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I won't go too deep into this as I did with my Shovel Knight review but Shovel Knight Treasure Trove is an amazing upgrade to Shovel giving us the same game with more features.
Featuring 3 new story modes to play:

- Plague of Shadows (Plague Knight Story Mode)
- Specter of Torment (Specter Knight Story Mode)
- King of the Cards (King Knight Story Mode)

3 amazing story modes told from the perspectives of the 3 most popular knights. Sadly the other knights: Tinker, Polar, Treasure, Mole, Propeller, and Black Knight do not get their own story mode in terms of the base game where you traverse the world of Shovel Knight. Shame as I really would love to have played as Treasure Knight since he reminds me of Subject Delta from Bioshock or Black Knight because I love rival characters like: Meta Knight, Shadow, Knuckles, Zero, Ken, Virgil, Miles Edgeworth, etc; would have been really cool to play as Black Knight and see the story and world from his prespective.

Instead all the other Knights have a story mode in terms of the newly added fighting vs mode called "SHOWDOWN!" where you get a roster of 14 playable characters:

1. Shovel Knight
2. Plague Knight
3. Specter Knight
4. King Knight
5. Shield Knight
6. Black Knight
7. Propeller Knight
8. Mole Knight
9. Treasure Knight
10. Polar Knight
11. Tinker Knight
12. The Enchantress
13. Mona (Alchemist girl)
14. Gold Armor (this is a minor enemy that is difficult to defeat found in various stages, and because of how difficult the knight is to fight, it became a playable character)

Each with unique endings.

Shovel Knight Treasure Trove is the definitive experience for Shovel Knight and I cannot wait to experience more of Shovel Knight with Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, and Shovel Knight dig.

I absolutely recommend this definitive version of the Retro Indie Icon, Shovel Knight :D

A phenomenal game for certain that deserves all the praise it has. The perfect platformer with hours of fun instore.

An immaculate super game, and perhaps one of the few times where a kickstarter game overdelivered on the promises made.

This is definitely one of the best "retro" games you could ever purchase. The core game is already great on it's own, with its challenging levels, fun and creative level design, items and bosses, and even a big potential for speedruning, accompanied of wonderful chiptunes... and then there's the extra content.

Plague of Shadows... is OK. I like Plague Knight and I had fun playing through the campaign, but some elements like the bomb customization don't feel very useful at all, as you'll mostly end up sticking with one combination that you like. Even if it is still good, it's the only one that actually feels like DLC.

Specter of Torment is incredible and easily my favorite game of them all. The overhaul the game receives is spectacular and Specter Knight himself controls perfectly, plus the idea of having a "home" to return to after stages was genius. Hell, I even got invested in the story. Splendid.

Finally, after a bit of delay, we got King of Cards, and as usual, it was a blast to play through. Even though I personally wasn't a fan of the more bite-sized stages, it was more than made up with the fantastic new locations, and of course, the always on point gameplay. Plus, Joustus is simply a delight to play and waste hours on, trying to complete your collection.

Yacht Games put all their love and care into this project, and they went out of their way to deliver on everything they promised back when they started their Kickstarter, I admire their dedication to this project and I'm grateful for getting to play it, as I had a big smile on my face during the whole time I was playing this. Its only downside is that Plague of Shadows is a slightly sore thumb in the catalogue, but even then that's only due to how amazing the other games are. This is absolutely worth every one of your pennies, you need to play this.

One of the greatest games I've ever played. This is a masterclass in level design and videogame music.

Imagine you buy this amazing game, which is extremely well polished and has plenty of content, mechanics and abilites.

Then imagine the devs went fuck it and gave you three more entire games with their own unique characters, movesets and stage layouts, all for free if you owned the original game.

This is one of the best platformers I have ever played, and I have 100% completion in all 4 games. It's a must play if you like retro style platformers but with modern controls.

Game's got a deep lore, and that's before taking into account Shovel Knight is cannon in the GoW universe

Not every campaign is of an equal level but the Specter and Shovel campaigns are good enough to justify at the very least a high 9 but the rest probably gets the 10 just for the sheer level of content. Full transparency I bought this when the package was around 15 bucks on 3DS and I think around 30 on every other console I own this game on. 40 might be a bit much of a splurge but the package is still incredible.

There will never be another amazing Indie game saga like this for a long time! 4 amazing campaigns, 2 side modes, loads of replayability, what more can you ask for? Quite possibly one of my favorite indie games of all time.

What was once a $15 purchase that I thought was a bit light on content ended up being one of the longest lasting and most complete experiences I had on the console. This game just doesn't slack on anything, and each campaign only gets better with every replay.

Too much to talk about so I will try to keep it short. I liked this game and it doesn't really have any major flaw, what did bother me is the amount of stuff it takes to do a 100%, I really didn't like having to beat the game all over again just to get specific achievements. You may say that this is a non-factor and these feats only try to add replay value for future playthroughs but it just bothers me when I beat a game and do not try to finish everything it has to offer as a completionist. But yeah, I feel like beating this game again and again will make you start to hate certain aspects of it which are totally harmless, it totally affected my rating here and I won't lie that this game probably doesn't deserve 7/10.
On a side note fuck those hooded flying enemies in tower of fates 2.

ridiculous how fun this game is

Amazing. Four incredible games in one 40$ package. Some parts feel a little unfair, but pretty much everything else is near perfection.

For his weapon, shovel knight weidls a shovel

Out of every game that has ever taken inspiration from Mega Man, Shovel Knight might just be the best one ever made. Gorgeous pixel art! One of the best 8-bit OSTs ever! An actually engaging story! Multiple waves of DLC! There was no reason for them to try this hard but they did, and they dug up a fantastic 2D platformer as a result. Even if it ended up kicking my ass more than a few times. Fuck, Shovel Knight might just completely uproot EVERY Mega Man game in terms of sheer quality! Maybe I need to actually replay the classic Mega Man series...hmm...

Oh yeah also medieval fantasy is a setting that I'm not usually too particularly fond of so that's how you KNOW Shovel Knight hits different

you are digging your way out of this one boys!

One of the best deals in gaming. You get two great games, one good game, and Plague of Shadows all in one Orange-ish Box.

This game is absolutely EXPLODING with content without having any grinding and has tones of replay value on top of that. Each campaign (there's 4) is excellent with each knight having their own distinct gameplay style and (with the exception of 1) all having completely unique level layouts. While it seems that Specter Knight is the obvious fanfavorite out of these (and I'm inclined to agree) ALL OF THEM are top quality and worth your while. On top of that there's the added little mini challenges and a whole ass platform fighter in here as well (though it is a bit simplistic). Aesthetically wonderful too, this pixel style really appeals to me and it's complimented by a great soundtrack. Play this game.

Overall package to me be scored like this
Shovel of Hope: 10/10
Plague of Shadows: 6/10
Specter of Torment: 10/10
King of Cards: 9/10
Showdown: 6/10

i think this game is pretty good but im not a loser so i dont cum over it

Wonderful masterpiece of an indie game. Took me a while to get used to it since it’s been a while since I’ve played a platformer but once I did I was hooked. Fantastic gameplay, simple but charming story with a lot of heart and emotional beats, great enemies, characters and locations (Propellor Knight Tower🖕), and my personal favorite part of the game, the bosses. Fun and unique in their own ways I loved it all. Also the most of the dlc is better than the main game (which is already like how I described). This game with a little blue knight with a shovel stole my heart and reignited my love for indie games

Very nice collection of Shovel Knight games. It could be considered the Complete Edition.

My favorites by far were Specter of Torment and of course Shovel of Hope.

Didn't have a single problem running it on Linux.

Beat the base game and it was fun. Now on to the expansions

there’s like 20 amazing games in this collection. I paid $15 for it in 2017 and they still keep adding stuff for free. There’s a reason why Shovel Knight started this big indie revolution. There were games like Cave Story that did what Shovel Knight did but 10 years earlier, however this game really started something. It proved that there was a BIG market for these kinds of games. Shovel of Hope, Plague of Shadows, and Spector of Torment are all must play games. These games aren’t just “oh it (x series) was an nes game”. These are all their own and unique games that you can’t find anywhere else. Don’t let the 8bit indie graphics fool you, this is not nostalgia bait. It’s nearly been a decade since the game has been released, and honestly I don’t know if we would have some other amazing games like Celeste without this.

If I could give this more than 5 stars I would. I'd say even paying $60 you're getting an overabundance of content that's more than worth it, and it doesn't even cost nearly that much. Probably one of the best collections there could be with the best value to it.

didnt finish the king knight dlc

very cool retro pixelart, all of the campaings are good,the story is simple but cool when you see each character vision of the story