Reviews from

in the past

Sem dúvidas um dos jogos mais difíceis que já joguei

Quer um joguinho pra dedicar o tempo, se estressar e se sentir frustrado algumas vezes? Bom, aqui está o jogo perfeito. Pursuit Force é muito bom e traz diversão pra caramba, só que ele também é muito dificil tipo.. MUITO mesmo, começando pelos controles que ao mesmo tempo que funcionam bem, parecem não responder 100% a tudo, por exemplo a dirigibilidade das motos que PELO AMOR DE DEUS é horrivel, horrorosa e nem merecia estar nesse jogo.

Mas assim, ele também é cheio das surpresinhas, tem fases variadas que criam aquela bendita barreira que nos proíbe felizmente de sentir o cansaço enquanto joga. Fase a pé, no barco, no helicóptero (como atirador), e todas elas são muito boas, o único problema é que a sua dificuldade aparenta ser um pouco desequilibrada, ao mesmo tempo em que tu ta achando uma fase fácil, a próxima da um pulo GIGANTESCO de dificuldade e acaba causando uma certa frustração.

Ah.. e o que causa frustração nessa maravilha aqui também são os checkpoints.. eles até que são bem colocados, não entenda mal. Mas, em alguns momentos eles não existem o que acaba te forçando a voltar tudo do inicio na fase pra conseguir conclui-la, então se tu ta se sentindo incomodado com isso, faça bom uso dos Save States, só usa com moderação pra não ficar chato.

Apesar dos pontos negativos que citei acima, ele também tem tuas vantagens, é um jogo total de arcade e não tem a história como foco, então se tu ta cansado de acompanhar historinha de jogo e só quer entrar pra meter bala, entra nesse aqui. Seus gráficos são.. Ok, mas pra um jogo do começo do PSP eles são até que bons e chegam até a lembrar um pouco o gráfico de Dreamcast, as musiquinhas são mais ou menos mas dão um impacto legal em algumas fases

Pursuit Force is basically if they made an entire game out of those Hollywood blockbuster car chase scenes, and it turns out to be a pretty fun game, with some annoyances holding it back.

In the main campaign mode you'll be taking on 5 gangs, each representing the biggest threats to civilized society: the mob, military LARPers, loose convicts, karens, and the yakuza. In case you didn't notice, this is a very dumb game, but in a fun way. You'll be mostly killing a bunch of them bad dudes while on a high speed vehicle, set on a linear pathway of roads. It's mostly about completing the objectives while surviving against the onslaught of gunfire. If your vehicles gets too damaged, you can hop on an enemy vehicle, take them down and get on the driver's seat to continue the mission. There's also non-vehicle sections like on-foot third person shooting, or the helicopter turret sections, which are decent enough to make the missions feel more dynamic. At its best, the game's missions are bite-sized helpings of over-the-top adrenaline rush.

The game definitely gets more hectic as you progress, although the difficulty progression is not necessarily linear. Enemies in the later missions can jump on your vehicles and go right for your jugular, and this can be pretty annoying since there's usually not enough room on the roads to swerve around and throw them off. It also gets harder to manage your health, since the quickest way to get health is by filling up a bar by doing enough enemy takedowns and such, and you can lose points on said bar by hitting or hurting civilian vehicles. It can be very hard when there's like 2-3 other enemy vehicles hitting you into the civilians. Not to mention there's no checkpoint system here, even for the longer missions. It's not exactly insurmountable odds, but it does feel hella frustrating sometimes.

There's also 2 boss fights for each gang, and I can't say that these are as exciting as they should be. I think the best one is the final mob boss fight, which is one of the earliest boss fight you can do. The boss fights don't exactly ramp up in an interesting way, they usually just have more annoying elements to them, like having a lot of adds tailing them. This doesn't mean that they're no fun, but I do think it could have been done much better.

There isn't really a story here, it's just about you taking down a bunch of gangs without an overarching plot. I do feel annoyed that most of the game's dialogues are just people shit talking you, even from your own boss. Some of the gangs also have questionable accents, which at the very least is a bit distracting.

That's basically it for the main campaign. There's also race and time trial modes, which are just fine. The port/emulation job for the PS5 version is pretty nice, the up-res graphics looks good and the rewind feature is very helpful. I also got the platinum trophy in just about 6 hours. I had a good time with this, and I would love to see Sony bring more of their old forgotten franchises back.

I really wanted to give this a 3 and a half star because I really do think this game is a blast but lord does it have issues. To get this out of the way I really enjoy this game its a lot of fun! the core gameplay loop is fun and I wish this game would make a return in any form or shape because there aren't a lot of games like Pursuit force.

Anyways! Most of my complaints really boil down to bugs, sometimes terrible control and downright unfair and annoying levels.

This game really was unique for its time as the gameplay loop has you driving at highspeeds in which when you are near an enemies car you can jump onto their car and highjack it. There are on foot segments but they are very basic and just get the job done with you autolocking onto enemies and shooting at them. Its simple brainless fun but even for a PS5 version this game had a surprising amount of issues. To start controlling motorcycles is near impossible as even bumping into anything will send you into a frantic out of control spree causing you to hit everything and sometimes just losing ALL control of a motorcycle. The same thing applies with cars but cars control league tons better so it isn't as bad since you can gain control again pretty quickly. Past that there are points where my car would just go out of bounds of the map or sometimes even under the map causing for very awkward situations and sometimes frustrating ones.

The later levels of the game become downright unfair as the game wants you do objectives pretty much flawlessly and if you mess up for 5-10 seconds that very much can cost you the whole mission. The level pool in general is very basic as all games pretty much have the same mission loop which I started noticing near the end which honestly wasn't the biggest issue.

Past the story mode there are trials, races but I never found them fun at all so I only did what I needed to do for trophies and moved on. Speaking on story there is one but it isn't that good but I mean what can you really expect story wise this game sole focus is the fun gameplay. To boil it down gangs do bad things ... stop them.

I did achieve the platinum trophy its very easy so that was nice not having to do anything outlandish for it the trophy list is very straight forward.

Overall this was a game from my childhood that I am very glad to see put onto the PS5 I just really wish past them making it look nicer that they weeded out the bugs and annoyances of this game more. Overall if you have the PS+ sub you mine as well try it !

O jogo te força a jogar nas dificuldades maiores, se não fosse por isso, seria muito melhor.

I think this game is somewhat special, even though it is designed for a portable console I enjoyed it on ps5 and didn’t feel it is that old. Very engaging gameplay and enough variety here and there also the boss fights were kinda fun. The thing that holds this back is the brutal difficulty, I don’t I would endure this as much if it isn’t for the rewind feature on the ps5. Overall it is a fun, short game that is worth your time.

played for a bit, it was a bit of fun but I lost motivation to continue because it didn't really hook me. I had my little fun with it and doubt I'd ever play it again.

The game that made PSP special for me, when there was no PC's and PS4's around, there was Pursuit Force.

It's stupid, it's fun, it's stupid fun.

Although I bought this in hope of playing pursuit force extend justice again, and it is honestly not even close to as good. This game has such a bizarre early difficulty spike that it doesn't stay fun for long

I guess folk 'round here don't like difficult games.

This is one of the most boring games I've ever played

What a little frustrating piece of s...hooter-action-racing game

Extremely fun game, controls very well and has a nice variety of content. It’s charmingly of its time, couldn’t be made today as it’s basically a police brutality simulator with some questionable presentations of minorities.

Brutally difficult as it goes on, don’t think I would’ve finished it without the rewind feature on PS5.


some levels are really difficult for no reason, i understand now why i never finished it as a kid

Moderately funny satire, but otherwise the racing and combat didn't grab me.

É estranho, divertido e desafiador; Pursuit Force foi uma pérola do PSP com sua originalidade pra época que felizmente está de volta pelo Playstation Plus.

O jogo é bem simples, nós controlamos um policial realizando diversas operações em formato de fases, nelas iremos combater diversas facções de bandidos, seja por perseguições de carros, motos, barcos, até por seções de helicóptero e trechos em terceira pessoa fora dos veículos.

A gameplay é meio quebrada mas é muito divertida, o carimbo do jogo é o movimento especial que podemos realizar durante as perseguições, o famoso pulo de carro pra carro, o protagonista tem um talento de saltar de um veículo para o outro de forma bem sensacionalista, se tiver um inimigo dentro podemos abatê-lo e tomarmos o volante. Quando fazemos isso um medidor de especial se enche, ele nos garante recuperação de vida e acréscimo de dano. Vale citar que a dificuldade é gradativa, as operações envolvendo chefes são bem complicadas.

A história é quase inexistente, tem alguns personagens e diálogos, mas nada é desenvolvido ou apresentado, você basicamente faz parte de um grupo de policiais especiais e seu dever é prender os chefões do crime; antes de cada operação é contado por texto sobre o que está acontecendo e o que você deve fazer na missão seguinte, mas fora isso.. nada de relevante.

A trilha sonora é um destaque, frenética e empolgante durante as missões, bem vibe policial e tals.

De problemas.. bem, é um jogo de PSP, então desconsidera frame rate por exemplo, os controles de barco e de seções a pé é simplesmente horrível, tudo torto e você não consegue controlar a câmera; a mira do helicóptero também é sofrível de direcionar e a dificuldade apesar de ser gradativa, chega a ser frustrante em alguns momentos, a missão final das Vixens por exemplo quase me fez desligar o videogame.

De qualquer forma apesar dos problemas ainda é um jogo divertido, é diferente e consegue te distrair por boa parte do tempo, 5 horinhas tu termina sem compromisso.

A fairly impressive technological showcase for the PSP at the time of release, demonstrating that such a compact device could handle large levels filled with enemies and vehicles. The game isn't long enough to overstay it's welcome and features more variety in missions than you'd expect from a glance.

The vehicle leaping/hijacking is the real star of the show, especially when combined with the mid-air slow-mo shooting, it really never gets old.
However, some large, unprecedented difficulty spikes harm the experience somewhat.