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in the past

Resident Evil but in feudal Japan sounds fucking cool and it is. One of the more noteworthy things about this game is how you can feel the roots of the character action genre taking shape. It came out only a few months before Devil May Cry 1 and definitely shares a lot of the same DNA.

Sin los controles de tanque es muy divertido

remaster con buena optimización en pc que trae la tan necesaria traducción a idiomas tan necesaria en cualquier videojuego hoy en día

can't believe it was this short????

deveria ter como editar os controles.
nao é ruim mas nao é bom.

um baita survival horror, o desenvolvimento da gameplay é perceptível durante o jogo e a boss fight final é boa demais

Resident Evil meet Jidaigeki in this classic Capcom title.

I had vague recollection of playing this on the PS2 back in the day. I believe at that time I gave up on the game and instead went for the excellent sequels as the first was just too difficult for me as a child. Coming back to this game I can see why. Onimusha is not an easy game, but it is one crying for a remake or a reboot as the series is incredibly interesting. Set in Feudal Japan with demons rising out of the earth, shenanigans ensue and Samanosuke Akechi comes in to save the day. The layout of the game is incredibly similar to Devil May Cry and Resident Evil which is a treat if you're a Capcom fan. With interesting level design (you're basically in a haunted mansion, sound familiar?) beautiful art and tense combat, I really hope to see more of this series in the near future. My main complaint for this particular version is that for an HD remaster, we don't really get many extras for the price (not even button mapping which is a crime). Fingers crossed that we can at least get more HD remasters of this classic series.

Onimusha la verdad es que me termino gustando mas de lo que esperaba. El juego es bastante corto, lo comencé un día y cuando pare de jugar prácticamente lo deje antes del final. El combate es bastante simple la verdad, con 3 armas diferentes y un combo para cada una + un ataque especial diferente para cada una. Aun que el combate no esta tan mal, siento que podría ser mejor, con un sistema de lock-in mejor, separar el botón de esquive/dash de el lock-in, y mejorar igualmente el dash, ya que este se nota que esta mejor trabajado para los controles de tanque, lo cual pues se puede hacer cambiando al dpad por lo que al menos es algo que tiene un tipo se solución. Junto a esto, igualmente me hubiese gustado que se pudiese cancelar los ataques para hacer bloqueos (como en Yakuza).
Otro problema fuera del combate, es el hecho de no poder saltar cinemáticas in-game, lo que encuentro medio meado ya que cada vez que mueras ante un jefe o en el puzzle del agua, tienes que hacer el recorrido de vuelta, ver la cinemática y ver si ahora si pasas sin problemas.
Fuera de esos problemitas y cosillas que pudiesen ser mejor, es un juego con un apartado artistico, en mi opinion, bastante bonito, con fondos pre-render que siento que fueron bien reescalados para el remaster, escenas cgi que me parecieron GOD, un gameplay sencillo pero entretenido y una historia corta pero buena.
Es un juego que recomiendo bastante si no saber que jugar y tienes la tarde libre, ya que el juego no dura mucho mas que 4 horas y se nota que tiene rejugabilidad, por lo que en algún momento a lo mejor lo vuelvo a jugar para obtener todos los coleccionables.

Onimusha es un juego que me ha gustado menos de lo que esperaba pero más de lo que debía una vez puesto en mis manos.
El motivo es únicamente por sus controles. Se queda en un hibrido entre tanque con algo más de movilidad. Y ahí es donde está mi rabia. Este juego más enfocado a ser un hack and slash tenía un potencial para ser un top de su generación. Con la mezcla de samurái y demonios, consigue una ambientación que te tiene todo el rato en su mundo. Es simplemente fantástico en esa parte.

Nota final: 8. Sí. Es más nota de lo que parece según mi humilde crítica, pero es que el juego en rasgos generales me ha gustado mucho.

Streamed my first playthrough of this game and loved fighting my way through. There are some stellar designs in this game, some great moments and bosses (some bad bosses too), fun combat, and overall it was a good intro to the Onimusha series.

I can't get enough of survival-horror, fixed-camera angle type games and if I discovered this game a bit earlier in life I think it could have become a huge favorite; maybe a game to speedrun.

part 1 edited video:

This is basically the missing link between old school resident evil and devil may cry 1 and it rocks
however this version has some downsides with lazy ai upscaling, the default mode is 16:9 which just crops the screen, and worst of all despite being a remaster, it lacks content of the xbox release
but with that said, it at least did update controls to just be better, and it runs very well, at least on pc
if you get it, this is probably the second best version overall, but as a remaster it is a bit lacking

the prove that every ps1 game is great if you remove the tank controls

This game just proved to me that the Switch badly needs some sort of a trophy system. The poverty achievements that were implemented as an replacement in this game was kinda sad unfortunately. Gameplay-wise, this game still feels great. Felt a lot like the OG Resident Evil thanks to the level design, way more than Onimusha 3, which was more reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden to me in this regard. Didn't mind the short length either.

O combate do jogo e MT bom e isso me divertiu MT
A história e bem batida mas ele tem uma boa direção e tenta inovar nas coisas.
Eu senti falta de alguma ost marcante.
E um jogo bem okay pra se jogar só não espere muito.

Um jogo bem curto, de 3 a 4 horas, mas dificílimo de largar assim que começa a jogar.

A mí esto me volaba la cabeza hace como 20 años, cuando lo jugaba mi padre en PS2, pero ha envejecido regulín y es muy olvidable. Para una tarde está bien; me ha durado 4 horas.

feels a lot like dmc 1 in the way that it has this very resident evil inspired progression and u fight with sword

Resident evil samurai,n tem vergonha de ser isso por isso é tão bom

While it didn’t get the same TLC as Capcom’s other big remake release this year, Resident Evil 2, the visuals don’t look half bad – especially on the Switch’s portable display. If you’re looking for a compact and entertaining action game that still holds up give Onimusha Warlords a whirl.

Full Review:

Such a fun game. Combat is not complicated, responsive and fun. The story is extremely light but charming. The pre rendered graphics and controls (analog or tank) both work well. The camera can be annoying when you’re attacked by something you can’t see unless you stand in the right spot. But at like 4 hours, it’s got an exciting pace and is very fun.

it plays like resident evil, but you're a samurai. meaning combat plays a bigger role and is very fun! though a bit shallow, only one attack buttons, three weapons, and very simple magic system. Level design isn't as good as most keys require you to upgrade your magic rather than finding keys. But its a pretty short game so the redundancy doesn't overstay. Would recommend for RE / action fans if you're looking for something fresh

I have no problem with the game/remaster.
Horrible horrible port!

Its a great game with fun characters and a simple plot. The gameplay is samurai resident evil and it a lot of fun the remaster allowing analog controls makes it so much smoother to play. Switching weapons without going into the menu is also a god send. But there are a lot of moments when the game lags and freezes when it changes camera angles or starting a cut scene or going to the menu and it takes a thirty seconds to a minute to get going again. Its not a deal breaker but it hurts momentum and can be annoying when your really getting into it.