Reviews from

in the past

Its hilariously-poor presentation and abundance of game-breaking bugs are a hoot for the uninitiated, but you wouldn't want to be caught dead actually trying to play this through to completion. Count your blessings that this shovelware stinker's long since been delisted from Steam.

imagine a world where deep silver kept this being open world and it turnt to be the best games of all time

The Room of Videogames. Played the whole thing with a friend and we laughed all the way to the end.

"Ever slice an ear off a baby cow? They scream... And scream... Heh, it's funny."

Blah blah blah everybody knows this game is horrible in every way possible

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How bad must have production have been to create this. The Story revolves around a biker who returns from the Vietnam war and reunites with his family, until some rival biker gang kills his brother and shoots and leaves the protagonist for dead, but told in the most broken way you could imagine, the opening shows random moments that will happen later in the game, including the death of 1 of the guys you're after and the only reason this story continues is because the protagonist survived being shot, but only got chased by them because their uncle didn't tell his brother not to wear his biker jacket, which they only saw because the brother didn't go into the burger joint with the protagonist. which they only ended up at because the brother got angry and stormed out their house after the protagonist didn't defend him even though he DID defend him. The Characters aren't fleshed out in any way of thought, it feels like they were written in the story, but the writers don't know what developing characters means. The Voice acting is also terrible none of the performances are ones to tell their parents about. The World is linear except for a small hub world where you can customize your bike and sell drugs, the best things in this game are optional. The Graphics are awful, models look rough and like they were made on a time limit done on a stopwatch, driving on your bike is flimsy, you can't drive backwards or turn around and if you hit something that causes that or stops your bike, you will fade back some distance to try again, unless you fade into a dead end, then your screwed, or if you hit a truck when grinding under it, which could happen because the grind is delayed and if you fail too many times you will fly off to the side and explode, THATS THE DUMBEST FAIL MECHANIC I'VE EVER SEEN, especially considering you could hit the fence earlier and be fine when any other vehicle would explode immediately, or even if they are knocked back by a truck as well. The combat is basically 1 shot to the head or too many shots, kicks or punches to the chest, and it's really repetitive when there's nothing good about it. The Missions range from good idea crafted as bad as possible to makes no sense, like getting past an electric fence by murdering innocent people well blowing up a power station and the light on the porch is still working! and can have girls you can hump immediately after saving them from being sexual assaulted. Sounds are basic, limited and can get annoying and Music during driving is repeated, so is the music during fights, sex scenes. Ride to hell lives up to its title and now I'm glad I'm done with it, so that I can get a return ride OUT of hell.

I used to think this was the worst game I ever played but I've played so many bad ones since that this one almost doesn't affect me. Still totally awful

Funniest non EDF game ever made

Never played, just joining the bandwagon

When I was like 12, my older cousin gave me his 360 and a bunch of his old games. This was unfortunately one of them. One stint of morbid curiosity later and my entire weekend was ruined. No, just no. I wish I could give this a zero, every single solitary frame from the opening scene to the credits is nothing but hell, actual torture. Fuck this thing, and fuck whoever made it. Usually I don't insult dev teams, but when the game is both horrendous AND has a sexist protagonist... yeah no, fuck all of you for making this.

Unbelievably horrible, impressive even. Some of the worst dialogue I’ve ever heard . Gameplay you’d expect if you took a dev team from the 80s and gave them the shittiest modern technology possible.

And no joke, there’s several missions in which you save a girl from being sexually assaulted, and no joke you start banging the chick right then and there, sometimes in the same as room as the dead body of the rapist you murdered😂 ffs man

Yes I uh really beat this game XD on a live stream for fun and pretty much for laughs. Entire game is janky with cutscenes, sound, controls, acting, and performance. The main draw is the fun jank-ness the game has, I love to Mystery Science Theater 3000 any kind of media and this game is fun to make fun of. Sometimes the action or gunplay can kinda be fun but the combat can be damage sponges levels. This game is quite a ride indeed and you jank is funny to you then this is one to... not quite pick up but look at???

This game seems like it'll be so-bad-it's-good right up until it gives you a gun. Then it becomes miserable.

Rip motdef. I hope this game wasn't the one that killed you.