Reviews from

in the past

My apartment building that I live in is meant for very, very old people who live off government income checks. Now, I am a very young person who just so happens to live off social security, but that does not make me immune to the rigorous rules set by the building for these older folks. One of the biggest annoyances is that every major announcement is conveyed to us through papers put in your door handle instead of an email or some shit, even more annoying is that the announcement can range in seriousness from "stop throwing boxes down the garbage shoot" to "tomorrow there will be a room check". I dont know what it is about being old but apparently they dont deserve any autonomy or privacy as these room checks consist of two men storming your apartment, literally manhandling every appliance to make sure it works. They have to open the windows to make sure they open. They have to go in your closet to make sure the door isnt falling off. It is bureaucracy at its finest.

Now, anyone who knows me understands that I have severe contamination ocd. So does the building manager, Lisa, who feels very very badly for me and tries to help whenever she can. However, she has to manage 200+ apartments with only one assistant so she is very overworked. One of these room checks happened to me last Tuesday, where Lisa herself came and checked out my room respectfully. But she did not convey she would be helping me until that day, the announcement for said room check came the previous week with a mere 24 hour notice. Between the days of Wednesday to Friday, 9-4, your room could potentially be invaded so better keep it clean, bitch. So what is a girl to do while she waits for her worst fear to unfold for 7 hours a day? Play Minecraft with her bestie, duhh.

Last time I interacted with Minecraft was in late elementary school, where my biological father's girlfriend and my grandma purchased separate copies for me because no one was smart enough to write down my account password. I also only played it twice on a computer, but I did have the app version of it on my ipod that I would mess around in before school. I was very interested in all the new shit that must of been added over the years, more than I was kind of embarrassed to be playing this as an adult.

Its very fun. Obviously, theres a lot to do. I like a game that doesnt hold your hand too much and has lots of ☆secrets☆ to offer, and after being updated all these years there sure is an unprecedented amount of concepts in the game. I like building a lot, I enjoy the comforting feeling of going back home to your house you spent 50 hours making. All the ingame animals make me very happy and I wish I could interact with them in more ways, the music is also stellar. I definitely would not enjoy this game so much were I playing it by myself, but luckily Hildas got my back and is always there to help me when I fall into a pit or run off a mountain.

Unfortunately I of course have the switch version, which of course fucking sucks. Chunks load very slow. Connecting with Hilda is very slow. Its not updated to the extent of Java which is also a bummer. You cant have custom skins which is also incredibly lame. Its very tedious to menu with a controller, and the constant autosaves make us both lag out for minutes at a time. I also have some issues with the base game in general as well, number one issue being fall damage which I think is taken too easily. It simply feels better to be moving around the map at mach speed, so to be punished for falling 3 blocks or so feels rather like being hit on the hands with a ruler, just lemme have my fun smooving. Its tied to my second biggest issue, which is that you get hungry way too fast and your health only recovers when its all the way full. Its as obnoxious as it sounds to be stopping every 5 seconds to eat a carrot.

Otherwise, its Minecraft. Im kind of very impressed its still around and cemented as one of the biggest games out there. A lot of the micro transaction shit is clearly driven towards the younger Roblox demographic, which is really hard to look at every time I turn on the game, but aside from that its still the fun block game I remember from when I was younger. I'll always associate this with the 3 anxiety-ridden days I spent playing with Hobo, slapping her into pits and breaking all her shit. Riding horses into her house. Threatening to blow up her house. Killing her slowly with projectile eggs. Abject terrorism is in my nature.

Playing Minecraft again for the first time since I was a kid with a bunch of friends who no-lifed this game for years, was, to say the least, a unique experience. I have never, from a purly gameplay perspective, been this overwhelmed and bored simultaneously.
It is borderline depressing to hear my old friends joyfully speaking in a to me foreign language and about something I can't seem to get anything out of other than the digital social interaction with them. And I don't want to have to commit a bunch of my time to learn and understand it, that just isn't the kind of gamer I am. I'd rather meet those same friends IRL, play something we are on equal footing or play shorter games alone that actually move something inside of me intentionally.

Being a reinstated noob in the current Meta and getting handheld by some well meaning bros through the Nether End-boss fight, while they were continuously arguing with each other about stuff I don't know shit about was just exhausting to me and I have never felt less while watching the credits of game roll down the screen.

A part of me wants to give Minecraft credit anyway for it's depth, (or whatever you wanna call it when something gets perpetuatually updated for over a decade, because it's the most profitable game on the market) but another side in me knows that the rightwing shithead who made this stole the base idea from Zachtronics and made a gazillion dollars as a result of dumbing it down, while Zach didn't get an ounce of credit, artisticly or monetary, other than in the first ever forum post Notch made about the development, in which he literally admitted to Minecraft being an Infineminer clone.
The funny thing is Zach himself said in an Interview about it that he cannot take credit for the idea of Minecraft, because he would have never come up with the mind numbing mechanic to just hold down the left mouse button to farm something. The words "mind numbing" in there are mine and are not in his quote, but judging by Zachtronics game design philosophy they were kind of implied.

And yea, turning my brain off and just building shit is the most pleasing thing to do in this game, but I don't like to play games to turn my brain off and to me this isn't an argument to learn about all the inordinate crafting intricacies either.

As a huge Brian Eno stan, the ambient OST by C418 is undoubtedly the pre-eminent reason Minecraft is deserving of it's attention as mainstream art to me, but as someone who listened to the album a bunch of times over the years without ever touching the game, I couldn't believe how many day-and-night circles pass before you'll ever hear one of those beautiful soundscapes. Despite it's sparse use, I would still argue that this gorgeous background music is, at minimum, subconsciously responsible for it's rise and staying power. I would waste some time anywhere those tunes grace my ears tbh.

With the exception of the infallible music and it's functionality as a social hub, this just isn't for me. Also, fuck Notch

(8-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I wish this could go up to TEN stars

It's VERY fun, and you get to explore and build, kill enemies and gain xp so you can enchant your weapons with loads of different enchants and there's a bunch of mobs and different dimensions, and even the Warden which is a different boss and the ally which is pretty cool that it can hold up items and give them to you in that world and the Deep Dark Biome which is SPOOKY, and Chest Boats which is a boat with a chest inside it and it is very fun and there are thousands of blocks and millions of items and tons of crafting recipes and even unobtainable items like the Debug Stick or the invisible item frame and also Hardcore Mode! If you die then you lost the world forever. Game Over! And the only thing that you can do about that world is spectate it, so that means you can like watch it.

And overall, I think Minecraft is a very good game.

They really should have merged with legacy edition rather than pocket edition. its very glitchy.

For years Minecraft was this weird blind-spot in my gaming history. I was a massive gamer, but I never touched one of the biggest games in the world. For whatever reason, it never interested me. And then, my friend suggested we start a server with a group of us so I finally had an excuse to check it out. Within just a few minutes of playing, I was hooked. I spent the next few months fully investing any time I could into building out our home base on our server. At first we started with just a house, and then we added a farm, animal pens, huts with automated machines, and an entire village we constructed so we could have villager neighbors. Every day I'd log in and go "OK what am I working on today?" Any time I'd finish a project, I'd start a new one - whether it was building an alchemy tower to hold our enchanters, or an elaborate rail system in the Nether that we could use to fast travel around the overworld. Meanwhile, while I was working hard mining and collecting resources, my wife would love taking what I've found to work on beautifying our property.

Minecraft is truly a one-of-a-kind video game that allows you to really play and engage with it any way you want. We built an entire empire on our server and it's some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game.

A beautiful time waster. A fun game with friends. A game to just fuck around and do whatever.

This game is everything.

The groundbreaking work that started the most boring new genre in gaming.

Minecraft já transcendeu o status de jogo, alcançando o posto de uma marca temporal. É virtualmente impossível encontrar um ser humano que nunca tenha visto esse jogo quadricular, aparentemente infantil, porém que pode se tornar uma ferramenta de exposição criativa colossal nas mãos certas

Minecraft is such a perfect game. It can be played by anyone and you can do anything. It annoying how lazy the devs are though (I would rather smaller updates throughout the year rather than big ones once a year)

God every fucking goddamn time I boot this game up it becomes my whole life and I accidentally spend like 6 hours in a morning building a needlessly complex hobbit house with cobble pathways and server-hub-ass courtyards

I'm not really sure how you're supposed to review such a huge game like Minecraft, cause you can really make it into anything anyone would like with enough work, so I'll just say stuff about survival.

It's hard to get into, because of how open-ended it is, and can be pretty boring if you don't go in with an idea for what you wanna do. For any fun in survival, you have to set really specific goals for yourself, or be very easily distracted. There's a big chance you'll have a good time if you do that much, but I personally don't do that. Survival isn't my cup of tea.

This game sucks, dood. I keep starving to death, and I can't craft ANYTHING!
Now guys, It is just about the 1 hour mark, and tips have FROZEN COMPLETELY. I play these chill, positive games to make money to pay my BILLS! PLEASE TIP, NOW!

I am reviewing the Nintendo Switch version of this game specifically. It is serviceable, but MAN the lag in this one is just atrocious.

Particularly in the title screen, any menu and loading screen outside of the actual game will take just too long to properly load or respond. Sometimes it's quick, but most of the time trying to do anything outside of just playing the game will take long enough for it to be noticeable.

The only other downside to this one, is that once your world gets large and/or packed enough, the game starts to struggle to load in the chunks. So sometimes you are going to be walking anywhere far enough and all of the sudden the world reaches its limit and there is a bottomless void in front of you for like a solid 5 to 8 seconds.

It doesn't happen too much I guess, but enough times for it to be something worth pointing out. I don't know if I necessarily recommend this version of the game...It works and at the end of the day, it's still Minecraft...It just has to be one of the worst versions of Bedrock out there.

Don't forget to try out Terraria!

(6-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

I like to call it "Mince Raft" now

Now goodbye forever mwahahahaha

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You get to Mine and Craft! And also you get to meet Villagers in a town! And sometimes they trade, and also there's lots of Mobs, you get to fight them. You can get Wolves and you can tame them with bones, and if they get hurt, you can feed them with ROTTEN FLESH.


Do you know what my favorite thing to do is, in Minecrap. I love building bricks, with Minecrap. Building bricks with Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand while all the kids are playing this game these days, it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. It's the most fun you could possibly have.

I've been dreading that I have to rate this game for the better part of my time on this website; yet, I know it needs to be done for my challenge. I say this not because I believe the game to be decisive, but more so to the fact that I am not sure what to say that hasn't already been said. Minecraft is, whether anyone likes it or not, one of the best games to ever be created. With such being derived not from its gameplay so to say, but its cultural impact on the greater gaming landscape. It quite clearly "changed" how developers and the world as a whole views gaming; mostly for the better. leaving such an impact that what I am to say next might be considered contradictory to most views. But the actual appearance and gameplay of minecraft is just good. Not amazing, not ten out of ten, but good for what it does. Is it a staple of the gaming landscape? Yes, did it forever change views? Yes also, but it still has the same flaws as almost every game crafted. From its development, to its creators, to certain gameplay features being stale. Yet, I can not overlook the thousands of hours I have spent in its worlds, and the far more substantial amount of time I spent watching videos, and talking, socializing, and thinking about what this game was. It's not perfect, it never was, and probably never will be. But it sure is a damn good title, and I would be wrong to not acknowledge such.

More so on this thought, I would like to make note that I believe Minecraft has also created a certain view among individuals. Such that that game is viewed as being "Perfect," and impenetrable to critique. Something of which, I, not only in relation to Minecraft but all of media consumption as a whole, hate, alot. The world Perfect is thrown around in my view without consideration for what the word actually means. I still do try to understand, but I that believe being critical of things, and never using the word perfect unless something is very much deserving of the word should be recited in the public eye. Being critical to a point is good, and should not be looked upon as shameful. Being critical is in human nature; if we did not critique the way we hunted we would not have developed farms, if we do not critique the way we act, society would have crumbled multiple times over. We need to change these perspectives.

Anyways, I guess Minecraft was good ENOUGH to make me write a small statement on the role criticism plays in the human experience. So maybe it was a profoundly life changing game? I don't know? Who knows? All I know is that Minecraft is a fun game that should be experienced by all! So until next time!
(Which will in fact be soon, I am planning to write a review of Microsoft Jigsaw right after this lol)

Bedrock sucks and I'm horribly uncreative but hey its minecraft

Esse é de longe o jogo mais recompensador que já tive a benção de jogar.

Minecraft é um sandbox e/ou um jogo de sobrevivência onde o jogador deve buscar formas de se manter no mundo gerado proceduralmente. O objetivo do jogo não é citado, mas se quiser ver os créditos rolarem, você pode focar em chegar na dimensão conhecida como The End e matar o chefão Ender Dragon.

O título contém um dos melhores multiplayer que já experimentei, com uma infinidade de coisas pra se fazer com os amigos como: arquiteturas, pixel art, canhões, elevadores, fábricas, explorar cavernas, dominar vilarejos, montar fazendas, ter animais de estimação, fazer poções, construir e encantar equipamentos, etc. O céu é o limite em Minecraft.

Uma obra absolutamente fantástica, e que se jogada, facilmente justifica o porque é um dos jogos mais vendidos da história dos videogames.

Dispensa comentários, deve ser o jogo que mais joguei na vida. Fora as memórias de assistir as séries do Tazercraft, Authentic e Venom Extreme dps da escola.

>> Prós
• TUDO : Jogabilidade, Soundtrack, Modo Survival, Modo Criativo... tudo do jogo é perfeito para alguém que busca se divertir tanto sozinho quanto com outras pessoas.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Enderman ( melhor mob ).

i finally found what makes me like this game and it was just I needed to mod it with what I like (Nuclear, post apocalyptic, and sci-fi)

I stole so much stuff from the villagers
My sin haunts me

if you have ever played this game you are either painfully annoying or chronically unfunny. im both. 4 stars.


I'll play this game with friends for 2 weeks during the summer and we will not play it for a whole year inbetween, so it definitely has a strong appeal. Mods hard-carry this game since they can add so much more stuff to do than Mojang will ever even be able to work on. Otherwise it's just fun, if a bit basic without content mods.