Reviews from

in the past

Shadow of The Colossus foi o jogo que me fez amar vídeo games, foi o jogo que me fez perceber que vídeo games é a definição de arte.
Tudo no game é feito de forma perfeita, não existe defeitos. é um jogo único e nunca vai ser esquecido.

A game full of bosses, each with their own mechanics. The game has tons of things I have yet to explore, like getting all the special items in the time attack events, and obtaining all the fruits and lizard tails in the map. The game can be frustrating for some people while controlling the horse, or when some colossi tend to move so much you wonder if the killing of them is even possible. The music is beautiful, even though there's nothing in the map other than desserts, jungles, forests and lakes, the game if one of the best looking games on the PS2. I totally recommend the original game over the remakes.

SotC me faz sentir vivo e vazio ao mesmo tempo

I didn't get to finish this version because it would overheat or ps2

The game can be as cool as anything but at the end of the day it's still gonna be lame sometimes

My favorite game! For me, the best game ever!

The silent atmosphere, the settings, the grandeur of this game, I've spent countless hours just walking around with Agro, scouring, admiring the sights... what a magical game!

The soundtrack is not even mentioned, a milestone!
Until today no game has given me the same feeling as him, maybe Death Stranding and BOTW came a little close, but Shadow is unique!

Both its greatest strength and weakness.

Ueda’s philosophy of design by subtraction is a double edged sword in Shadow of the Colossus. Its vast and empty landscapes blanketed in fog evoke such a powerful feeling of isolation and melancholy. Its desolate ruins that are void of inhabitants feel so incredibly lonely. The world is beautiful and evocative.

And yet I found that to be what held back the experience most. With the game doing little to separate each fight, the first four colossi faded together in my mind. The world is empty. There are no dungeons or quests to build up to each climactic colossus battle. They’re turned into a list to check off one immediately after the other. A chore. The game never re-captures the awe inspiring feeing of approaching the first colossus because there is no build up to each encounter. Coupled with the lack of distinct mechanics to kill each colossi, they quickly blended together.

These mechanically indistinct bosses are further hampered by clunky controls. The colossi AI is poor and often frustrating to influence. The methods to defeat them are extremely contrived.

I criticize the game a lot, but its atmosphere was entirely fascinating. The ancient architecture and painterly landscapes are gorgeous to immerse yourself in. It simply fails to provide engaging gameplay to go with it. And it’s not like those have to conflict. I’ve felt similar feelings exploring the Chozo Ruins of Metroid Prime, a game that manages to be deeply isolating and melancholic while still providing expansive and engaging gameplay.
In the end, I find Shadow of the Colossus fails to provide strong enough gameplay to justify continuing through its world.

Full of wonder, limitless imagination, and an artistic flourish that many games cannot hope to reach - Shadow of the Colossus is an incredibly fresh and unique experience that was unlike anything else before it... and there really hasn't been a game like it since.

The scale and scope of the game's 16 colossi were (and still are) unbelievable, and the empty remnants of this bleak, melancholic world, along with the game's music, can touch the soul. The minimalistic story has this fairy tale beauty to it, and the ending will stick with you, long after the credits roll.

Finally got around to playing this, and I feel very conflicted about it. I first played Ico last year and it quickly became one of my favorite games, despite some shortcomings in its gameplay. Unfortunately, it seems like team ico didn't really learn anything from Ico's issues, and this game has just as awkward controls and movement. In fact, since Shadow of the Colossus has so much more of a focus on gameplay than Ico does, its awkwardness is much more prominent. My playthrough took seven hours, and I'd say that probably an hour or two was wasted on either the game's controls messing up, or on some questionable game design.
I’d say that for probably around half of the colossi, it took me multiple minutes to understand what I was supposed to do, or to figure out how to execute it. I’m kind of stupid, so I’ll take the blame for some of the issues I had in this game, but I doubt that at least a few of my problems weren’t shared by a lot of other players. In some cases, I just resorted to looking up the answer, which really sucked. I feel like this game does so much right to create a really good flow state when you’re battling a colossus, but it got halted in its tracks so often and pulled me out of the experience. It was really unfortunate that this also happened in the final battle.
Regardless, a lot of the battles went really well. When I was able to understand what I was supposed to do in a reasonable amount of time and the controls didn’t mess me up, I completely loved the game. At times, the flow state that I was put in was essentially perfect: when the gameplay, art design, and of course, the incredible music combine properly, I can’t really find the words to describe how great it is. It makes me understand why this game is so beloved by so many people. Especially if you originally played this back in 2005, (the year I was born) I imagine it was even more impressive and powerful.
To touch on the story a little, I don’t have too much to say besides it is just as quality as the story in Ico, a prime example of “less is more.” One huge flaw of current day games is that so many of them commit the awful storytelling flaw of explaining everything about their world and making everything boring. Games like Shadow of the Colossus and Ico have scripts the size of one of the dozens of lore entries in other games like Death Stranding, but do so much more with it. There is clearly so much history in the forgotten lands, but the player is expected to fill in the gaps by themself, making them just as important in crafting the story as the developers. I feel like that creativity on behalf of the consumer is something that an interactive experience especially makes sense to strive for.
Shadow of the Colossus isn’t perfect, but it does enough things perfectly to deserve its reputation.

tinha medo quando era criança do protagonista não dos colossos

Mate colossos para completar seu objetivo, e é isso, o jogo não tem mais nada para se fazer, e mesmo assim é incrível. Explorá-lo, sentir o mistério e se fazer várias perguntas, principalmente: Oque estou fazendo é o certo?
Trilha sonora perfeita, combina com a vibe do jogo.
No fim você olhará para trás e refletirá sobre sua jornada, você é um héroi?

An all time classic. One of the most incredible experiences ever made I love this game so much. I adore the world and all its hidden areas that I still discover to this day. It has such a distinct feel in its world design and art direction that make all of Ueda's works so striking. While a couple colossi stand out for their frustrating ai (Mainly Phaedra and Basaran), it's still an incredible experience every time. The music is one of the greatest of all time too, I really enjoy the credit's music especially.

I have a lot more to say about this in reality, but honestly I'm not in the mood right now (unfortunately, the first time I beat the boss my cutscene crashed halfway through, and I had to replay the last 40+ minutes).

Blades are for executioners, not for heroes.

I remember when I was just a child, playing a series of games on my PS2, ranging from horror games like FF2 or Silent Hill and games of animated movies, like Kung Fu Panda and Ice Age. And one day, I passed by the store to buy a game, and saw this game. Returning home with it, I popped it into my PS2, turned it on and then it was it.

I never played something that actually made me this interested and invested. It is the game I played the most in my entire life. I know every bit of information in it. I know all the strategies, all the lore, all the mysteries. It is the most beautiful game I have ever played, truly a masterpiece to this very day.

Thank you, Fumito Ueda.

it really feels like a strand-like game

Masterclass in atmosphere and tension. Breathtaking.

Beautiful game and one of the greatest of all time, a master of minimalist and environmental storytelling, a beautiful style with beautiful visuals that in my opinion stand the test of time one of the best and most creative ways of implementing a mix between combat and puzzles from the moment you step outside the temple for the first time until the very end it will be a beautiful, awe-inspiring and perhaps inspirational experience the likes of which you'll rarely if ever experience again and i'd give anything to do so again for the first time. One of my biggest inspirations and definitely one of my most favourite games of all time if not my most.

Sem dúvidas a experiência mais memorável e valiosa que pude desfrutar no Playstation 2, uma obra de arte que transcende o caráter da mera diversão. Com uma profundidade inebriante e épica em todos os aspectos, assemelha-se a uma sinfonia que entoa na alma.

Sinceramente, uma das minhas maiores decepções com jogos, não é exatamente >ruim<, mas é um game que eu botei a expectativa no mais alto escalão, pensando como se fosse um dos melhores que já joguei, e talvez isso tenha causada uma certa frustração.
Primeiramente, achei Sotc extremamente vazio e cansativo, EU SEI que a proposta do jogo é ter essa ambientação de ser um mundo solitário, até meio poético, mas por mais sentido que isso faça dentro da lore, a parte de jogar se tornou INSUPORTÁVEL, o mapa é muito grande e não tem nada de interessante a não ser os colossos e algumas mínimas paisagens bonitas, você passa a maior parte do tempo andando e tentando achar o colosso sem nenhum tipo de "recompesa", porque o jogo é feito pra ser desse jeito, vazio e misterioso, mas como disse, isso deixa o jogo UM SACO.
Segundamente, a gameplay é ruim, isso é provavelmente uma das coisas que mais me cansou ao jogar, os comandos não são dos melhores, e a câmera é simplesmente HORRÍVEL, ela te atrapalha a todo momento, e foi muito difícil de acostumar, só de lembrar da forma que a câmera funciona no 3 colosso me da dor de cabeça.
Outro ponto que me incomodou foi o protagonista, não que ele seja um personagem ruim ou algo do tipo, mas cai no mesmo problema que disse anteriormente, que é : Dentro da Lore do jogo, ele faz sentido, é só um cara aleatório, magro, desengonçado com uma espada, lutando contra monstros GIGANTESCOS; Ou seja, dentro da história, faz sentido ele cair, demorar pra levantar, a estamina acabar rapidamente, ele perder o equilíbrio tentando subir em um colosso e coisas assim, mas esse excesso de realismo somado com o problema da câmera só me deixava irritado e sem vontade de jogar, simplesmente não era divertido ver um protagonista sendo extremamente realista lutando contra um monstro gigantesco.
Pra finalizar, eu entendo a importância desse jogo pra história dos games, e na minha opinião as músicas e a existência dos colossos são o ponto forte do jogo, eles realmente te botam medo e fazem você se sentir inferior; Infelizmente eu joguei Shadow of the Colossus muito tempo depois de seu lançamento, talvez se tivesse jogado na época eu amaria e conseguiria "passar pano" para seus problemas, mas infelizmente não aconteceu.

Isso é não é um jogo, isso é uma obra prima ao estilo Stairway To Heaven

very unique at least for it's time. I’d say a must play for everyone who enjoys games.

Eu quero jogar de novo algum dia.

Simplesmente não consigo passar do primeiro boss, porque os controles são horríveis. É horrível agarrar nele e subir nele, que controle horrível esse controle de subir no cara.

Bom, eu joguei num controle de Xbox num emulador de Playstation 2, então talvez seja isso.

The lizard and the sentinel guy were a nightmare but overall this is a really good game. The environment is really pretty and it's very to the point, you have all the tools you need right off the bat and you have to figure out ways to use them together with the environment. It feels like hell to control but that's part of the charm to an extent.

the ambience evoked by its empty world makes me feel something that no other game has ever been able to do...

Giant collosi, small boy, good game

Amazing amazing amazing experience, I love Fumito Ueda and his games, they're always so refreshing and cool and beatiful, and I could talk for hours and hours on why I love them all, but I'll not right now xD

The only thing that holds this from getting a 5/5 from me, it's the gameplay at some parts, it can get really frustrating, maybe the remake fixed that but I couldn't play that one yet.