Reviews from

in the past

Resident Evil but in feudal Japan sounds fucking cool and it is. One of the more noteworthy things about this game is how you can feel the roots of the character action genre taking shape. It came out only a few months before Devil May Cry 1 and definitely shares a lot of the same DNA.

Sin los controles de tanque es muy divertido

remaster con buena optimización en pc que trae la tan necesaria traducción a idiomas tan necesaria en cualquier videojuego hoy en día

O combate do jogo e MT bom e isso me divertiu MT
A história e bem batida mas ele tem uma boa direção e tenta inovar nas coisas.
Eu senti falta de alguma ost marcante.
E um jogo bem okay pra se jogar só não espere muito.

Um jogo bem curto, de 3 a 4 horas, mas dificílimo de largar assim que começa a jogar.

A mí esto me volaba la cabeza hace como 20 años, cuando lo jugaba mi padre en PS2, pero ha envejecido regulín y es muy olvidable. Para una tarde está bien; me ha durado 4 horas.

Resident Evil meet Jidaigeki in this classic Capcom title.

I had vague recollection of playing this on the PS2 back in the day. I believe at that time I gave up on the game and instead went for the excellent sequels as the first was just too difficult for me as a child. Coming back to this game I can see why. Onimusha is not an easy game, but it is one crying for a remake or a reboot as the series is incredibly interesting. Set in Feudal Japan with demons rising out of the earth, shenanigans ensue and Samanosuke Akechi comes in to save the day. The layout of the game is incredibly similar to Devil May Cry and Resident Evil which is a treat if you're a Capcom fan. With interesting level design (you're basically in a haunted mansion, sound familiar?) beautiful art and tense combat, I really hope to see more of this series in the near future. My main complaint for this particular version is that for an HD remaster, we don't really get many extras for the price (not even button mapping which is a crime). Fingers crossed that we can at least get more HD remasters of this classic series.

Feels very dated by today's standards. The combat and tank controls felt clunky. I didn't get very far.

Deveriam ter pego a versão do Xbox OG que tem muito mais conteudo do que esse, dito isso, um jogo mediano, gameplay descente.

perfect balance between action and survival horror

se vc acha a camera do primeiro DMC ruim se prepara

it plays like resident evil, but you're a samurai. meaning combat plays a bigger role and is very fun! though a bit shallow, only one attack buttons, three weapons, and very simple magic system. Level design isn't as good as most keys require you to upgrade your magic rather than finding keys. But its a pretty short game so the redundancy doesn't overstay. Would recommend for RE / action fans if you're looking for something fresh

This is basically the missing link between old school resident evil and devil may cry 1 and it rocks
however this version has some downsides with lazy ai upscaling, the default mode is 16:9 which just crops the screen, and worst of all despite being a remaster, it lacks content of the xbox release
but with that said, it at least did update controls to just be better, and it runs very well, at least on pc
if you get it, this is probably the second best version overall, but as a remaster it is a bit lacking

the prove that every ps1 game is great if you remove the tank controls

This game just proved to me that the Switch badly needs some sort of a trophy system. The poverty achievements that were implemented as an replacement in this game was kinda sad unfortunately. Gameplay-wise, this game still feels great. Felt a lot like the OG Resident Evil thanks to the level design, way more than Onimusha 3, which was more reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden to me in this regard. Didn't mind the short length either.

This is a pretty sick hack and slasher, like DMC from another era. It's super cheap, so I would say it's worth it, considering it's a strongly overlooked Capcom franchise.

can't believe it was this short????

deveria ter como editar os controles.
nao é ruim mas nao é bom.

um baita survival horror, o desenvolvimento da gameplay é perceptível durante o jogo e a boss fight final é boa demais

Onimusha: Warlords pra mim sem dúvidas foi um dos jogos mais icônicos da Capcom na era PS2.

O jogo não envelheceu muito bem com o passar dos anos mas ainda é uma experiência agradável para fãs do gênero, é bom ressaltar as melhorias na gameplay que facilitaram muito o jogo possibilitando um combate mais fluído e menos estressante.

Gostaria de ver o restante da franquia remasterizado futuramente.

feels a lot like dmc 1 in the way that it has this very resident evil inspired progression and u fight with sword

Не самый увлекательный представитель классических слешеров. Очень неудобная камера и устаревшая графика. Тем не менее, разок пройти можно. Особенно любителям эпохи Сенгоку

I find it really interesting how much patience I had back when I first played this game, because man I was not in the mood for it this time around. Even with the quality of life improvements were still not enough to make the game all that enjoyable to play. Granted they were bare bone additions and they could have added some more improvements like being able to skip cut scenes and maybe a check point system. It's a product of it's time which was great back then but just not as acceptable today.

o 3 é o millior, mas esse é bom também :D

É tipo resident evil só que bom

Jogo bom, gameplay gostosa, história boa, poderia ter vindo uma legenda em PT br pra facilita a jogatina, Onimusha lembra pakas Devil May Cry então meio que é difícil não gosta