down everything else that made 2 good. The clothing and social aspects were streamlined so much that all the fun was drained from them.

Only fun thing I remember about this game was playing co-op with a funny little kid talking in a british accent on the mic.

Easily the weakest Fable game, but still a very solid game.

I don't even know how many times I have completed this game on the 360

Had a ton of amazing ideas that where implemented terribly, I reeeeeaaaally wanted to love it. But damn it did me no favors.

Bought a 360 as a kid to play this and Black Ops. Black Ops was kinda better.

a saga fable é razoável e esse jogo não sai longe disso, mas a gameplay tá bem mais divertida que o antecessor.

First fable game, pretty good story and multiple ways to end the game

Ale bym powrócił do wydawania pieniędzy królestwa na burdel

Moins bien que Fable 2 mais quand même

The most hilariously pathetic non-ending that any video game has ever had. The rest of the game prior to that just feels like Fable 2 but a lot less memorable.

I must be the only person who loves this game. It depicts the promises and hopes of a revolution against the harsh reality of leadership and responsibility.

Fans of the fable series seem to really hate this game. But I loved it, and I’m not ashamed to say that. The missions and characters were fun, the well known voice actors all did an excellent job and overall this game is just really fun to play. There are lots of things to discover, lots of unique weapons to acquire and unique ways to upgrade them and hundreds of people that you can interact and spam the fart thing interaction with. The humour in this game is just so perfect, I wish more games would incorporate a similar style. Although the ending can be broken if you just buy all the property and rent it, allowing you to make more money than you could ever possibly need, I still had a blast playing this game.

People hated this game but I thought it was good. It was the worst Fable game but not bad.

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I remembered it being fun for the most part. But when I beat the game, and everyone in the kingdom was just kind of dead for no reason, I lost a lot of interest. Most likely doesn't hold up today.

Fable III was a much more enjoyable experience than the second game. It might have been because I was braced for the disappointment this time, it might have been because I had FPS Boost, but the point stands that I had a great time. I still think the start menu is stupid, and I hate that every game in this series just becomes easier, but the positives strongly outweighed the negatives for me. Recommend to anyone who has a Series console.

It's not a perfect game by far but it's fun, has a great sense of humour and captures a Steampunk setting that's worth exploring. While the combat is not too challenging, it's fun, the story makes you feel like you truly change something within the world of Albion and the character customisation is what you'd expect of a Fable game.
Many people take issue with the King/Queen gameplay and while I do agree that Lionhead could have done a better job, I still thought it was an interesting, morally challenging aspect that I haven't really experienced in any other game before.
This game was made in an extremely short amount of time (I blame Microsoft) yet it still manages to be a decent experience.

It saddens me that this is the final entry in the main series... at least until the new one releases over a decade later. I think my expectations for this game were unrealistic, and I was a moody teenager, so I'm sure it's not as bad as my memory's telling me it is.

At least, that's what I would say, if I didn't try it again only a couple months ago. Still really don't like this one.

im nawt playing a Kinect game lmao

Had a worse opinion of this game back then when I first played it. Honestly trying it again in co op and becoming a pair of psychopathic murder chickens who play the lute on weekends has been a blast. (Fable II still kicks its ass by miles though)

A complete mess. Another bloated, expensive Gen 7 pile of wank. So much money spent just so i can hear John Cleese try to sell me Black hair DLC.

The game is laughably easy, combat pretty much just boils down to pressing one button, with loads of slow-mo kill cam bollocks.

Main villain just kind of pops up out of nowhere, and the final boss is just a sword fight much like every other fight in the game.

The ruling as king section flies by in like 10 minutes or something. And so much of your moral choices boil down to comically stupid things like WILL YOU BURN DOWN THE ORPHANAGE or GIVE PUPPIES TO THE DYING, and ultimately it just comes down to you pressing one button or the other.

The game kinda looks ugly too, so much bloom and light shafts and this weird brown filter over everything. And that stupid god damn sparkly light that tells you where to go that keeps breaking all the time.

Not to mention the worst in game menu ever devised.

It's even worse than the second one, but I STILL kinda like it

Okay never mind I take back what I said. Bri'ish people can write a good story. Fable 3 might miss the mark in how mechanically inventive and special 2 was with its freedom of building your hero/villain, but it makes up for it with a compelling narrative, core characters that you actually care about, and interesting moral choices that really make you feel like a king. The best of the trilogy.

Faire des gosses, les abandonner et laisser leur mères s’en occuper. Pendant que je kidnappe des gens pour les sacrifier à une secte ( je suis trop con c’est dans le 2 ça)