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Also known as End of Eternity, aerobatic strategic turn based gun play

Resonance of Fate is a japanese role playing game developed by tri-Ace in 2010 for the PS3 and Xbox 360 with a PC version released in 2018. This might be one of the weirdest games I've ever played and despite it being pretty grindy at the end and the way the story was structured should've been a negative but I enjoyed it a bit with a comparison I want to make that this is like Cowboy Bebop: The JRPG with how the game was structured and the dynamic of the characters as well.

The most unique thing about this game is probably the gameplay system here that's a mix of turn-based gameplay and real-time elements. What the result is a flashy and cinematic battle system that requires a lot of depth down to the placement on your characters on the map and being sure you aren't wasting your resource called bezels because if you run out, you'll be severely disadvantaged to the point you might as well restart the battle. The game has a huge learning curve and there's a lot to learn about which actions to take and which way to go during these actions called "hero actions" that is essentially your bread and butter during combat. The gameplay sadly doesn't add any new mechanics throughout the story but there's already a lot to unpack here and adding more might've been too much for a lot of people. The story structure is a complaint I remember hearing a lot about the game but I ended up enjoying it since it reminded me of an anime called Cowboy Bebop where you play as bounty hunters and the episodes in that anime was doing contracts with a bit of their past being explored during it meanwhile in Resonance of Fate, you played as hunters and each chapter was essentially doing a contract with a bit of story between each chapter with it all coming together in the end. It really ended up fleshing out the dynamic between the characters and they really shine hard in this game with some unique moments here that I didn't expect this game to pull that makes this game "japanese" as hell. The music here is decent with the town sounding like the standard mmo town music while the battle and boss themes is where the music shines with its rock and organ influences and enhances the gameplay and just adds to the cool factor of the gameplay even more. A small note but the dub here is excellent with them matching each main character perfectly.

There's a few things that I really think could've been done better such as the world map system. Albeit extremely unique, it does require you to grind sometimes to get that specific "puzzle part" to fill the map in to get to the area you want to go sometimes. The weapon modding is something I'm mixed on, it's a unique system that allows your guns to unleash their full potential but it almost felt like a necessity to grind out the parts several hours to even progress at a certain point that did kill the pacing for the game for me including a huge difficulty spike at the end so expect to grind to be able to completely take advantage of each hero action in the end game.

An extremely bizarre game by the developers of Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean that sadly manages to be overshadowed by a lot of games. Resonance of Fate does something different with the traditional japanese role-playing game and for the most part succeeds at it. The story is hard to follow and the gameplay takes a lot to get used to and you really have to think but it's definitely worth playing if you want something really different from your standard JRPG.

Man this shit pretty but too hard wtf is this combat and overworld ill get back to this in five years

Essential Dress Your Characters Up Like Little Dollies canon. Runs about five hours too long but overall is a great attempt to reconceptualize the JRPG.

super unique jrpg it does suffer though from ps3 Xbox 360 era of grey but the world still looks nice and interesting I just can't say i love the combat personally

Cool combat but the game is bogged down by the non-existant narrative and the ugly, repetitive visual style.

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a 21 years old Leane is falling in love with a 17 years old Zypher and daddy Vashyron is having none of it

once you figure out that actually, you're meant to heroic attack Every Single Turn, the game's combat makes a lot more sense & becomes actually extremely good. Unfortunately you can't do that for the story, which other than a few memorable bits ends up swinging around randomly & never really coming together.

One of the strangest yet most legitimately interesting and unique RPGs I've ever played despite bouncing off of it very hard very quickly when I first tried playing it. I dropped the game for over a year before finally pushing through to an unforgettable RPG.

Esto es, sin lugar a dudas, un videojuego que existe y que fue diseñado

You can get jumped on your way to the TUTORIAL. Dead serious, you can find yourself locked in a random encounter en route to the location that teaches you how to play the game. And this isn't one of those dime-a-dozen AAA games that you could reasonably figure out on your own (see: literally any modern Ubisoft game), Resonance of Fate's core gameplay loop and combat system are so fucking weird and unintuitive that you need a tutorial to kinda show you the basics. The fact that you can get locked into a life-or-death battle before you even get to learn how to play the game is either a devastating oversight or a fundamentally deranged create vision that I'm just not on board with. Like... if this is how the game starts, how unhinged are the rest of the game's mechanical decisions? It's a shame, because this game is gorgeous-looking, the world has this alluring steampunk edge built into it, and both the characters and the story seemed intriguing on first blush, but that singular moment basically completely turned me off from whatever the rest of the game had in store.

De buenas a primeras este juego tiene uno de los mejores sistemas de combate que he visto en un RPG, bastante único, profundo, complicado de dominar, etc. Solo con esto vale completamente la pena experimentarlo pero hay ciertos errores a nivel general: La historia es bastante ambigua sin mucha explicación de principio a fin, puede llegar a ser repetitivo o tedioso en ciertos momentos pero nada del otro mundo, cuando hay muchos enemigos se vuelve difícil seleccionar objetivos de forma rápida y concisa, el punto de colisión de los personajes y varios objetos es variado la mayoría del tiempo.
Fuera de eso me agrado (y frustro) la increíble dificultad que puede llegar a tener el título de principio a fin, realmente es un juego que te exige aprender cuando menos lo básico para salir adelante y de no ser así no durara en castigarte duro, pero con paciencia y practica se convierte en una experiencia altamente satisfactoria.
Sin duda un viaje que me sorprendió porque no creí que fuera a estar tan bueno, lo recomiendo para todos aquellos quienes buscan alguna experiencia distinta al rpg japonés convencional o un juego que los desafié en todo momento.

My second PS3 game.
Really fun to play, has a unique gameplay that combines a turn-based combat with action and firearms... ACROBATIC GUN COMBAT FUCK YEAH
The story is entertaining and has a touch of jokes and fun.
And Vashyron is the best, remember his dance when he saw some big boobs....

I recall dying in the early stages a lot before deciding to spend some time trying to figure out the battle system in the tutorial... At any rate, it was a pretty fun (and very often challenging) game. Probably spent too much time trying to customise the characters' weapons and clothes.

Favourite part is undoubtedly the soundtrack, though that mostly--if not all--applies to the ones written by Tanaka. The Sakuraba tracks were good and fitting (most of them were for battle themes, so his style worked for the occasions), but the ones that made the game shine were Tanaka's, in my opinion.

7th gen is the awkward adolescent phase of japanese studios transitioning into the "HD" era and i think this is one of the best distillations of that entire trasnition

super unique and fun gameplay

There was a point while playing this game that I thought it was the greatest game of all time. The middle section is so strong. It's right when you've figured out the gameplay (which is unnecessarily complicated but very enjoyable) and the story chapters are these absurd one off slice of life little episodes that barely advance the main plot. One of them has your party split up and unknowingly take opposite sides on a kidnap/bodyguard mission. When the game wants to be funny it's genuinely a laugh out loud experience. You've got two melodramatic teens and Vashyron who can't help but take the piss out of them constantly. The line deliveries, choreography, and voice acting are all on point. Just look up some of the cut scenes from this game, they are hilarious. Most of the game is like this and it is oozing with charisma. I think I finished the first 14 chapters in about 2 months, but once the melodramatic characters took the narrative focus for the last couple chapters it became a huge slog. The last 2 or 3 chapters took me about a year to find the motivation to play through. It was such a low note to go out on and the 4 stars feel unjustifiable but while the lows are low the highs were high. I am happy to be done with the game so I can start reflecting on it fondly.


The games got good hang out vibes. It's all in one area, you can buy lots of clothes, the episodic narrative structure, the characters are always saying little one liners in battle. I don't think Zephyr and Leanne needed these grand narrative conclusions or answers. Just give me fifty missions of them turning the city power back on. I liked that mission.

the main trio are some of the best characters that jrpgs have to offer, and the battle system is one of the most creative and off-the-wall things i've ever seen. story is pretty hard to follow, but definitely interesting. fucking excellent game

One of the most fascinating games of ps360 era.
Minimalist yet engaging storytelling; the world conveyed through 50 shades of brown yet still one of the most visually interesting settings you'd lay your eyes upon back in 2010; both convoluted and incredibly simple combat system with an entirely skippable tutorial that makes for purely visceral gun-fu jumping in the air 10 meters juggling giant robots and then slamming them into ground repeatedly experience that never fails to entertain once you get it right; the most insane weapon customization system in videogaming; all of which makes for a game that holds a very special place in my heart.

Amusing to note: I've yet to see a gameplay video on the internet that actually used the tri-attack system to its full extent (just stack 10 points and run in circles for three minutes, it's that shrimple, yet nobody does it)

When you have to do math just to play a video game. Angles: The Game, but it's so much damn fun. Great story and characters too.

The combat can get repetitive and the story is told is a fairly strange way for a JRPG (no long exposition scenes and a fairly strong "show don't tell" approach) which might turn others off. But for me it's easily one of my favorite JRPGs.

My latest replay a year or so ago changed this from "yeah I remember that being a pretty cool JRPG / Tactics hybrid" to "one of the absolute best games I've ever played in my life" this shit is so fun

I tried hard to like this game but I could just not get into the combat at all. It was like really confusing to me and the rest of the game wasn't really drawing me in at all. I know this game has it's fans and I don't think it's objectively bad, just didnt' strike me is all.

Good battle system and interesting setting, mid everything else. At least it's better than Final Fantasy XIII.

fuck!!!!! me idk why i started this shit yeah gameplay was pretty good but it’s long and boring af i mean how the fuck create long game but same gameplay all the time without any changes . واي القصة زي وجيههم

I like how unconcerned this game is with weaving together a discernable, legible, or dramatic narrative thread at any moment.

A really fun game with extremely deep combat, and an interesting story, but the combat isnt properly explained and the story needs some more time in the oven, a sequel would do a lot for this world i think

This game, wow....

Tried playing it 3 times, but the tutorials are soul-crushingly boring and absolutely necessary.

Otherwise, you'll never get far in this needlessly convoluted game.

Great fun, loved it. Flawed ofc but a good time if you learn the mechanics.

One of the most unique JRPGs I have ever played and despite the color palette being pretty muted, the game is incredibly stylish. Some big difficulty spikes, you really have to master the complex battle system to see this game through but mannnnn its sooooo satisfying.