Reviews from

in the past

A once per year playthrough for me, along with the rest of the trilogy. One of the best pieces of science-fiction media of all time. Long live Commander Shepard and the crew of the SSV Normandy!

I know everyone loves this game a whole lot, because it became more of a cover based shooter, but that's exactly what I didn't want changed. Also, this game basically doesn't move the metaplot of the series at all. Like if you just deleted ME2 out of the middle you could pretty easily stitch together the ending of ME1 to the starting of ME3 and things would be approximately the same. There's some fun character parts, but there's also some really gross character parts. So, who can say if it's good or bad, I guess.

an incredible sequel that improves on almost everything from the first game.

The combat is so much better here, this is what I wished they could implement into the first with this remaster, a smoother combat experience just makes the whole game much more enjoyable

The story was also great, expanding this world even further, with some new characters added to the roster. I also liked the ability to do missions for those characters, I felt so much more connected to my crew by the end.

Idk how to avoid certain aspects of the ending, but I’m surprised it went there, it’s a bold choice for a game like this and it honestly worked, I was devastated

The biggest complaint for me was the transferring of my Shepard, I imported him from my save in the first game and they butchered his face, I wish there was an option to go in and customise, as I had to spend the entire game with basically no eyebrows, after they were extremely dark in the first game, it just took me out of the experience whenever it zoomed in on his face

A história é muito boa, não tem nenhum momento chato, os novos companheiros são ótimos (gostei muito do Thane, Samara, Miranda e Jack), porém o sistema de paragon/renegade ficou tão simples que parece um regresso em relação ao primeiro.

O primeiro já é bem bom, mas esse é tão foda e coloca a barra tão no alto que dá até medo de saber oq vai rolar no 3 já que muita gente odeia o final aparentemente

Mass Effect 2 is heralded as one of the masterpieces of RPGs, and it truly delivers. I played in 2022, and the game still plays well. The FPS combat is smooth and the story is amazing. There are hundreds of videos just on the romance angles. I loved the characters, my favorites being Jack, Liara, Mordin, and Tali. It also has one of my favorite theme songs, the suicide mission. If I have to nitpick, the game lacks a variety of spells and items. Otherwise, this is a must-play, even 10 years later.

starts slow, gets excellent with writing and all the crew


I don't think I can properly judge this game after just one playthrough. Two or maybe even three will be necessary. What I can say right now is that there's no substantial improvements 2 makes to 1. I'm not a fan of the simplified RPG elements, or the change from heat gauges to ammo, and I think 1 was a lot more tightly written.
That being said, though, it's still Mass Effect 2. Just because I didn't like some of the changes doesn't mean it doesn't kick ass anyways. A masterclass in atmosphere and consequence, best described as "Bold in a way that games before and since haven't achieved."

Gameplay - 8
Story - 10
Graphics - 8
Soundtrack - 10
Level Design - 9
World Building - 10
Character Development - 10
Immersion - 10
Longevity - 10
Innovation - 10

Overall - 9.5

Review in progress:

Solid storytelling paired with underwhelming third-person shooter gameplay and dumbed-down RPG elements. The gameplay is an improvement over Mass Effect 1 but still leaves a lot to be desired. I wish there were alternatives to combat to handle some of the situations (e.g., diplomacy). Instead, you have to shoot down endless waves of brain-dead enemies every time.


i didn’t beat ME2 yet, I’m like halfway through and this game is well on its way to breaking in to my top 5 of all time. Extraordinary.

One of the greatest video games of all time.

Favorite game maybe, definitely played it the most

This review contains spoilers

Depois de me surpreender com o quanto gostei de Mass Effect 1, ver o consenso popular que o 2 seria o melhor da franquia e ter me enchido de expectativa, infelizmente esse jogo me decepcionou demais.

A jogabilidade melhorou mas acho que essa é a única melhoria mesmo. O meu único ponto negativo de Mass Effect 1 é que eu achava que o jogo as vezes poderia ter mais ação, e Mass Effect 2 leva isso pro extremo oposto: é um jogo que tem ação demais e se foca só nisso. Sinto que boa parte dos elementos de RPG, ou mesmo variabilidade de jogabilidades, foi abandonada em prol de encher a narrativa com sequências infinitas de tiroteio. Realmente acredito que deixou tudo muito cansativo, até porque não é esse o tchan de ME1.

No entanto, mais que isso, os principais problemas de ME2 são a narrativa e a história principal. A estrutura desse jogo é MUITO estranha. Por mais que eu goste da maioria dos personagens, eu sinto que gosto deles de forma acidental e não por algum mérito da narrativa. A forma que eles são introduzidos não é nada orgânica (exceto Miranda e Jacob, claro) e soa muito como case of week e filler. As missões de recrutamento e lealdade soam muito como se você estivesse escolhendo um monstro da semana pra derrotar, cuja luta não tem peso nenhum e tanto faz qual você escolher. Algo que pra mim corrobora muito esse sentimento é que a Kasumi tem o mesmo peso narrativo que a Jack, por exemplo. E a Kasumi é uma personagem DLC!!!!

Justamente por toda a estrutura do jogo ser formada por esse aspecto "case of week", a história principal é totalmente não importante aqui. Como você tem 2 dezenas de missões de recrutamento e lealdade, as poucas main quests da história principal se perdem totalmente, até porque essas quests das companions não tem ligação com o conflito principal do jogo. No fim torna algo que chega a ser passível de ser esquecido, é uma ameaça que você não sente porque ela raramente está ali.

Enfim, eu genuinamente odiei a estrutura desse jogo. Depois que fiz todos os dossiers de recrutamento e precisei fazer as missões de lealdade, já estava extremamente cansado desse formato. Os pontos de alívio foram as missões de lealdade de Thane e Samara, que pelo menos fugiram da fórmula básica de tiroteio desenfreado que ME2 adotou.

Why Bioware decided to focus even more heavily on the combat aspects of one of the clumsiest, most oafish systems of gunplay mechanics in any AAA title continues to be one of the great bafflements in the history of the medium.

(Also I am a staunch defender of the planet scanning feature but it really couldn't have been that difficult to make it like 15% more efficient.)

Improves on the first one in almost every way and builds to a sensational finale. Amazing cast. All timer.

uno de los mejores juegos de toda la historia