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I don't think it's possible to make a "true" sequel to Postal 2 nowadays.

I'm not talking about the offensive humor or the minutiae of its small-scale sandbox and the chaos it lets you indulge in. What makes Postal 2 an exceedingly tricky game to follow up on is the era in which it was produced. Postal was created in the era of outrage. The finest example of this would be Grand Theft Auto and the numerous outrages it spawned at the time. But GTA never let you put a cat's ass on the barrel of your shotgun or go around peeing on people until they vomited. For all of its attempts at humor, Postal 2 was made in poor taste purely to get attention, and it worked wonders. Its content has slightly more historical merit in this medium than, 'hey, wasn't that the game that got banned in several countries?'—at least, if you're in America. It's thanks to Postal 2 that the M rating comes with two separate labels for violence outside of the Cartoon and Fantasy parameters, 'Violence' and 'Intense Violence.'

The problem now is that things don't "work" that way anymore. If there's any game in the past fifteen years that changed how Americans look at the way their games are rated, it's arguably Manhunt 2, and that's only because of how many politicians petitioned for it to get an Adults Only rating. Outside of that, which is small-beans compared to the irreversible change to the American rating system caused by Postal 2, there hasn't been much on offer. In the past ten years, you'd be hard-pressed to find another game like that. The closest analog is Hatred, which caught fire for treating Mass Shootings with more leeway than Uwe Boll. In a sense, Hatred almost surpasses Postal 4 in terms of relevance, if only because it mirrors the hellscape many Americans have constantly lived in fear of for over two decades at this point. Making a game about a mass shooting on that scale and not marketing it to outright weirdos who get off to the sight of Japanese school uniforms is like a cheat code for making your game controversial. Twenty years ago, it was easy to assume that any game that let you kill droves of nameless, faceless NPCs was a straight ticket to hell, much, in the same way, D&D was for the greater part of the 80s' Satanic Panic kicked off by the detestable con-woman Beatrice Sparks. All you have to do now is go through a Post Malone phase and put on this façade of having to say something "important", even if the only words you're saying constitute little more than shock value printed on the half-price pulp that the National Economic Registry hastily rejects in secret, and people will try their damnedest to take you seriously. Jack Thompson is dead.

This is the precise predicament that Postal 4 finds itself in: after its developer sold its soul to the Russian equivalent of Electronic Arts, an act only decried by ardent fans and the developers' post-mortem, the goalpost had moved. When your live-action adaptation only makes headlines because very few people find it funny, and the quotes you're cherry-picking from for marketing revert back to calling it a weaker version of South Park... what's the point? By the time Postal 4 was released in early access, it had been several years since a room full of critics applauded the Kevin Smith movie where Dante Hicks and Randal Graves argue about whether or not going ass-to-mouth is justified for minutes on end. Good Boys, a 2019 movie about children, had a trailer so perverse and explicit that I could see my dad physically recoiling in his seat whenever a trailer for it showed up in the theater we were at. To say that the shtick that worked in 2003 is something that would only spark protest from The Vegan Teacher in 2022 is being exceptionally polite.

On top of all of this... Postal 4's just not very fun. Okay, I'll admit that Postal 2 isn't exactly a high watermark for the medium as a whole. But to say that that's all it is is a reduction. It's dumb fun dry-aged in gold leaf. Once you crack through its shell, the center you're left is with is something that doesn't have much appeal outside of being a digital stress ball with piss-and-shit jokes and a cameo from Gary Coleman, but cutting right to the center is missing the point. It's fun to look around and find new weapons, find your way across the labyrinthine map to buy a Christmas tree in the middle of July, and play around with the surprisingly reactive world in front of you. Sure, it doesn't have the taste of something like Grand Theft Auto, and shivering behind all of the things that I like about it is just about the trashiest game I've ever played, but it's got replay value. What value does riding a mobility scooter across a map that's too large to entertain for more than a second have? "Grand Theft Auto had cars, and now so do we" is the exact mindset that Running With Scissors mocked in Postal 2, and it's something that's shamelessly regurgitated here without any of the wit or subversiveness seen previously; it's in here because Postal 2 had it, and if it's something they can reuse, self-awareness is off the fucking table. The combat's fun, but the AI somehow lags behind a game twenty years its senior. If you really, really want more Postal 2 to the point where you barely have any standards, look no further, but this is the exact kind of reduction that I warned against with nothing to dress it up.

It's not much of an Emperor's New Clothing for Running With Scissors to be met with derision, it's what they based their brand on. Hell, they're marketing this game right now with the 1/10 that GameSpot gave it. Here's where I suggest something completely different: Postal 4 is not only a weaker game than its predecessor; it's also a lazier one. Right down to flaunting the critical reception like a badge of honor! The more things change, the more they stay the same, but in this case, boy howdy have things not changed at all.

Want to make a proper sequel to Postal 2? Forget the apocalypse, forget a contemporary setting, forget mobility scooters and jokes about Karens and that one Tiger King guy and also COVID. None of that is relevant, and you might as well be making a game in another series if you believe it is. Postal built its brand of regression, and the funny thing is, it worked. Not one-hundred-percent, but I guarantee you that the first two games in this series are far more timeless than this will ever be. As I said, it was the era of outrage. 3D had only been a thing for one-and-a-half generations prior, and with video games only being readily available to the consumer for two to three decades, it's easy to argue that aspects of the medium were still in their infancy. Postal wasn't infamous for how good its gameplay was or how particularly shocking it was, it was part of a wave of digital entertainment that set a precedent. Decades apart, speaking about how regressive the series was is speaking about history.

If they wanted to make a true Postal 4, they had to embrace that. Set it back in the early 2000s, or, hell, late 90s. Make it a commentary on the crazed American politics that fueled both games with the stunning insight that such a large gap in time has caused, while also paying mind to the new wave of gaming it was a part of. You don't need a massive map or aspects that feel appropriated from other, much better contemporary titles. Fuck struggling to catch up, this should have been behind.

I know it comes off as pompous and arrogant to readily assume that you could do better than someone else when creativity is involved. Especially in game development, dick-swinging is what typically leads to developers slaving away for years and, in some cases, over a decade on something that might not work out in the end. But consider how fascinating it would have been if Postal 4 actually embraced its roots instead of chasing the bitter aftertaste that III left in everyone's mouth. I'm sure the developers would know; their CEO was unironically tweeting before the 2020 election about how Joe Biden should be thrown in Guantanamo Bay for crimes that haven't been proven.

At least I bought these games before discovering the developer's Twitter...


The Backloggd rating and kneejerk fan reactions seem to indicate my initial response to Postal 4's release was the same as many others'. Disgust. So I absolutely get where y'all are coming from when you hate on Postal 4. So don't brush me off when I tell you that Postal 4 is a great game.

Let's get this out of the way: yes, most of my old complaints still apply to this game in the year of our Lord 2024. Postal 4 is a janky mess, riddled with bugs and horrid difficulty spikes. It's also an indie game with a massive scope. It's worth noting that many people complained about Postal 2 back in the day in much the same way people are complaining about Postal 4 now.

When I began my playthrough, I was trying to breeze through the days in much the same way I would in my optimized runs of Postal 2. However, I quickly ran into issues. Attempting to speed demon my way from point to point left me feeling worn out even after just an hour or two of play. When I started taking my time, seeing the sights, vibing with the silly cutscenes, dissecting people with the fantastic arsenal of new weapons, that's when Postal 4 clicked. This is a vibrant and dense game. Shitty jokes and side content are plastered just about everywhere a modern game engine would allow. It's arguably the best open world I've seen a game, where the copypasting is minimal and every space feels like it serves a purpose, not to pad out game size. It's certainly better than whatever Starfield has going on. And that game has a higher rating than this!

I don't mean to get hung up over the critical reception of Postal 4. If a RWS-developed game is ever universally beloved, something has gone terribly wrong. It just really sucks to see so many Postal 2 fans shit on something that was clearly a passion project for the team. Don't let its reputation or performance issues dissuade you from checking it out. Postal 4 is a worthwhile, chaotic jankfest. That's a good thing.

i like every postal game i am heavily biased

I don't think there will ever be a game like Postal. it's way too vulgar, unapologetically juvenile and too special to ever be replicated. Postal 4 may be not be the masterpiece in bad taste like Postal 2 but it's still such a fun game that does capture the essence of Postal.

I remember first playing this game in early access back a couple of years ago and remember quite enjoying it. Upon further reflection, I played Postal III so maybe I was a bit biased when RWS was working on this one again.

Postal 4 is supposed to be the sequel to the "Worst Game Ever", that being Postal 2 since RWS doesn't want to mentioned Postal III (despite constantly mocking it every chance they get). Postal 2 is a very polarizing game. It's not really that funny in terms of writing, but I did find it completely engaging because of how self-aware the comedy was and plus because of the gameplay being so ridiculous that I couldn't help but love it. Postal 4 looked like it was going back to that style but now in a more "janky" and "glitchy" direction. The main problem with Postal 4 though is that it's boring. Nothing exciting ever happens from my knowledge. I only played the first two days (Monday and Tuesday) before uninstalling it from my computer.

The city of Edensin is bland. True there are peds walking around the streets and you can enter stores and buildings, but there's no peds inside the buildings leading to nothing but empty spaces. And getting around to it is so tiring. True there are fast travel but the time it takes for them to work due to the game's long and ridiculous loading times, is equal to how far you drive in those scooters, which are the only source of vehicles of transportation in the game. RWS did say they're gonna add in new vehicles in the game...which they should have done at the full release but whatever.

Performance was another issue people had with the game. I never really ran into that many problems though. The closest I got was when the game crashed when I was loading an autosave (which I was gonna close the game anyway and uninstall it around that time anyway). The AI is also sort rotten, mostly applying to enemies. I never encountered a bunch of glitches. I only got a sewer rat floating in mid air, an NPC having an issue just trying to sit down on a chair, and when riding my scooter I just clipped through some of the NPC's when trying to run them over.

Postal 4 doesn't feel like a proper sequel to Postal 2, rather more like a cheap bootleg ripoff of the game. It's not as bad as other gaming journalists make it out to be, but if we are comparing this game to Postal 2, it doesn't even come close to it. Just play Postal 2 instead.

I had fun with the game early on, but as the bugs and crashes piled up, my frustrations did too. The game becomes a slog by the end, Friday is the worst day by far. Maybe it'll be a 3/5 if they fix the bugs, but I doubt it. They seem more intent on making weed jokes than releasing a competent product these days.

Running With Scissors announced the game was coming out of early access and was "completed" because they needed more funding to fix bugs and keep working on the game. They've been open about it since it released on 4/20 last year. I have no problem with that

The problem I do have is that I'm not sure even they know how long it'll take before the game is halfway playable.

Man, where to even start with this one. I have played Postal 4 since Alpha when it was first offered. A new Postal game?? Sign me up! I played through all the days and finished the game when the Friday update dropped. I know since then there have been tons of updates and optimizations, but it's just not worth going back to right this moment.

If you want the humor Postal 2 had, it's there however its more in your face. Which is one of my main gripes. Postal 2 was more subtle with its references, whereas Postal 4 is along the lines of "ZOMG go to the Game of Thrones Toilet store and install Bidets, but watch out for Peter Dinklage!" or with the return of the voting errand, but with WACKY BROKEN VOTING MACHINES, REMEMBER THE 2020 ELECTION?!?! At least in Postal 2, the political commentary was less ham-fisted.

I felt the design of some of the areas was severly lacking. Way too open and drawn out, with large expanses of empty map between areas. The layout of the map was also confusing, requiring me to pull out my map every 20 seconds. This is even WITH a minimap.

I don't mean this personally, but John St. John is the shittiest Postal dude VA. I'm serious. I would take Zack Ward over his performance any day. I am glad they included all VA's for the Dude that you can select from, Rick Hunter immediately.

I also felt the overall story/plot was missing something. Every errand felt disjointed, as well as the people you were doing errands for. The reveal at the end of Friday was also horrible, it retconns an entire sequence of Postal 2 that I adore playing through. It felt cheap. Same with the mall shootout, cheap arena fight that had an out-of-left-field payoff.

I would say play it, but its not worth multiple playthroughs

imagine releasing an unfinished game that misses the point of why 2 was so good, and then pick fights with smaller dev teams for partaking in complete non issues while also sucking themselves off for doing the bare minimum and "fixing it"

just because other companies are doing it doesn't mean it should become the standard. I like cyberpunk but it doesn't change the fact it shouldn't happen in the first place. Hope you enjoy all the respect lost guys lol

In der aktuellen Version keinen Cent wert.

I couldn't even enjoy this game ironically, it's that bad. The performance optimization is non-existent and it could not feel more incomplete.

Trash. There's a few moments that are good in concept but 96% of this game is absolute ass.

Play Postal: Brain Damaged instead

If you want a successor to Postal 2, perhaps Cruelty Squad is a better answer to that. This ain't it.

it's janky but in a good way, very fun

I may come back to this game later, but honestly this just feels like a worse version of 2. Mainly in the feel of the game, I actually think the humor is better in this one from what I've seen but I have admittedly not even made it past day 1. Maybe some day I'll try it again and actually have fun





The best joke of this game is the fact that it's "finished"

The same as Postal 2 (which could be okay) but doesn't really do much. It's got some fun, some unfun side activities but most of the shooting is really eh, and a lot of the locations have potential (as absurd as they may be) but feel empty and quickly assembled. Also the horrible horrible decision to put an outline shader over everything, a bit like that one Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD. I think this might be a better sandbox game than Postal 2, but it really doesn't try anything new and gets lost in references to its own predecessor. You mostly play the game, see an interesting set piece and think: "I'd like to see this being used in an actually good game".

While an improvement in some areas, the game kind of lacks the polish and bite of postal 2


It´s bad

only giving it 3 stars for the developers

i have a lot to say on this one. i highly recommend it if you're obsessed with the postal series as i am, however, it is still very much unpolished. i really wish it were optimized better since frame rate and lag are big issues with this one.

the humor is a bit corny and outdated, as a lot of it references memes or events that happened between 2018-2022, and you know how things get uh... old quick, if that makes sense? an example of this is a huge billboard in edensin which advertises a satirization of that netflix show 'tiger king', this one was popular during quarantine but its not really something people care or remember today

i love the costumes and having to do side quests to get them, and my favourite part above all are the voice line options. they feature the voice actors of the previous dudes from the other games. epic.

i, however, do not like the plushie collecting. as i write this, its actually impossible to complete. trust me, i tried. 1-3 are stuck behind walls which you cant get through without cheats (and cheats disable achievements.. soooo...) i really hope rws fixes this because its honestly very frustrating, and getting around the map is so tedious, the bike helps but not by a long shot, i guess im just more used to the postal 2 map but i feel like this one needs a bit more work

A worse version of an already mediocre, overrated piece of shit from 20 years.
One of the most egregious cases of abusing the early access system Ive ever seen. Its current state would have been barely acceptable as the initial EA build, nevermind the "finished" product.
Dogshit company & game. Not even worth the bandwith needed to download it

I had fun at times but by the end it just turned into a slog. I'll say this much, it's still better than Postal 3.

This game tried to be Postal 2 so hard and it just failed.

The humor, gameplay, glitches, bugs... it goes on.

But it's still fun when everything works.

The boring, linear game design of the Postal 2 expansions is finally taken too far here. At the current stage of development, there is nothing RWS can do to save this.

Not quite as good as 2 but it's a valiant effort regardless, will become a much more enjoyable game I imagine once co-op gets patched in, I appreciate the lore nods to past games a lot though

Pretty good, but not as good as Postal 2. Nice try, though.

insanely glitchy but still fun in a way