Reviews from

in the past

It felt like a combination of numerous NES-era games in one, in a way. It had roughly the level of depth and length of NES games, which I find quite impressive. I initially played the game only because it was there, but ended up liking it a lot. It also was a nice way to introduce my nephew to gaming when he was 4.


I really fucking hate how much I love this game. You haven’t lived until you’ve played the Luigi’s Mansion minigame. I throw the word “peak” around a lot but this is it. I want to give it over a 7 but I really can’t live with myself giving it an 8

hell fucking yeah nintendo land

very fun experience with a good chunk of content you can do both singleplayer and with friends

honestly really good? there's some stinkers in the game selection but the highlights are insanely fun, especially the multiplayer ones. 5-player mario chase, luigi's mansion and metroid blast were all god-tier.

it really is a shame Nintendo Land was never the killer app Wii Sports was - it was a super nice little medley of various Nintendo franchises in a way that was relatively simple and easy to play. main thing that holds it back for me is the lack of online gameplay - I mostly spent time in the Pikmin one though because I didn't really have any friends that wanted to play in real life

Monita my beloved

Has a ton of enjoyable minigames that are easy to wrap your head around and play with some buds. It’s a little saddening seeing how little this game is talked about anymore.

Absolutely loved DK’s Crash Course in particular. Trying to 100% that shit as a dumbass little kid was awesome

My status:

(Stamps: 38/80, Total Coins Collected: 3156, Prizes Won: 200/200, April 15, 2014)
- The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest (All Challenges Complete, Progress: 170%, March 1, 2014)
- Pikmin Adventure (All Challenges Complete, Progress: 100%, March 6, 2014)
- Metroid Blast (All Challenges Complete, Progress: 170%, March 7, 2014)

playing this with friends is super fun actually

One of the more fun titles on the Wii U that holds up the most for me behind Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Maker. This was the one I played the most with friends that came over to my house or with my siblings. The Mario hide and seek game was one of my favorites and I loved running around the map trying to corner the Mario player. The Luigi's Mansion one is fun as the ghost, and I enjoyed the Animal Crossing game as well because you have to divide and conquer. This game holds up even better now because the Switch didn't have a good party game like this one.

I do agree with most people that say the single player games aren't as fun. The Donkey Kong game is the only one I really played by myself, and otherwise I would only play with other people. But I still think that with that being said, it is one of the better Wii U titles.

Severely underrated Nintendo Title. This game is so much goofy fun.

Super underrated party game. Played this with my friends from 6th grade every time they came to my place. This is what the WiiU was MADE for.

It's a shame that the Wii U flopped because this is an excellent party game that goes above and beyond what its tech demo status would lead you to think.

Countless hours of fun were had playing Mario Chase, Luigi's Ghost Mansion, Animal Crossing Sweet Day, Zelda Battle Quest, Metroid Blast, and Pikmin Adventure. Really just a very tight and well-made party game that feels like a celebration of Nintendo.

I never owned this game but I played it at my friends house and it's quite funny I think

i lost my virginity to ninentolan

I don't even own this game, my friend does

Still, absolutely a blast at parties. All the minigames hit. Specifically the Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion games. We will always scream till we are hoarse because of how much fun we always have. I wish it were possible to port to Switch

Luigis haunted mansion and Mario chase carry this game HARD

banger party game, carries our drinking evenings

Review #1 - 2019

One of those rare gems that I wish would find its way onto the Switch, but I highly doubt it will happen. This game is a WONDERFUL time, and though it's one of those you'd probably get tired of after a couple hours, those first several moments are worth the laughs and fun you'll have. Me and my friends LOVED "Mario Chase".

Until I get a copy for my own, I can't speak for playing it in solo mode, though I can see how that would be not as much fun, given a lot of these games were designed to be played with friends. Some minigames are better than others, and you'll end up finding one you'll REALLY enjoy, and probably stick to that one like we did with "Mario Chase". If you have a Wii U and don't own this yet, do yourself a favor and add it to your collection! If you're getting into the Wii U, don't pass this one up!

honestly a really neat launch title. Shows off the capabilities of the Wii U in ways that not a lot of other games really showed. Also features a ton of nintendo franchises and fanservice for those franchises which makes the game overall quite the charming little romp to go through. Gotta get those last slivers of new F-zero, pikmin, and murasame castle content nawsay. Honestly this is one of the best launch titles for a system period IMO as I kept playing this all the way through the Wii U's life, both as a fantastic 5-person party game and as a fun standalone singleplayer romp.

Best use of the Game Pad and one of the best games on Wii U. Crazy that there wasn’t a follow up on Switch but it’s Nintendo, I expect nothing less.

Honestly this game was super underappreciated. Really fun game modes, and the multiplayer was awesome. The best two modes were definitely the mario chase and the animal crossing ones. I played a ton of those with my friends. Even the solo games were pretty solid. Need a sequel for this game on the switch.

The wii u is better than your favorite console

HUGELY underrated party game with tons of charm and love

metroid game is the best metroid game in the past 10-15 years tbh

Genuinely great. Pour one out

I didn't play it as much as it deserves, but I had an awesome time with just the multiplayer minigames. The Luigi's Mansion and the Animal Crossing ones are superb for an easy multiplayer game.
It is worth it to play. Every Wii U owner should buy this game to see what the Wii U Gamepad is capable of.