Reviews from

in the past

An excellent compilation that has every single Halo game before 5. I previously had only played Reach's multiplayer and a very small amount of Halo 4's multiplayer, so having every game on one platform and for a cheap price is pretty convenient. My favorites were 3 & Reach but I had with all the Halo games. Reach and ODST are DLC though, but they aren't too expensive. The Multiplayer was supposedly fixed and from the few times I've tried it out, it works pretty well and does a good job of replicating the experience I had with Reach's multiplayer. If you have an Xbox One or Series X then you need to play this.

some of the greatest games (except Halo 4) ever made.

Halo 1 shows a tiny bit of age but the action hasnt aged at all. they re-use a level but they did it in a pretty cool way so I dont really mind. oh but the remastered graphics are shit, dont play it on that.

Halo 2 (this is where shit gets good) they took everything bad about halo 1 and made it 3x better. the multiplayer still holds up, even more variety than modern shooters which is kinda sad.

Halo 3 this is my personal favorite. the campaign is the shortest but the best. Theres a feeling that the whole universe's fate depends on the outcome in this story (in-game lmao) the multiplayer is the best in the series as well.

Halo 3 ODST (you might hate me for this but I never actually finished this one)

Halo Reach awooga, my third favorite story and my second favorite multiplayer. theres a lot to love here and a lot I fucking hate. the customization is the best in all the games but they made some really weird changes to the game. this is the series' introduction to sprint, I personally prefer Halo without sprint but its like a special ability so I dont entirely mind, however, there are two abilities I fucking hate. Armor Lock..... I fucking hate armor lock with a passion, it barely saves you, its really fucking annoying in multiplayer, it just delays the inevitable death that the user is going to have. and Jetpack, this one I dont hate as much as armor lock but this ability is so stupid to me, its fun to fly around, sure but it makes you such a big target with no cover, its so dumb and puts you at such a disadvantage.

Halo 4.... this was my first Halo game, back then it was amazing to me because my only experience with video games back then was watching my dad play and Lego games. the campaign really sucks but theres a few really memorable moments that stick out to me, the desert level with the giant behemoth still holds up to me, the pelican flight level is pretty good, not as good as Halo Reach's flight level but still pretty damn fun. This is also the series' introduction to cutscene bosses, bosses that are defeated with either a quicktime event (except its not even quick so its really just a button prompt) then Halo 5 has a cutscene boss in the form of Locke VS Chief, that fight contained some of the dumbest CQC in any media ive ever seen.

Halo 5 (not on the master-chief collection but you really arent missing much) Halo 5 has one of the worst campaigns ive ever played. the fact that you couldnt play it in local co-op is fucking disgusting, that was how I figured out "oh, this is gonna be a shit-show" the levels and story arent memorable at all, the game is called "halo gaurdians" and I cant even remember why. the visuals were a fucking mess, lens flares everywhere, lighting super overexposed, etc. Story fucking sucks, they think Chief's gone AWOL because.... I have no fucking clue, hes saved the galaxy like 4 times now. also Cortana is evil because.....? and its a really shitty twist with ZERO development in the game. thats just the story, the movement is abysmal. which moron decided Halo needed melee dashes, ground-pounding and parkour movement? if I wanna play Titanfall ill just go play Titanfall. the customization is varied... too varied, theres like 1000 armor pieces and most of them suck, the designs are just outright bad and you cant even earn them, its random chance lootbox bullshit. theres even a game-mode dedicated to lootbox bullshit, its like Big Team Heavies but all the guns/vehicles come from lootboxes.

It's Halo, all optimized and shiny, and all fully playable in 2021 on Steam. I wish more studios would take legacy games and make them easily accessible to the world instead of leaving them in the past!!

When this game came out on PC and I fired up multiplayer, after absolutely cooking the other team one of the opposing players made sure to call me a racial slur and talk smack about my mom.

We back :]

Como coletânea é perfeita! O remake das cutscenes é impressionante, ficaram muito bonitas mesmo respeitando a
direção das antigas. Os remasters dos primeiros Halo são lindos e a possibilidade de alternar entre o antigo e o atual em tempo real, com mudanças desde visuais até nos sons e músicas demonstram o trabalho excelente por trás essa coleção.

Ainda sobre o trabalho por trás, me surpreende que até hoje o multiplayer seja atualizado e tenha um numero OK de jogadores.

Alguns desses jogos estão entre os melhores da minha vida e poderiam ser jogos perdidos no tempo se não fosse por esse belo resgate que fizeram da série.

Finalizei todos os jogos da coletânea.

quite possibly the best way to experience the halo series in the modern day. has every multiplayer, campaign, and firefight map across 6 halo games, and 343 is still adding new stuff to freshen up everything

Halo: The Master Chief Collection is the perfect compilation of the best Halo games. All of the games (except Halo 4) are some of the best FPS games of all time with each building off the last. It's really amazing how well the original Halo games hold up today even with the old graphics. The controls are responsive, the shooting feels impactful, and the combat is always changing to create a dynamic battlefield. While my personal favourite Halo game is Halo 2, all of the original Halo games are must-plays and should be remembered for how innovative and fun they were.

Had minor issues here and there on PC with performance but still a very worthwhile collection that serves as a great place to get into the series if you haven't already played Halo.

From the biggest blunder in gaming history to what I consider to be gaming's greatest video game compilation, Halo: The Master Chief Collection has it all...and Halo 4.

While the MCC had a horrendously terrible launch, it has had a complete turnaround, resulting in being one of the best video game collections out there, and a must have if you're a Halo fan, especially on PC.

There are still unfortunately some bugs, like Halo 2 disconnecting during co-op campaign whenever a large vehicle is involved, but even with that in mind, the experience is still phenomenal. Being able to play all Halo games prior to 5 in one place is such a treat, and being able to play any multiplayer match from any of the games is still such a great feeling. (And it's still better than Infinite's multiplayer too!)

And even though I despise it, I still wish 5 was part of this collection too, just to make it the quintessential Halo experience. I don't know why Microsoft is so against porting 5 to PC, but hopefully that'll change one day.

Overall, a collection I will likely never put down, filled with one of the best games in one of gaming's best series. A must have for any Halo fan.

This is one of the most interesting "game collections" released, as far as I'm aware, as I've never seen another receive so many changes, additions, and fixes over such a long period of time. I've had it since the early days, though, and was there when it finally made its way to PC, so I'm going to judge it for the entirety of its lifetime, not just the current state.

MCC is a hot mess

I can't even comprehend the lengths to which its UI, the connective tissue bridging all of the cherished games within, has managed to SUCK SO MU—

Ahem... It's garbage. It's functional garbage now, but it's still so unwieldy it drives me crazy. Just try to pick team colors in a local match with casual players. Just try. Maybe here on year 9 they've finally returned it to being a quick dedicated button press on that player's controller, but for 8 years it involved going 2-3 menus deep, one at a time per system. Or really just one at a time since no one else knows how so I had to do it for everyone.

That's only one of many examples, but that will suffice. You're probably heard of or experienced this already, anyway.

I am still very thankful for the content of the collection, though. They have made it very simple to play the games we know and love, and even to enhance them with modern hardware if your rose-tinted-glasses aren't that heavily shaded.

So, for that, I'll give it a pass, because it does seem to keep reaching its goal eventually but I sometimes get the sense that Bungie really took all of the UI talent with them after Reach.

Literally one of the best video game collections of all time.

This game had an infamously horrible launch, but now its a must-have for any and all "Halo" fans. Having six games in one with full multiplayer for all of them is just so amazing.

There are a few small things I'd want changed, but overall, this is borderline perfect and the best thing 343 Industries has ever done.

Would be 5 stars if it didn't have halo 4

Despite how apparently terrible this was at launch, nowadays this is an absolute masterclass of a collection and the way to handle how to do remasters imo. Maybe not so much Halo 1 anniversary but the amount of options you have at your disposal, the touch up of the other games in the collection, the sheer amount of content, it’s all here and all great.

Great package of the Halo series, really enjoyed the times I had in multiplayer and forge and looking forward to going back to play the campaigns soon.

Talk about a fixer-upper.

MCC at launch was a tragedy. MCC in a week will not just have fixed nearly all of its previous problems, it'll have REACH.

Literally all this collection needs is full button remapping options. It's flawless beyond that.

(Note: This first part of this review was written on a different game tracking website and then copy/pasted here when I migrated everything to Backloggd, so the date at the bottom doesn't match up timewise)

Edit: Two and a half years later, I finally convinced my wife to play through the campaigns with me. We finished tonight, and it was a blast. Still disappointed you can't fully remap the buttons like you can in Infinite, but we got used to it pretty quickly.

After playing well over 100 hours of Infinite's multiplayer in the past 5 months, I was seriously impressed by the vast amount of multiplayer content here. I had forgotten just how much variety there is! The MCC has so much love and care put into it, it makes you wonder what on earth went wrong with Infinite. (Just kidding, we know it's because Microsoft hired way too many contract workers for the game who were let go at launch so the "live service" model was doomed from the start)

My only complaint is that twice during Halo 3 and once each during ODST and 4, we had the game either freeze or crash the console late in a level. The Rally Points made it convenient to jump back in close to where we had left off, but the game didn't count that as completing those levels. Good thing I'm not achievement hunting.

Who am I kidding, there's no way I could do LASO, going for every achievement would be a lost cause anyway.

Very surprising that what was once an extremely janky HD collection (during a time where everyone was releasing cheap HD collections) is now not only an accessible and admirable preservation of an old series of games, but also an engaging service keeping that old series relevant for newer audiences.

If this collection can start of incredibly rocky and sort of falling apart into being the absolute best way to play three essential FPSes, a great game, Halo Reach, and Halo 4, then anything is possible really.

Marking it as retired just in case I want to hop into one of the game's multiplayer.

The Lego Star Wars Complete Saga of Halo.

Edit: i was playing today on the custom browser that got added and i bumped into an old friend from original Halo Reach. today has been amazing

I love this game to death but oh my god i never want to touch Halo 2 Laso ever again

Joguei a série inteira pelo Xcloud, vamos lá para o review individual dos jogos

Halo Reach: 10/10. Um dos melhores Halo, e o primeiro a se jogar na cronologia, foi uma ótima despedida da Bungie, ele tem tudo que os outros halos tem e de forma bem aplicável, um dos problemas que vou falar aqui se mantem em muitos Halos, você fica muito perdido no jogo sem indicação de onde tem que ir, e a dificuldade do jogo não é coisa besta não principalmente se for seu primeiro Halo, morri muitas vezes, me vi sem saída contra Hunter's e até outros covenant.

Halo CE: 8/10. O primeiro Halo finalmente conhecemos o John/Master Chief e a Cortana, esse é o que mais tem problema em se perder, ele te passa uma falsa sensação de mundo aberto sendo o jogo com maiores áreas dos clássicos, ficar perdido aqui é super simples, mas ele é Halo não peca na jogabilidade, logo no primeiro jogo já temos um arsenal grande de armas e veículos, fora inimigos novos introduzido nesse jogo que vira uma chavinha e deixa o clima do jogo totalmente aterrorizante, sim falo dos Flood, pra quem não conhece nem pesquise, pode estragar a experiência, amei a adição deles (pelo menos na primeira vez, depois fiquei no ódio com essa raça kk), um ótimo jogo até hoje, mas não é meu preferido.

Halo 2: 9/10. Nossa se esse jogo não tivesse o final mais broxante de todos seria meu Halo preferido, inovaram demais na jogabilidade podendo agora você equipar 2 armas diferentes, adicionaram uma campanha com o árbitro que é muito foda fora que a versão anniversary é linda, pecaram em não ter dublagem, e a legenda é só nas cutscenes, ingame não tem nenhuma legenda dos diálogos, isso é um ponto bem negativo, o final dá gancho para o melhor Halo de todos.

Halo 3: 10/10. O melhor Halo disparado, tem tudo que o 2 tem (infelizmente menos campanha extra) e melhorado, faltou uma boss battle contra o Gravemind, mas mesmo assim o jogo é épico do começo ao fim, começa diretamente do final do 2 então é ação sem parar, o final parece que quiseram dar uma despedida genuína para a série.

Halo 3 ODST: 10/10. As vezes fico em dúvida se o 3 é o melhor ou se esse, literalmente estão no mesmo nível, e finalmente, finalmenteeeeee, temos botão pra indicar o objetivo, então sem mais ficar rodado o mapa que nem tonto. Esse aqui não jogamos com o Master Chief, mas diferente também do Reach, nesse aqui a gente controla policiais comum, sim, nada de spartans, como sabemos spartans tem todo um treinamento e outras coisas que fazem deles literalmente super soldados, eles tem reações rápidas, super força etc etc. Mas aqui, estamos na pele de policiais comuns, jogo se passa antes dos eventos do 3 e depois do 2, você e seu esquadrão vão defender um local na terra que foi invadido, já que Master Chief e os outros soldados estão em outro planeta resolvendo a treta, sobrou pra alguns soldados proteger a Terra, jogo simplesmente incrível, nível de detalhe, principalmente OST's maravilhosas, ele te passa um clima totalmente diferente do habitual, enquanto Master Chief tu se sente na pele de um super soldado que pode fazer tudo, aqui você tem medo e o jogo te passa até um certo ponto um clima melancólico, simplesmente incrível sem mais.

Halo 4: 7/10. É.. último jogo da coleção e o mais morno, aqui começa a desandar a franquia, ele continua depois do 3 que era praticamente um Gran Finale, a história é bem fraca e fizeram algo bem ousado no final, gameplay até que é boa mas fica por ai mesmo, ele fica algo muito... Como posso dizer, muito futurista com aqueles robôs branco e etc, muito brilhoso, lembra bastante Destiny, e Destiny é da Bungie kkkk enquanto Halo 4 em diante é da 343 Industries, enfim pra essa bomba aqui eu dou 6.5 a 7 e assim encerramos a review e os jogos, foi uma série incrível que fiquei muito feliz de experimentar e aproveitar toda a franquia.

Halo: Combat Evolved = Masterpiece
Halo 2 = Masterpiece
Halo 3 = Masterpiece
Halo 3 ODST = Masterpiece
Halo Reach = Masterpiece
Halo 4 = ...

And it ain't nostalgia; I played through all of these games for the first time in 2020.
All for £29.99... Like... Jesus Christ...

3 > 1 > 2 = ODST > Reach >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4

Nowadays, the definitive way to experience the Halo saga. However, I will never forgive this game for its launch which was one of the worst I have seen. It still has some quirks to work out.

However, it has 3 and O.D.S.T. so it's automatically based in my book.

it's all the halos and arguably the best way to play them all! halo reach is the best fps game ever i think, so the rest is just gravy.