Reviews from

in the past

your honor,

scott the woz monopoly

Monopoly is just a rip-off of Florida. Hospice care is also a rip-off of Florida. Florida is basically death's waiting room, and this is the board game that you have to play while you wait. Monopoly is like listening to a terrible teacher lecture you, and that teacher is the father of the Six Flags guy. The most optimal way to play Monopoly is with an oxygen tank while Everywhere At The End Of Time is playing over a loudspeaker, and if you're really hardcore, you should try playing it while on an IV drip too. Monopoly is basically like a disappointing trip to Sea World where you have to also watch the 'trainers' abuse the animals after the show. Playing Monopoly is equivalent to starring in Dallas Buyers Club and then watching it all the way through multiple times. You just sit there and watch yourself physically waste away into nothingness over and over and over again until you're sick of watching yourself in the process of dying and just want the grim reaper grant you the sweet release of death, but instead he just gives you more fucking Monopoly money. I hate Monopoly. I hate Monopoly! I fucking hate Monopoly.

I respect a lot how the AI was specifically made not to be challenging, but to waste as much time as possible from you with the worst trades imaginable that you would only ever accept out of frustration.

Ahhh, Monopoly. The Marmite of board games. You either love it for how iconic the game is or you despise it and dread seeing the billion gazillion versions that exist.

You could play it the old fashioned way or a licensed version based around a property, play it in 10 minutes or if you're desperate have the "World's Longest" Monopoly game. Be a cheeky cheater, make sure you're not a sore loser or find the fake money.

It's easy to say that Monopoly is still one of the biggest board games around and when things get popular, there's always going to be a video game version just around the corner.

There's countless different Monopoly video games and this SNES/Mega Drive version happens to be alright. The graphics are decent, there's some nice voice samples here and there and it plays a fairly good game.

On the downside though the pace of it can be somewhat slow and it's rather lacking in the music department... at least when there is some as otherwise it's rather quiet on the sound front.

I'm more of a Monopoly Party guy when it comes to these games (more of a nostalgia thing if anything) but this wasn't bad if you were looking for a Monopoly fix back in the day. And if you weren't then you were probably playing a different board game.

Monopoly is a fine board game but is usually better when played with house rules, which is not supported here. I never learned how the auction system worked. Also this is just a bit clunky

Gameplay divertida em multiplayer, depressiva caso sozinho, Fator recreativo de ensinar a manusear dinheiro porém possui cunho politico ensinando neoliberalismo

The AI in this one makes really unusual trades sometimes and can work out against your favor. But it is Monopoly and I typically like Monopoly cause it is fun and one of my favorite board games. Just its less of a game and more of just rolling dice and buying things. I got this at a goodwill a couple years ago cause it was cheap.

Fun video game adaptation of Monopoly.

The core Monopoly game is there but the UI is rough, and music is mostly nowhere to be found.

Suicide is likely a better alternative

I spent one entire afternoon as a kid playing the SNES version of this alone through an emulator. That is the entire extent of my experience with this version of Monopoly. I don't know if I really have anything of value to say about it, other than that it impressed upon me just how fucking long a Monopoly game can be.

There's something I cherish about having extremely vivid memories of the days I spent doing dumb shit like this.

It's Monopoly... slow and tedious... if you want to play Monopoly, my suggestion is to play the "real thing" with family or friends.

Very weird instance where the handheld version plays smoother than the console one.

Monopoly's a fun game that's beloved by evil people. I am One Of The Good Ones. I promise.

Good version of the board game, may move too quickly for some, with the details flashing by before you have the chance to take them in. With up to eight players though you can't really go wrong.

It's Monopoly! My favorite board game.

a perfectly competent, even charming rendition of everybody's least favorite capitalism simulator. if you absolutely must play a game of monopoly, you could definitely do much worse than this.