Reviews from

in the past

A fun little tightly designed run and gun with Pixel's signature charm. It's very short, but that wasn't a problem for me since it was consistently enjoyable (and challenging!) throughout. Highly recommended for anyone who's also a fan of Cave Story.

This game is great!
The cute art style and dialogue, great character, and cool enemies and bosses make this a must-play for fans of action platformers. The movement and some weapons can be a little bit clunky at times, but overall the character maneuvers pretty smoothly.

My only big complaint is the checkpoint system. In my opinion, I shouldn't have to redo the whole level that is leading up to a boss I died to three times. However, running through the level a second time is not really a daunting task after having completed it one time already.

The different weapons could've been a bit more thought out too for my taste. While the yellow and green guns were the main options for combat, having different strengths and weaknesses, the design of the bubble gun and flamethrower was a bit more on the nose. Those two weapons are intended for specific types of enemies and aren't really useful on many other occasions. The only times I found myself using those guns when they were not clearly intended was for cheesing groups of enemies.

While this sounds like a harsh critique, I still enjoyed the game and would recommend fans of the genre to play it.

It's fun, classic, refined 2D run n' gun goodness. Simple and doesn't overstay its welcome.

Fun! Didn't stick with me, but that doesn't mean it's bad at all.
Played around 2015, then again in 2020-ish.


I think I finished this. It was fun but so unremarkable that I can't remember.

É uma pena que este jogo não tenha port para consoles, senão seria mais visualizado. (DESATULIZADO DE OUTRA LISTA...)

Cute frog. Much less impressive than Cave Story, but a fun lil thing.

I like it more than cave story : )

A short and odd game where you run, you gun, you work overtime for your demon controlled boss, and you only get paid on commission. Started out as a passion project, and took a darker satirical tone when the dev got screwed over by a publisher.

I will buy anything that daisuke amaya develops

Wow can't believe I didn't log this until now. Kero Blaster kicks ass. Not as much as Cave Story, but it's a real treat. It lacks the historical significance and some of the heart of its elder brother, but it's a very polished and well executed title with plenty soul of its own. I remember it playing surprisingly well on mobile too, even on the little iPhone 4 that I first finished it on years ago. 100% worth playing, especially if you love Cave Story as much as I do. Maybe Pixel can continue his once-per-decade release cycle in 2024 ha ha ha ha ... (just kidding enjoy your life brother)

Kero Blaster? More like Kino Blaster.

It's pretty good. It cramped my left hand really hard but Cave Story also did that. Thank you for the hand cramps, Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya!

Fun little game. I haven't played Cave Story in a long time but from what I can remember Kero Blaster is weaker in nearly every aspect. Still a nice game with satisfying weapon upgrades, some atmospheric areas, nice music and fun bosses. The story is okay but the game's short length kind of hampers it. The mutated president did genuinely unnerve me somewhat and the ending was cute. The gameplay is generally fun but I often had some small troubles with the controls that could get annoying considering how quickly you can die. Sometimes my character would keep moving without my input and changing directions while shooting/switching between shooting up and forward was pretty clunky. I like that the unlockable hard mode has remixed levels and a new story but my issues with the gameplay and the fact that I already had some trouble with the end of normal mode makes me not really want to go through it.

simple, short, sweet fun. it's not as "complex" as cave story and it doesn't really need to be, just enjoy the tunes and shoot the baddies!

this game's unique idea is doing a bunch of not-at-all unique ideas really really well

finally a game that lets you live out the american dream of shooting your boss with a laser weapon

i could gush for hours about this game and how important it is to me. without this game i wouldn't like a lot of the things i do today

Kero Blaster is self-consciously retro to a fault. While the music and graphics are well-executed in a low-bit style, the gameplay itself does not improve on the flaws from that era. The varied weaponry combines with level and enemy design to create tense action sequences that challenge both your tactics and reflexes. Unfortunately the outdated checkpoint system only tested my patience. Repeating an entire level because I died on a boss is not fun. Nor is losing a life or starting a level over due to cumbersome, unresponsive platforming controls. Fans of early platformers may find the stiff controls nostalgic, but I just found them irritating.

Lovely, short, and full of charm. Pixel is amazing

pleasantly surprised with how much i enjoyed this. its been a long time since i tried any run and gun (at least a few years since i tried a mainline mega man) so i wasn't sure how i would react to this title. but it was a very delightful experience! gameplay always felt good and everything else visually and audibly was nice. one of the first times where a game introduced alternative modes after credits rolling where i actually wanted to try it again. breezed through this game in a morning and would recommend the same to others