Reviews from

in the past

Is this game as good as New Vegas? No. But that doesn't make it a bad game.
Exploring the Wasteland is enjoyable and there are a few stand out quests around, even if its story is lacking.
It's RPG elements are perhaps underwhelming and its gameplay hasn't aged the best, but it's a better game than Fallout 4.

Um dia ja foi meu fallout favorito hj percebo que tem 1001 defeitos

bethesda is a fucking joke not even mods save this shit xbox 360 nostalgia will blind you all pseudo rpg lovers

Feel like this game is overhated by the New Vegas fanboys, but I still like it despite its many issues. The companions aren't great but the main story is engaging. Fuck that green tint though, get a mod to remove that. Also even though Todd Howard can be annoying (sometimes) I respect him for his ambitious game design.

Without this game, there would be no New Vegas to speak of.

Never finished but trying to finish from childhood

Todd Howard 🇧🇷

Uno de los mejores juegos que he probado en mi vida, mi introducción a los juegos de Bethesda y a los RPGs, obra maestra.

Best fallout game in my opinion(nostalgia). i don't know how or why but i remember i was scared to death at the sub metro areas. Also main story kinda got me at that time.

Segunda vez zerando esse jogo e ele consegue bater de frente com o New Vegas sim, uma historia sensacional, vilões muito bem definidos. Não posso esperar pelo seu remake

Using GOTY Edition to complain about how high level enemies are just huge bullet sponges that aren't fun. I just played the game on god mode once I hit level 25 basically because its just not fun dealing with constant fighting, destroying armour, and sponge enemies.

i enjoy this game but it has some of the worst writing ive seen in my life

I think, in terms of an being an RPG, Fallout: New Vegas is better. However, what Fallout 3 manages to succeed in is atmospheric storytelling. The Capital Wasteland feels way more interesting of a setting to me than the Mojave Wasteland. And while the main quest isn't anything special, some of the side quests in this game are the best in Bethesda's entire catalog. One of my favorite games ever.

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Eu fui abduzido por aliens, causei um divórcio e convenci um robô a se autodestruir com minha inteligência. Não sei mais o que dizer.

Replayed it last year!
The Fallout 3 experience, to me, Is the best out of the new Bethesda games, Even better than New Vegas, mostly because of how awesome walking around the DC feels with the Power Armor and a nice equipment. The quests are also nice (A bit shallow, but I don't care) and it made me turn on my X360 and play it during the night, after a long time without doing it! Great game.

One of the greatest games of all time, and still hasn't been topped by Bethesda. Hard to put into words the pure joy and wonder childhood me felt wandering the Capital Wasteland for the first time. We can only hope for a remaster in 2024!

100% Completion Notes: One of the most fun achievement lists in modern RPGs. Directing you to different playstyles, secrets and lesser-known sidequests grew my already sizeable love of the game.

seria melhor se os inimigos n fossem tao bullet sponge

God Mothership Zeta was a miserable experience, I remember it being so cool when it came out. The Pitt is pretty damn good still. I actually enjoyed the game more than I did when it came out.

Broken Steel is forgettable. Basically just an answer to the "why does the game end!! omg i want to keep playing!!" complaints and nothing else.

The Pitt is fine, it's a cool setting and does a lot for worldbuilding, in addition to giving the protagonist an actual choice, but it probably could've been executed better.

Mothership Zeta is fucking awful. i'm sure they had a meeting or some shit and they were still small (ish) enough for Todd to be like "Okay guys ... Get this... What if we had aliens." and they all started like drawing funny stuff on a dry erase board while laughing. that meeting was probably a lot more fun than playing through this stupid linear corridor shooter in an RPG.

Finally, the Kino... Point Lookout. This is, i shit you not, the BEST thing Bethesda has ever made. Ever. It's better than any of their Fallout titles, better than any Elder Scrolls games, and any of the other shit they've made that nobody cares about. The atmosphere is there and stronger than ever. There are more memorable characters in this DLC than the entire main game. The writing is actually inspired. The setting is interesting. It just fucking looks and feels cool. They truly hit savant territory here. If they ever reach this level again I will eat my shoe. The winds, stars, and moons aligned all at once to create this DLC. They were a smaller studio, they were still in that kino Oblivion mindset (fuck the haters), and they must've had some ghost writers or a special team on it because there is NO way the same writers of the main game and fucking Mothership Zeta made this.

Oh, and I forgot about Operation Anchorage. Yeah, that one might be even worse than Zeta. The only positive is that it, at least, doesn't fuck around with the lore in a bad way as far as I could tell. Still a shitty corridor shooter (this time it's outside?) but with a slightly more interesting setting.

Was good when I was a kid just shooting mutants in the subway. Now as an adult the history is laughable, quests are painful and the game is far to easy to give me any sense of an unforgiving wasteland. Ending is actual garbage and the DLC ending feels like the developers are pointing a finger at you and laughing.

Everytime I play this game, I find something new. It may not have the best story (or a good ending), but it's always a pleasure to get lost in the wasteland with boppy tunes, shooting mutants

Fun open world. Lots to do and see. Has a better younger brother.

I played this game in the mid-2010s, and I was so curious to see if it was worth the hype. it wasn't, the game is kind of boring and lacks weight that other RPGs I enjoy have. the character movements are weird and janky, and the lack of ironsights is just... odd. it feels like a much rougher trial run of new vegas, which has its own flaws.

The main story in Fallout 3 leaves much to be desired and it could be better in the roleplaying area but it's still a great game with some 10/10 side quests.

my fave Fallout. Few games gave sucked me in so totally and addicted me so completely. Loved scouring every inch of the map.