Reviews from

in the past

Do you ever feel like maybe our digital theme park turned out better than our real one

Big Nintendo Land defender over here. A lot of folks dunked on it for not being Wii Sports but I honestly think Nintendo Land is more of a proper game than Wii Sports was even if it's not as groundbreaking. I genuinely think Nintendo Land was a great launch title to show what the Wii U was capable of.

i really loved this game. tho one problem i had was when my little cousin screamed and cried at the luigis mansion game that was fucking funny

a fun game to play with family every now and then

deeply sad that this will probably never get a rerelease but it’s understandable. Regardless, super fun and unique

this game good maybe but i never had anyone to play . my mom say no and my dad say no . my fish also say no . my fish also die 2 week later . so sad .

combines some of (where the HELL is kirby) nintendo's best franchises and turns them into adorable theme park attractions, solidifying its status by being a beacon for some of the best multiplayer in any game. period.

you know what, it was a great game. i have so many memories playing this game with my sister. we completed almost every single thing there is to do in this, and there is a lot to do. i wouldn't play it again but it was a fun experience as a kid.

I remember this being a staple for couch co-op whenever I had friends over in grade school. Not many games were as fun as Nintendo Land with multiple people who didn't often play video games. It's an extremely polished collection of minigames, while not as iconic as Wii Sports; I'd say Nintendo Land is a rival in quality as far as console pack-in titles go.
Highlight for me was always the Luigi's Mansion game. The Wii U made screen cheating fun.

I pretty much only played the Mario Chase and Luigi's Mansion games. They were super fun and really showcased cool uses of the game pad.

Great party game, had fun playing some parts on my own and also some with both friends and family. My favourite games include: Metroid Blast, Octopus Dance, Mario Chase, and Pikmin Adventure.


Fun experience, reminds me of Wii Sports. Had some fun minigames with friends, and even some that were fun on your own. Shame that it is only available on a dead console.

I don't even own this game, my friend does

Still, absolutely a blast at parties. All the minigames hit. Specifically the Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion games. We will always scream till we are hoarse because of how much fun we always have. I wish it were possible to port to Switch

Played as part of my 2023 Summah Games series.

Summah isn't just about spendin' your days on the beach, sifting sand through your fingers, catchin' you some hermit crabs and poppin' them in your mouth like popcorn chicken from KFC. It's also about amusement parks, and roller coasters, and gettin' bored and stickin' your head through the railing of the line queue for Indiana Jones Adventure and havin' Mickey Mouse come hack ya free with a buzzsaw. It's about tossin' a cigarette butt into a bush near the Haunted Mansion and watchin' the fire grow as Disneyland fire fighters struggle to push through the crowds to vanquish the blaze. Summah!

What? You can't go to Anaheim? You're sayin' they ran you outta town because you cosplayed as a Storm Trooper and triggered a territorial dispute in Frontier Land? That's a little bit strange. I don't know why you'd want to break the illusion like that.

Thankfully Nintendo has a game designed for the criminal element, a Summah simulation known as Nintendo Land. Much like Astro's Playroom, Wii Sports, and Pilot Wings 64, Nintendo Land is a pack-in game designed specifically around its controller, making use of all the features one might expect to use during the duration of the generation. That said, I don't think I need to tell anyone that the Wii U's gamepad was seldom used by third parties for anything more than inventory screens and maps; knowledge which makes Nintendo Land interesting as a retroactive review of the console's potential.

Each attraction is built around a specific gimmick, like Donkey Kong's Crash Course, which thankfully does not involve putting a monkey in a car and setting him loose. Rather, you need to tilt the gamepad left and right to control your character as they slide around an obstacle course, occasionally blowing into the mic to raise platforms, tapping the bumpers to trigger gates, and cranking the right analog around to set tracks into place. At times it feels like you're controlling this with Joe Rinaudo's Photoplayer, but there's really no better way to learn every part of the gamepad. I also enjoyed Octopus Dance, which similarly requires you to juggle a bunch of different inputs as you match the timing and moves of a mime. Occasionally you'll even get jumpscared by your own face, which floats around in the background projected on a screen. I didn't consent to turning the camera on! I don't need to see myself slack-jawed, eyes wide and bulging as I try to match the beat-- I look like a freaking meatball!!

The real meat of Nintendo Land is its multiplayer attractions, which unfortunately can only be played locally. I suppose it's possible to try to set something up with friends through emulation, but doing so would mean forgoing the gamepad, which almost feels like too much a compromise given the whole conceit of Nintendo Land. None of these mini games are strong enough on their own to warrant a playthrough without the gamepad coloring the experience, and even if you were to map everything to another controller, I'm not sure how good it would even feel given how varied each game is. Unfortunately, this puts me in a position where I can't enjoy half of Nintendo Land's content. I can't even ride the train around for chrissake. Why wouldn't they at least put bots in the game to play against? I've seen the way Nintendo fans talk on Twitter, they've never interacted with another human being in their lives. know your audience! I hope someone was jailed for this oversight.

But, sometimes you spend Summah alone, stuck in the cigarette haze of a Nintendo themed pachinko parlor, spending all your coins on ? boxes that contain that piece of shit bird from Balloon Trip Breeze, or drawing dongs on the touchpad in Yoshi's Fruit Cart while everyone else is livin' it up in Pikmin's Adventure. Not that they'd let me into that smorgasbord anyway...

Now is the part of the review where I must run the numbers and determine if Nintendo Land is a Summah game. How well does it capture those Summah vibes? Can you feel the heat of the hot Summah sun beating down on you, the weight of the churro in your hand and the agony radiating from your feet as hour two of waiting to board Star Tours creeps on by? The only way to tell is by subjecting Nintendo Land to the usual Summah modifiers and a battery of tests, including how long it takes to get sunburned, if it can sustain rollercoaster velocities, and taste.

Nintendo Land scores a 4.8 on the Summah Index Scale. It is a game with slightly below average Summah vibes. Its fruity notes allowed it to pass the taste test, but it regrettably failed to complete velocity testing, having flown out of my hands during a sharp turn on Space Mountain. They refused to turn on the lights and let me look for it, so we can only speculate as to how Nintendo Land would have fared in further testing. Weighing all factors within our power, it was determined that Nintendo Land fails to capture the scope and splendor of the amusement parks it so desperately seeks to emulate, and you would perhaps be better served enjoying a game of Roller Coaster Tycoon.

As the previous user said, "you had to be there". I spent some of the best gaming evening of my life playing Nintendo Land, it is a beautiful soulful game that still stands today as a proof that the Wii U was great. The Mario Chase and Luigi's Mansion minigames especially are genius.

One of my favorite Wii U games. I have so many memories from playing these games with my brother or friends. I would always play the Zelda one when with my brother because of how good he was at it (and I was just a dumb 5 year old or however old I was) but I would always play the pikmin and meteoroid alone. I loved the pikmin one but kinda hated the meteoroid one unless I was playing with someone else. And I would always play the Mario, animal crossing and especially the Luigi’s mansion one with my childhood friends. So many memories with this game, especially watching WiiLikeToPlay play this game. 5/5

If most games on the Wii U were this considerate of the console's quirks then the Nintendo Switch might not have ever come out.

A great pack-in title featuring different types of minigames in a Nintendo theme park environment to ultimately showcase the features of the (then) recently released Wii U console.

As with any minigame collection, some are better than others but for the most part they were fun. The same concept applied to the Wii U specific features, with the Ninja-star throwing minigame being one of the best implementations of the game pad. Overall, a fun package and a nice way of testing the Wii U system with friends.

A really cool tech demo for the Wii U. All the competitive games are horribly unbalanced and a couple of the singleplayer games are misses, but the good ones make up for it. As far as console launch titles go, I at least like this one better than Wii Sports.

Also, did you know the singleplayer games actually have multiplayer built in? If you have a Wiimote, you can impact the game differently from the Gamepad player. Try it out sometime.

i dont hear people talk about this game enough

HUGELY underrated party game with tons of charm and love

For the first Wii U game, this is a nice way of kicking off the console, and honestly pretty creative for going tour with their IPs.
I hope we get another game like it eventually, cause its very good.

The wii u is better than your favorite console

It felt like a combination of numerous NES-era games in one, in a way. It had roughly the level of depth and length of NES games, which I find quite impressive. I initially played the game only because it was there, but ended up liking it a lot. It also was a nice way to introduce my nephew to gaming when he was 4.

One of the more fun titles on the Wii U that holds up the most for me behind Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Maker. This was the one I played the most with friends that came over to my house or with my siblings. The Mario hide and seek game was one of my favorites and I loved running around the map trying to corner the Mario player. The Luigi's Mansion one is fun as the ghost, and I enjoyed the Animal Crossing game as well because you have to divide and conquer. This game holds up even better now because the Switch didn't have a good party game like this one.

I do agree with most people that say the single player games aren't as fun. The Donkey Kong game is the only one I really played by myself, and otherwise I would only play with other people. But I still think that with that being said, it is one of the better Wii U titles.

Luigis haunted mansion and Mario chase carry this game HARD

banger party game, carries our drinking evenings