Reviews from

in the past

A frankly mediocre game with an awful storyline, but a testament to how you can wrangle months of playtime out of me if you're a polished feature-complete title with a strong community-creation component. MapleStory 2 was as standard as MMOs get, I don't remember it being very well balanced, the action combat struggled to hold shape under the latency issues, it literally kills u irl when u die. Yadda yadda, I could say anything and you'd have no choice but to believe me, the game's servers have closed down permanently.

This was, however, my Massively Online Style Savvy: Trendsetters for PC. Games are terrified to let people make things for themselves, use their own images, provide customisation tools that could be exploited for devious ends - but they're pure and valuable expressions of da self! On one hand, I empathise with the walled-garden approach most games take, all content within the title being curated and poured over by the developers n publishers to assure maximum sponsor compatibility and compliance to ratings boards. MS2 was a rare and frankly exemplary occasion of a fairly major MMO publisher essentially not even caring about all of that. If you could think of it - you could make it. You could design your clothes and accessories and furniture meticulously, you could buy real estate within the world map and design every block of the house, you could buy billboard space and plaster any .png you want in story-critical questing zones. Was dumb as shit but so pure and good.

Also want to signal boost this
An official site recognising the fact that the game has shut down and just made ALL of its art assets freely available for download. Wtf. Why is this so rare.

I named my character "Butt Nipples" because I recently rewatched Coneheads back when I played this game. A few weeks after I hit max level I logged in to find that my name had been changed to "Cheek Pasties" - and yo, if the moderator who did that is seeing this, you're probably my soul mate.

But yeah then I quit. The home customization was kinda neat, because I have never played Animal Crossing or anything like that. Being able to input music was neat too. RIP

The only things i remember from this game are some whale guy trying to rizz my friend and me with his big ass flying dragon and me playing josuke's theme at what you'd call the limsa lomisa of the game through some kind of midi player

I miss this game. The game was very simple, easy to learn and comfortable to play. Character designs were very cute. For players of MapleStory 1, there were plenty of references and throwbacks to the original game.
Sadly, the game didn't do well enough to keep getting updates and service, so it was shut down after about a year.

I regret not spending enough time on this game before it shut down, but there was a lot of charm to it. With its chibi style, the most of my enjoyment came from world exploration and performances. Even if the gameplay was supposedly not great, it was definitely a fun and relaxing place to chill.

Great idea but bad realization. They implemented everything that made Maplestory go down the drain. It flopped, what they expected? There was hope, now only misery.
For me it is very bad as I had some expectations but for anyone else I think it is below average game. Nothing special but not super bad.

It was really fun i had a big hyperfixation on this I miss it so much

Sinto muita falta desse jogo, me diverti muito com ele e com as gameplays que eu via no youtube, seria um sonho se voltasse ;(

4/5 for its early months as KMS2, 1/5 for its start as GMS2, and likely what KMS2 turned into. It was PERFECTLY paced in the beginning, the number crunching endgame treadmill an afterthought for dedicated players, with dozens of unique and fun party quests and training grounds to explore in a delightful blocky coat of paint, ripe to replay with other characters and enjoy all over again if the endgame didn't taste well to you. Sometime after its first few months of release when my attention turned elsewhere, up to its release as GMS2, it abandoned virtually all of that variety, turning the gear treadmill into the game itself. Multiple max level characters were expected, as you got most of your levels through the story alone, and could burn through it in two, maybe even a single sitting. As stated in my Maplestory 1 review, this abject neglect of pacing is a critical flaw that far too many great Korean MMOs fall plague to as they develop over time.

Was terribly sad to see what this turned into, and hopefully it'll serve as a lesson to would-be MMO developers in the future how NOT to handle pacing.

One of my biggest vices of 2018

The best game in 2015 and would be the best but sadly it shut down after a year.

Tentativa falha de recriar uma obra muito boa, teve seus momentos bons, como tocar a opening de jojo com instrumento, mas dai o jogo morreu

loved being able to listen to MIDIs for one year

this shit was so bad that it died almost instantly

this game was like actual crack to me, even more so than the first game. i miss it so much and often think back to the glory days when i was playing this with friends. the things i'd do to get this game back.

It had a lot of charm but was all style and no substance. I hate it for the players who lost a game they loved, but I sure won't miss it.

It's hard to call it a sequel to MapleStory, but it was very good in its own way. If this game came out when I was a kid I would have spent so much time on this. There was so much creative freedom and I loved that a lot. Too bad it's dead

A surprisingly great spin off, despite getting its NA server axed within a short amount of time. Fun mini games.

I played this for a day and completely forgot about it... it's cute I guess

I don't think you can play this game anymore.
It was fun while it lasted, although I could never play the end game content because I had a terrible internet connection at the time.

Cute game, but too many bots ruined the experience for me.

one of the first things i saw logging onto this game for the first time was a poster in a town that another player had paid to put anti-abortion propaganda onto. glad it died.

É MapleStory, só que ao invés de ser 2D é 3D, e também não tem aquele charme do MapleStory original que você jogou quando criança.

Eu lembro de ter bastante interesse no jogo antes do lançamento quando nem previsão do lançamento da versão coreana tinha, afinal MapleStory era meu MMORPG favorito. Infelizmente,o jogo lançou, lançou versão global, foi uma decepção pra geral e o jogo fechou o servidor internacional em 2020 porque todos os players pararam de jogar.

Teve umas coisas legais tipo os veículos, o pessoal com instrumento musical e aparentemente dava pra você fazer uns equips custom, então tinha gente com camiseta de time de futebol no jogo!
Não sei opinar sobre o visual estilo Minecraft e a úncia lembrança que eu realmente tenho é de uma vez que joguei um mapa de evento de Natal por um tempinho.

(Aliás, o jogo tinha sido traduzido pra pt-BR, se o jogo realmente fosse bom podia ser sucesso no Brasil)