Reviews from

in the past

I have always wanted a Pirate themed MMO, and when Pirates Online went offline all those years ago, Sea of Thieves quickly filled that void in my life. I know it has been said before, but this game is not the game it was when it first launched, it is now a thriving world of adventure, no two play sessions have ever been the same, and have enjoyed every hour I have sunk into this game.

Fun game with friends, boring alone. Enough said

a imersão desse jogo é muito boa, você e seus amigos navegando por alto mar, zuando e fazendo as missões é um sentimento muito bom, a gameplay é muito divertida, mas o combates são bem repetitivos, e as missões normais também são, geralmente é só "pegue o mapa, navega até uma pequena ilha, pegue o tesouro e leve para o outpost" e o combate é de navios é muito legal, mas as vezes se estendem mais do que deveria, pra mim uma batalha muito boa (para mim, a melhor boss fight do jogo), é a batalha contra o megalodon, que é espetacular, assustadora, cheia de suspense e um ritmo muito bom, e toda vez que você termina a batalha, você se sente em uma história de pescador, como um grande herói que derrotou a fera dos sete mares, mas e "batalha" contra o kraken é bem ruim, porque afinal não tem batalha, seu único objetivo é fugir, e ver sua embarcação afundar, ou na maioria das vezes, você só morre mesmo, e também só aparece os tentáculos dele, e o mar fica todo preto, essa batalha é bem broxante, afinal você não pode fazer e nem aparece ele por completo, até tem mais dele no jogo mas não é grande coisa (mas se eu falar seria spoiler), e outra coisa é variedade de boss fight, eu sei que é muito difícil isso, mas poderia ter muito mais bosses, como o moby dick, ou até mesmo um leviathan, os bosses ficam restritos ao megalodon e ao kraken (até tem alguns navios de esqueleto, mas não são bem bosses mesmo) poderia ter uma maior variedade de monstros.
agora irei falar da campanha de pirata dos caribes, que eu acho que a maioria das pessoas jogaram o jogo por causa disso, essa campanha é espetacular, com boss fight muito boa, uma história muito bom, referenciado os filmes, é muito divertido, e tem muitas boss fights boas, e isso me irrita porque mostra que eles tem capacidade de colocar mais coisas no jogo normal, não colocam, como mais bosses, e história, também temos os puzzles, que são simples, mas eles não tem muita comunicação, oque não é necessariamente ruim, é bom porque te faz pensar mesmo (ou eu e meus amigos que somos muitos burros mesmo, oque eu acho que é a verdade), essa missão é muito épica e divertida.
e outra coisa incrível são as músicas, que são uma das melhores partes do jogo toda, tanto a trilha normal, a trilha das missões e até as músicas que você e seus amigos tocam com os instrumentos do jogo, e cada música que você pode tocar é muito boa e tem um ritmo envolvente, e eu ficava cantarolando as músicas depois de sair do jogo, principalmente por que eu ficava tocando toda hora (afinal eu era o bardo do bando), as músicas desse jogo são incríveis.

bom é isso que eu acho do jogo até o momento, eu ainda não fiz 100% dele, então muita coisa ainda pode mudar depois de eu fazer ele por completo, mas por enquanto é isso que eu acho do jogo, super divertido, tem seus defeitos, mas ainda sim é um bom jogo.

A good game, marred by a refusal to recognize the additional structured content they continued to add makes always-on PvP feel miserable for people uninterested in that aspect of the game. The idea that I shouldn't be able to hang in a private server cause "it's called 'Sea of Thieves'" or whatever doesn't hold up in the current game where you can lose so much more from an unprompted attack than you would have at launch. Especially given the addition of burning to the game has made attacking another players ship really quick and resource-efficient if you know what you're doing (which most players attacking you do).

Let me keep careening my boat into rocks and make my own problems, let the sailing sickos duke it out amongst themselves.

awesome game but lack of progression makes it hard to keep playing

only fun when you burn down the boat

Impossible for new players to get in, however it's such a cool and fun game to play with friends.

this is close to being a great game, I love its premise and the tone/feeling of playing this game, but the gameplay loop just does nothing to suck me in.

I've always loved this game before playing it and wondered why no one played it, but now I can kind of see why. It's a really sick pirate game that has everything it should have fundamentally, it's just that it lacks a variety of things to do. It's just too 'boring' for lack of a better word, which is such a shame. Really fun tho if you have: a few hours to spare, shanties blasting and a friend to sail around with. It's just some good nonsense pirate fun.

Very fun game USUALLY.
Building up huge piles of loot and adventuring in this game is some of the best gaming experiences ive had, but it feels like to properly enjoy the game you have to be good enough at the PVP aspect (im not). Honestly I only play it in phases but its still really fun each time.

Has its ups and downs. But overall great fun with friends!

Barril, mais pólvora, vou fazer barcos com o couro deles, canhão

Very fun with friends, but that's all. It has some great ideas but it feels quite hollow.

Please be aware this rating is mostly because I am mostly a single player sort of person and this game, while it has its moments, is NOT single player friendly in any way, shape or form. In fact I would argue, unless you have a close friend group who plays alongside you, you probably should give this one a total miss as the matchmaking is terrible and everything feels random, unfair and painful when solo.

With others? Feel free to bump this up to a 3.5/5 as the rare times ive managed to have a group playing properly, its been a blast, albeit a bit of a limited blast.

An absoloute blast of a time provided you know what you're doing and are comfortable with losing all of your progress to someone who sinks ya

banger with friends, playing alone could be used as a form of torture

This game had such potential to be the quintessential pirate sim, which could've made it a dream game for me. Instead, it's a GaaS model without a lot of great endgame content, which is pretty much required in the GaaS model. The game came out super barebones, and has gotten better over the years, but it STILL feels super barebones. At least as far as meaningful content goes. I also kinda hate the art style, but that's just a personal preference. I guess I'll keep holding out hope for Rockstar to make a pirate game (what a dream) and Black Flag will stay on top for now.

I feel like this game lacks content until I remember it's my fault I just don't do all the content. Otherwise I love it

Why did you join a band of pirates? Pier pressure.

Can't give more. The game is dying because of sweaty tryhards, the coolest players I ever met in any game, but they are just too good. No chance for a new player.

oynadığım en iyi korsanlık temalı oyun net

I honestly cannot think of a game that I have felt more bored while playing than this. After countless hours on the high seas, I can say that the only thing anchoring me to this game was the mindless conversations me and my friend had when we played it, the chances of anything interesting ever happening are so low that the game is just not worth it after

good game, im just really bad at it, unless your not a skill issue, you will get destoyed

This game be so full o' potential 'n I love t' see that it's bein' updated frequently. It gets a lot o' new content, a lot o' quality o' life changes so this review will prolly be updated o'er time, but the big draw t' this game be holy shit, sailin' 'n dickin' around wit' hearties be so fun. Downside: once ye 'ave the cosmetics ye wants ye do nah needs t' do anythin'. It's jus' an open sandbox o' stuff that can get repetitive. If ye wants t' 'ave the badass pirate loadout wit' all the glowy coats 'n guns then ye'll get much more mileage out o' this game than I did, but I like me pirate t' look like a dirty clown so I got the cosmetics I wants mighty early on 'n now I don't mighty feel compelled t' keep on goin'. I feel that no matter wha' thar's a pretty hard stoppin' point, or at least a point where ye're destined t' get bored. Howe'er, ye'll still like enough get a lot o' mileage out o' it. Play wit' scallywags, do the main quests, 'n ye'll 'ave at least a decent time.

Greeaat pirate framework sorely in need of RPG mechanics, interesting quests, connective narrative tissue, or all of the above.

Seriously, someone take this and make a solid solo pirate exploration game.

Sailing is super fun, game is funny with friends, everything else is ehhhhh. Haven't played in a while maybe it's better but I don't really care

I'm a simple man. I see pirates, I like. Giving the game flat 4 stARRs.
Unique game play, cool puzzles. Some of which are really tricky.
Trying to handle the ship and take care of everything can be challenging depending on the situation. Going on land and fighting is fun, cosmetics look super cool and monsters are scary AF and you don't want to fall into the water if you're scared of the open waters like me!