Reviews from

in the past

i appreciate bringing this game to a (much!) wider audience, but i’ll always be a ps1 purist. games like this are really like aided by the ps1’s graphical limitations, and they create the sort of liminal, angular feel that’s familiar to us who experienced it, but it’s hard to put to words.

when u upscale that or otherwise take away from that and polish it up for the new generation, a lot of personality and excitement gets taken with it.
anyway the game is still cool but i miss when my games looked worse and were more fun for it.

This remake misses the atmosphere and themes of the original so spectacularly that it almost feels like a parody of sorts.

slig sings a Wizard of Oz parody for the 200th time while I cry blood

Is this what New Coke tasted like?

Retains the classic gameplay of the PlayStation originals. The fresh coat of paint is nice for the most part, but some of the old charm is missing for me (though that may just be my love of 2D sprites).

The setting and world building of Oddworld is so uniqe that I couldn't resist revisiting it through this "new and tasty" version of the game. But I probably should've left my fond memories of playing this on the PS1 alone, even though I can't get me to dislike this remake.

I think the world of Abe has come more alive here and the actually playing is more aligned with the cutscenes, and just for that this is worth revisiting, or experience if you haven't played the original version. It truly come off as a world that exist in it's own and you just happen to be able to be a part of it. Everything happens between the characters, from Abe's perspective and a lot of developers could learn a thing or two from this game on how to deliver context, story and dialogue without having to rely on "exposition talking".

What I had forgotten was how clunky Abe is to control, and that I downright hated the parts where you control Elum. After finishing those sequenses it didn't feel rewarding in a mastering kind of way, but more just lucky with the timing of the jumps. And I can't help but feel some of the puzzles are way harder because the enemies can now spot you from positions where they earlier was off-screen.

I don't regret playing this remake, but it would've benefitted from making Abe, and especially Elum, easier to control, maintained more of the originals "grittiness", make the visual cues on the maps more obvious and have a least one more directory later in the first stage.

Versão repaginada do clássico de ps1. O game é divertido demais, bem criativo, mas o que pesa nele sem dúvidas é ter que salvar todos as criaturas pra ver o final verdadeiro, isso estraga a experiência.

I really wanted to like New 'n' Tasty as it is the remake of Abe's Oddysee, which is a beloved classic, but I found the remake to be utterly boring, and cheap at times, with many technical problems.

Even when major problems are fixed, some games just feel wrong to play with and New 'n' Tasty is one of them. The movement is janky, and some of the visuals just look awful. These aside, the game has a charming atmosphere, but somehow way more playful than the original, creating this very weird mixture of slapstick comedy and darker themes. It is called ODDworld after all.

Besides that, some of the level design is just awful, and unfun to play, and the puzzles are more on the experimental side, meaning that you cannot figure some of them out on your first try, and you need to die a lot in order to find a good solution. This is mostly due to the fact that the puzzles are mostly movement based.

I think for those who never played any Oddworld games before this one is a good entry point, but I recommend others to just stay away from it and stick with the original, even though this remake is the new starting point for the franchise from now on.

I remember being pretty intrigued with this one at the start, but my interest slowly tapered off

Sufrí mucho, pero el original fue el primer juego que he jugado en mi vida.

Good remake of a good game.

Never played this series before this remake. Gameplay was nice and smooth. I think fans of the original will be happy. Might play sequel someday

lacked the charm of the original but it was fine

I enjoyed Abe's Odyssey but I can't say I loved it, it's atmosphere and themes were on point but I didn't like the gameplay I thought it was clunky and outdated, then again that might be just my thing since it requires patience and I'm not a patience person.

Here it's the exact opposite, the atmosphere and themes are not nearly as good as Abe's Odyssey but the gameplay feels a lot more fluid and I enjoyed my time with this game much more.

Ultimately just comes down to preference.
If you want an experience with a story with pseudo dark capitalism themes with dark humor that gameplay-wise has aged like milk.
Or would you rather have something close to the last game but is a lot weaker in its atmosphere and themes.
It's 100% up to you.

Update of Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. A quirky platformer puzzle game about an unlikely hero trying to escape and free his people from the elitist race and corporations that uses them as slaves while making the native animals into food. Good art and world design in the original and good improvements made with this update with some excellent backgrounds, while staying true to the original. Controls are so bad (if they even work for you at all at first with either the keyboard or a controller) and menus so poorly designed and counterintuitive that the developers pinned a thread to help people with control issues. When I first started the game both my controller and the keyboard just wouldn't do certain things, the menus to edit controls are terrible (basically the same as the 1997 menus but more confusing), you have to switch to what type of controller you are using for some reason and at the start of the game it might not update the tutorials with those controls if it even bothers to at all, and even with it needlessly requiring you to choose a controller type it won't tell you what button does what.

Abe's Oddysee with worse atmosphere and awkward tweaks but better controls

Although it does look nice visually but I honestly don't like it compared to the original game, it lacks all of the charm that I loved about Abe's Oddysee. It has bad bloom lighting, the controls suck, the cutscenes are not nowhere as interesting and the worst problem is that the meat grinders move way too fast, and it turns out that this is in fact a bug that was never fixed. You gone F***ed up!

I couldn't finish because the game would bug and turn Abe invisible making it almost impossible to complete any level, which apparently is a known bug that was never fixed. The controls are also terrible.

Fell all of this game out of frustration. The precision the game was demanding out of its extremely stiff controls proved infuriating to me, which is a shame because I was sort of into the game's gross vibes.

Shitty ass remake. The original had solid controls and precise spacing. This had neither. No idea why they didn't have an optional control scheme like the original, not like a 'check my health' button was necessary.

Graphics are much worse than I expected. Looks like a D team kind of game.

Music was the only good part, at least for the most part. Some parts had nothing to replace the old music.

Remakes like this piss me off because they make it to where you have to tell people to just pirate the original and never touch the remake. Also it's somehow really buggy.

It's short enough to encourage multiple playthroughs, which will be needed since it's easy to miss some of the mudokons at the start if you don't know that you must look for them in secret entrances.

The fixed jumps will throw you off at first but it's easy to get used to them. Only had problems in later levels when using the mount and more precise long jumps are needed.

I'm in the credits of this game for naming one of the trophies, so that's nice. Unfortunately, New 'n' Tasty misses the mark in terms of visual presentation, with so much blooming neon lights that it ruins the dark, dank factory atmosphere of the original. Beyond that gripe, what's on offer here is a near 1:1 retelling of Abe's Oddysee, with only a few very small deviations to be found within the cutscenes and no major gameplay changes beyond a significantly increased number of Mudokons to rescue and some small camera angle shifts in addition to a nifty little DLC level focusing on the escape of Alf, a mud who we didn't originally meet until Abe's Exoddus back in the day.

Bizarrely, the Bad Ending cutscene is the only thing in this game that wasn't re-recorded, meaning the original audio is there and it's pretty jarring to hear Abe's original, higher pitched voice again for no apparent reason.

Solid reboot on its own merits, however not exactly faithful to the original development and team behind the 1997 title. The art direction is flawed, animations are lazy and have no weight. There are also brand advertisements on the counter billboards which defeats the purpose of the game's core message.

It was really encouraging to see a comeback from this IP but it's sad to see that they only really took the game at face value. The new team have 'fixed' things that were really intentional parts of the design in the older game. Standing in specific places, moving a certain number of spaces per action, throwing things at specific locations - these were all very tactical parts of the game.

Now that everything is freeform and you can be anywhere in the 3D space, it makes everything much more clunky and difficult to be precise with. Also some of the grittiness and dirtiness of the old environments has been lost as everything has become so clean and shiny now.

It's a very well intentioned step in the wrong direction, but I'm torn as it was still lovely to see Abe making a comeback and the upgrade had so much potential. I just wish the dev's understood the game better.

A good game that’s a worse version of a another game.

Complicated feelings towards this one because it technically has many improvements to the original however in many ways it does feel like a downgrade. I feel like the atmosphere and themes were lost a little bit in this remake which is a massive shame and to me really doesn’t make this the definitive verison. I really wish this stayed closer to the orignal art direction. This game is too bright in general and a lot of the darkness is taken out completely in some of the environments. Rupture Farms doesn’t feel nearly as dismal or grimey as the ps1 orignal.

The gameplay however is kinda improved but in ways I don’t even like personally. It’s a lot easier and feels like everything has less weight. However Some of the improvements from Exoddus makes its way here which is nice. Still the easier challenge makes this game more accessible and I can see more people playing Oddworld cause of it. Even I have to admit I got into the series because of this game but ever since I got the ps1 orignal I prefer it.

Still can’t say this is a BAD game. it’s still good and I can see why someone would prefer this one. It’s basically just a more accessible and modernized verison of Abe’s Odyssey. A good but worse version of something great.

I was really enjoying this until the end! The updated graphics, quick saves, and difficulty levels helped make it accessible to me. I adore the voice actors and Abe (follow me!), and the platforming was super difficult for me but I tried my best and kept trying till I finished. But there are a lot of secret rooms that I didn't know about, and if you don't save at least half, you get a bad ending. I saved 132 and got a bad ending (apparently the good ending is at 150). It felt like a slap in the face, all the time and effort I put in. Still really enjoyed it till the end, though.

Fun and unforgiving platformer set in a weird alien world. Dislike the need to 100% the game to get the true ending.