Reviews from

in the past

A total improvement from the original, the soundtrack is spookier than ever.

if my friend daniel was in this game:
"that was too close! you were almost a daniel sandwich"

Eu já tinha finalizado esse jogo há mais de 15 anos atrás (e provavelmente peguei o mesmo final bosta). No entanto na época eu não sabia inglês e ficava de tempos em tempos com o jogo parado até encontrar algum colega na escola que soubesse o que fazer. Atualmente eu terminei ele rápido, agora com uma rom totalmente em português e entendendo a história perfeitamente (não que tenha muito a entender).

Resident Evil é um jogo de survival horror e ficção cientifica. Eu o considerava o menos legal da primeira trilogia e agora mudo completamente a minha opinião: ele traz uma história contida, mas bem contada, um nível de dificuldade que não se limita aos inimigos, mas em gerenciamento de itens e um "terror" espalhado pelo cenários, seja em sua trilha sonora, locais claustrofóbicos ou jumpscares.

Em termos de história Resident Evil se sustenta com o mistério de "o que diabos está acontecendo aqui?", "onde estão os STARS que desapareceram?" e em "como vamos sair daqui?". São perguntas que vão sendo respondidas ao decorrer do jogo, geralmente por meio de arquivos que você encontra pela mansão ou em poucas cutscenes interagindo com os outros STARS sobreviventes. De maneira geral Resident Evil traz uma história digna de Filme B, sem roteiro megalomaníaco ou muito original, sabendo manter mistério e interesse enquanto você explora a mansão e os seus arredores.

Sua dificuldade pode ser considerada alta para quem não está acostumado com jogos antigos. Primeiro porque há um limite de vezes em que você pode salvar o jogo (mas se você joga por emuladores pode ligar o foda-se para isso). E segundo por seu inventario ser minúsculo (principalmente se jogar com o Chris), o que te obriga a tomar decisões sobre quais itens levar consigo e quais deixar nos baús interligados (o que aumenta o backtracking no jogo que já é absurdamente alto). Pode parecer muito chato ficar indo e vindo nas mesmas salas, mas garanto que eu achei uma delicinha fazer isso em Resident Evil. Caso você jogue com Jill o jogo vai ser mais fácil para ti, pois além de ter um inventario maior, ela tem um grampo que abre diversas gavetas com munições e medicamentos, além de vez ou outra o Barry aparecer e te dar munições.

Caso você jogue com o Chris o Barry não irá aparecer em sua gameplay, em vez dele a sua companheira será a Rebeca Chambers (isso mesmo, a protagonista de Resident Evil 0). E tanto na gameplay da Jill quanto na do Chris esses personagens coadjuvantes podem morrer dependendo das suas ações durante o jogo.

O que realmente faz Resident Evil brilhar são seus puzzles, que te faz andar de um lado para o outro, matar bosses, ler arquivos e da mais vida para a gameplay. Eu adorei revisitar esses puzzles que nem são muito fáceis e nem tão difíceis e quando resolvidos te dão aquela sensação de progressão tão boa.

Super recomendo começar por esse jogo quem ainda não jogou a franquia (mas, claro, o remake também é bom), mas lembrem-se!!! ESPEREM O BARRY VOLTAR COM A MALDITA CORDA!

"That was almost too close! You were almost a Jill Sandwich!"

The voice acting of all time

This game is still great even today. The graphics and presentation have aged a lot and the voice acting is terrible but the gameplay, the atmosphere and all that is still great. The exploration and puzzles still keep me engaged the entire way through. It's not very scary anymore but it's still pretty tense with the limited ammo and healing items. This is a great time and I'd definitely recommend it especially right now because it's available on PlayStation 5

a really cool game as the first in the series. i can see why people cant get into this one due to the poor controls and the slow and janky gameplay, but as someone who can deal with that stuff this is a really cool experience, solving puzzles in the Spencer mansion and going deeper in it to uncover mysteries is super cool and managing items is also surprisingly fun, but backtracking is a pain and the save feature is stupid. like i understand the point of the ink ribbons, but it just feels dumb to me and adds extra anxiety that shouldn't be there. but the pre rendered graphics are cool and the enemies are cool and the environments are cool and i definitely don't regret completing it.

This game may have some outdated design elements compared to the 2 sequels that followed it, but it's still extremely good at what it does. Perhaps better, even, than the follow-ups. A slight bump-up because I love the voice work to death.

Holds up very well! The eeriness of the mansion will forever be a part of me now.

RE es uno de mis eternos favoritos. Podría jugarlo casi casi con los ojos cerrados de tantas veces que lo he hecho.Y a más de 25 años de jugarlo por primera vez y tras un largo proceso de ensayo y error, he llegado a amar este título con todo mi corazón. Cuando sea, me echo una partida rápida de RE.

Fun but mostly worth for the hilariously cheesy dialogue. Id still generally recommend the remake.


The Kitchen theme for the Director's Cut/DualShock is chef's kiss

The beginning of the iconic survival horror series. When I think survival horror, I think Resident Evil.

The first game has its problems...and there are quite a few of them, especially the notorious voice acting talent on display... but it is still relatively solid and playable today. Just know that the RE series only goes up from here. One of the most consistently great video game franchises out there.

Um clássico que é superado, facilmente, por suas sequências. Caso o interesse seja a história da franquia, recomendo o Remake. Caso seja a gameplay, recomendo o RE2 do PS1 ou o Remake. Não tem muitos motivos para jogar RE:DC se você não esta querendo acompanhar a evolução da franquia

Quem quiser jogar RE1, recomendo essa versão. Ela é bem mais completa e tem auxilio na mira, o que facilita a matar os inimigos

Great game design overall but some encounters feels very unpolished.

I have only played this for the first time recently and it was really stressful at certain parts. Shooting things was really satisfying and I managed to luck my way into getting the best ending on accident. I played as Chris because he's on the fucking cover of the game but all my loser friends tell me I should have picked Jill. OK.

I admit, when I used to try and play these games I hated them. When younger I would get so frustrated because I'd try to kill everything on the screen, but as I'm older now and have played Dark Souls my patience is different and the biggest tip to give for any RE game is that you do not/should not need to kill everything on the screen. This knowledge is what helped me in Dino Crisis and many other retro survival horror games I've visited over the years.

The legendary beginning is still so fun with the rocking music and the terrible voice acting.
"No! Don't go!"
This also led to me having a continuous joke of insulting the helicopter pilot who abandoned them. Fucking Steve! Which only got funnier with Code Veronica.

Anyway, getting off track, but I'm sure you all know about this game. You and your team are trapped in a mansion with flesh-eating zombie dogs outside and all kinds of other zombified and terrible creatures inside!

The puzzles are interesting and for my first playthrough, the chat got me to activate ARRANGE mode, which changes the position of critical items, making it harder if you've never played it before...yes my viewers are monsters.

Something you need to learn quickly for all survival horror games, including this one, is to conserve your ammo and healing items for the bigger threats you fight later on, not to mention bosses that can really ruin your day in all kinds of forms.

Still worth replaying and there's a reason why Capcom have been publishing remakes.

Stream + gameplay

Finally managed to play this classic and enjoyed it much more than I expected. Although it hasn't aged as well as RE2 and RE3, with their clunky tank controls, cheesy and comic scenes with real actors, and dialogues worthy of a comedy movie. I think all these factors contribute to make Resident Evil 1 a very special game, different from the others... Not to mention the various difficult and creative puzzles and the great atmosphere of the mansion. With a well-crafted and restrained soundtrack, constantly giving a sense of loneliness and abandonment, and never knowing what to expect behind the next door.

I wish I knew that Jill is easy mode. This game WILL whoop your ass until you learn how to play it. But once you do, it still holds up as a damn solid survival horror experience to this day.

I still enjoy playing this game even 25 years later. I also don't think the REmake makes this game obsolete either. The art direction is still good and the models are really charming still. Prerendered backgrounds and the classic game and controls still feel as good as they did back in the day. Which is really rare for this generation.

I remember jumping so much when I first played this game. The visuals were way more realistic than the 16 bit sprites that I was used too. The music and atmosphere were really creepy and being lost in this gigantic mansion was very unsettling. I remember legitimately jumping out of my seat every time the dog jumps out of the window. Watching it now it looks so telegraphed and slow but it was something else in the day. It's so easy to know what to do and where to go now but when this game first came it out it was really different for a lot of the players of the time. It's easy to laugh at in retrospect but that's not how I see it. I still remember how I saw it at it's release. I remember being really impressed at the voice acting. Yea we all know it's bad but I wasn't used to games having voices at all, let alone the entire game is spoken. At most it was just sound bites. The music is superb at setting the tension and dread. Even if the DC music is a step down there are still some good tracks in there too. They are not all mansion basement farts.

The visuals are certainly dated by 2021 standards yes and even later sequel's have better prerendered back drops but at the time the less is more was definitely impacting me. Some of the simplistic elements in the foregrounds could still leave impressions though.

Game play is very tight and fun. It's fun figuring out what your supposed to do with what items and deciding when to fight or run. Knowing what to do and how to avoid obstacles and putting into practice is really rewarding. It sounds like trial and error and to a degree it is but it's so satisfying when it all clicks and you optimize your playthrough. That in combination with the fun cutscenes and the dramatic over the top 90's B horror plot makes this so much fun to play again and again. Plus RE games always have such high replay value. That and when you get good at the game you get to beat it faster and faster and get better ranks and rewards it becomes such a comfort food style of game. A game you get to know inside and out. Appreciate all of it's flaws and triumphs.

The game has two playable characters both with very different skill sets and stories. Giving another reason to play it again. Then the DC cut adds a arranged mode where you can play it again with all the key items in different places with slight variations, which makes your run completely different in how you approach it.

I started playing Signalis and then realised I had never played the original RE. It is really fun and also very goofy when it comes to voice acting.

What I really didn't like are the hunters, less because of how terrifying they might be (they really aren't) but much more because of how unfair their behaviour is. Specially in advance mode, where the game puts 3 or 4 in the same small hallway and makes it almost impossible not to get stunlocked and killed in a matter of seconds.

The rest is great, specially in terms of pacing and length, that made both the Jill and Chris playthroughs worth playing.

Que joguinho dificil de controlar o personagem. Todas as vezes que morri foi pq não conseguia controlar o personagem.

I played the original game with my dad when I was very young and played this Directors cut on the PS3 since this is an old game, I'm not gonna go hard on reviewing it like I usually do. This is a survival horror game with puzzle solving, limited ammo and saves plus puzzles to figure out if this isn't what you are used to playing this may be difficult for you. For its time this was a scary game but now you may find it cheesier than anything. Back in the day it sure was fun and hard, long before the days of YouTube tutorials I remember getting stuck and not knowing where to go or what to do. The DC version of this game’s only major differences is there seems like it had more ammo so it was easier for people to play, and the soundtrack was switched out for an absolutely dogs**t one, like its rare a DC version of anything is worse but this version of 1 isn’t the best and I’d suggest the original, original if you can get it. Aged graphics, laughably bad voice acting, unsettling environments and with the DC an absolutely horrendous OST pretty much sums up this 7-hour classic game. If you like Resident evil or retro PlayStation games, this is the game for you but if you are looking to start the franchise from the beginning and play all the mainline game I’d suggest playing the remaster of the remake first. It's the same game in a lot of ways but reimagines a lot of areas and story for the better while also keeping to what this game was all about. Still, this is one hell of a classic.

Sempre bom rejogar a mitada da Capcom

Completed Chris Redfields story, the dogs spooked me.