Reviews from

in the past

why does it have the same map as crazy taxi

My favorite 3D Sonic game. Dripping with attitude, Sonic Adventure 2 is a fantastic experience that despite the occassional bad level, never fails to deliver. Each playstyle has high highlights, great setpieces, memorable levels - top it off with a kick-ass story, and you have a certified classic by Sonic Team.

I beat my Choas to a pulp until they beg for mercy.

with amazing highs and horrendous lows, this game is extremely flawed but remains being great fun and it's a modern sonic story that doesn't make you want to blow your brains out like forces
also big nostalgia factor

The original Sonic Adventure is a game that I hold near and dear to my heart. I honestly never thought I would enjoy its sequel more, having tried it several times via emulators and its various ports and never being able to bring myself to finish it. That was, until I finished replaying Adventure 1 on Dreamcast and decided to give this game one more try on original hardware. I'm not sure if it's because I was playing on the console it was designed for but I think I've finally seen the light.

Sonic Adventure 2 is a massive improvement over its predecessor in almost every way. The biggest standout for me is this game's story which is by far my favorite in the entire series. The soundtrack is incredible even by Sonic standards. Live and Learn is an unrelenting banger and one of the greatest main themes of all time. This game truly feels like the end of an era, not just for Sonic but for the Dreamcast as a whole. The best 3D Sonic game. Peak fiction.

Sayonara, Sonic Adventure 2.

i prefer the first game in most aspects but this is the better game in some aspects (no big or amy gameplay)

but they made the gamma/mech gameplay slightly less interesting and removed the ability to find multiple emeralds at once in the treasure hunting levels

its good but the kart levels can go fuck themselves

Esse jogo traçou meu destino de vida.

Quando eu era um simples moleque de 5-6 anos, eu descobri o Sonic inicialmente pelo primeiro do Mega Drive e por uma demo do Heroes no PC. Mas quando eu vi uma imagem do Adventure 2, eu fiz desse jogo meu ideal. Como não tinha um Dreamcast ou Gamecube na época, eu tinha que me contentar com ler ou assistir coisas na internet sobre, e foi aí que eu descobri Youtube, fóruns, sites e tudo mais que você possa imaginar. Lia todas as reviews possíveis, ficava horas esperando na internet discada pra poder assistir uma cutscene ou outra, eu fazia de tudo por uma mera CURIOSIDADE. Agora já adulto e jornalista formado, eu sei que o primeiro passo foi dado aí, e depois foi essa mesma curiosidade que me guiou pelos caminhos da vida.

Mas enfim, e o jogo? Segue excelente! É um consenso as fases de velocidade serem algumas das melhores que a franquia já produziu. As de caça ao tesouro e de tiro decepcionam muitos, mas eu acho que são ótimas evoluções do primeiro Adventure, mas aí confesso que você tem que ser tolerante ao temido JANK. E eu sou, bastante. Você encontra o tão falado JANK na história também, e eu francamente...........adoro? Sonic sempre foi uma franquia que tentou se levar mais a sério e muitas vezes basicamente se tornar um shonen daqueles bem na sua cara, e o Adventure 2 entrega isso com maestria, com uma história absolutamente ESCANDALOSA, com inúmeros momentos de brilho de seus personagens. Shadow e Rouge, logo em suas estreias, roubaram a cena, E O EGGMAN É UM DOS PROTAGONISTAS! É uma visão jamais antes vista do status quo da franquia, e por mais que seja tudo uma grande loucura, é marcante demais.

O Vini de 2023 tem o mesmo recado que o Vini de 2007 tinha: EU TE AMO SONIC ADVENTURE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is it with this era of Sonic and stories involving the US Government? I'm not complaining, I'm just curious.

i think its only possible to like this game if you played it when you were like 8 years old

I've come to make an announcement; Shadow The Hedgehog's a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. Thats right, he took his hedgehog quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was "This big" and I said that's disgusting, so I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com, Shadow the Hedgehog, you've got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like: PFFFT, THAT'S RIGHT, BABY. ALL POINTS, NO QUILLS, NO PILLOWS. Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth. THAT'S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'M PISSING ON THE MOON! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! YOU HAVE 23 HOURS BEFORE THE PISS DROPLETS HIT THE FUCKING EARTH NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I PISS ON YOU TOO.

buttchugging a bottle of soylent the Sonic Adventure games haven't aged well. Anyway check out my video essay on why Spec Ops The Line good and The Last of Us 2 bad.

do you think sonic & shadow were gay lovers

For many years I tried to play this game and always thought it was bad
After a bunch of tries, I finally understand how I have to "play" this game and had some fun
It's ok
Unfortunately, the "Speed" gameplay was pretty bad in comparison to the previous title, it's so sloppy and is a single line if you go to the left you gonna die the game can't just let do other things what is pretty sad
Playing with the mechas is cool but the design of the levels make me feels uncomfortable there are so many tips and death jumps you play with constant fear
And the last one is probably the most disappointing for me, the "hunt" levels are so compact it feels like a really small box and it's so difficult to explore the levels I feel lost and this is probably the section of the game where I take a break
Shadow is a cool character

Tecnicamente é melhor que o primeiro Sonic Adventure, tem uma trilha sonora muito boa, e a história tem um tom mais sério que combinou muito; Mas o jogo conta com diversos bugs, sendo em gameplay, ou de desempenho, em vários momentos acontecendo tela estática, e principalmente bugs de câmera; A câmera já é ruim, e pra piorar ainda tem diversos problemas de glitches.
Mas além de tudo isso, o que mais deixa me incomodou na jogatina são as fases com alguns secundários, que diferentes do primeiro que eram opcionais, aqui são obrigatórios; Falando exclusivamente das fases do Knuclkes e da Rouge, que são INSUPORTÁVEIS, REPETITIVAS, CHATAS, MASSANTES E ETC; Todas se baseiam em procurar 3 coisas como pedaços de esmeraldas pela fase, sendo que essas mesmas coisas spwnam de maneira completamente aleatória, o que me enjoava MUITO, passei a ficar quase 30 minutos em um nível, apenas procurando pedaços de alguma coisa qualquer, o que é completamente irreal pra um jogo do estilo Sonic.
As fases com o Shadow e com o próprio Sonic são as mais divertidas (até porque eles tem praticamente a mesma mecânica), essas sim davam gosto de jogar; Uma pena que não seja o jogo todo assim, seria bem melhor, mas infelizmente você joga praticamente o mesmo tempo com os protagonistas que os secundários, (as vezes até mais com os secundários se forem o Knuckles e a Rouge, por conta da duração de suas fases).
Fui com a espectativa de ser um jogo muito superior ao primeiro, mas acabei me decepcionando bastante, por mais que seja tecnicamente superior, e divertido em certas partes, eu ainda acho o Sonic Adventure 1 menos estressante e massante do que esse daqui

Tightens up many aspects of Sonic Adventure, and boils down the core experience alternating between Speed sections, Mech shooting platforming sections, and Gem Hunting.

The story is much more grown up covering themes of military occupation (cause why not) and government coverups in regards to super-weapons floating above earth. The dual story telling method is interesting seeing how the others on the Hero and Dark casts react to developments in the story.

Gameplay is snappy, though Sonic and Shadow are a bit different from the last game, where you can't just spindash anytime you want you actually have to charge it. It's still great fun but I miss the weird barely controlled mayhem of being able to spindash whenever you wanted!

Good times, good times.

a slightly old sega naomi cabinet's half-remembered impression of a sonic the hedgehog 2 stage has been performed on command enough to excited relatives at thanksgiving that it's developed its own identity, and that identity has decided it wants to be a cocaine-binging mangaka who visits california every christmas.

the presents it gives its family are useless, but beautiful.


SA2 is a worthy successor, and is better in almost every single way than the first game.

Focusing on a linear story and more closed stages is a decision I thought I wouldn't like, and I still love Adventure 1 and appreciate the open world and exploration aspect, but every single stage here is designed amazingly and is super fun to play.

Instead of making everyone super similar like the first and having pretty much the same story and stages, each character is given a different mission style and abilities which makes every mission fun to play and you get to mix it up instead of just playing as Sonic.

The hero and dark story paths are so cool. You end up in the same place from different perspectives. And the final ending is freaking peak.

Shadow has to be one of the coolest characters introduced in gaming. He's so mysterious, him and Sonic have a rivalry like Goku and Vegeta and u want to know more about his backstory and what he's been through.

The story is kinda dark LOL Eggman actually kinda is way more ambitious here and the story has more stakes. Everyone working together as a team is awesome, it's kinda like DBZ.

The controls are good, I feel the first had better controls and this game has aged pretty much as badly as it. Imagine if these games got remade, but the charm and nostalgia is always gonna be there. Also the sound design is good but man some repetitive noises and missiles playing as Tails gives u a headache sometimes.

Soundtrack is amazing just as good if not better than the first.

The battle mode if u play the 2012 port is a good edition and the kart racing mini game and chao racing, lots of extra stuff to do.

Overall, an amazing game and a great second game for 3D Sonic, in fact for me personally I think I prefer Sonic, but him and Mario were going toe to toe with their first few entries. This game is super fun to play, has lots of replay value, and while not as exhilaratingly fast as Sonic Adventure 1, it makes up for it with it's great story, character interactions, and level design and abilities.

Only up from here right?

Tem muitas coisas que deixam a experiência desse jogo frustrante, como qualquer Sonic. Mas ainda sim é um jogo que vale a pena ser jogado, principalmente se você jogou o primeiro Adventure.

A maioria dos problemas que eu tive com o primeiro foram consertados aqui, mas outros ainda não. Jogar um jogo do Sonic e só poder controlar ele ou o Shadow por 1/3 das fases mais ou menos é muito broxante; tem umas fases horríveis em questão de level design dos personagens que não são o Sonic tal qual o primeiro tinha, mas sei lá, esse aqui me cativou. Infelizmente o destino dos Sonic 3D já foi selado, e provavelmente vai demorar bastante até eu pegar outro que eu goste.

As maiores reclamações que eu tenho com ele são justamente as fases que eu citei, as que você controla outros personagens sem ser o Sonic, e nossa, normalmente você sai dali muito cansado. As fases do Knuckles e da Rouge são excruciantes no sentido mais literal da palavra possivel. A ideia delas é a mesma do primeiro jogo, mas as fases são estupidamente maiores agora e o radar só funciona pra uma esmeralda, então né...

Já as fases que você controla o Tails sofreram algumas alterações; agora você controla um robô. E é só isso mesmo. Eu não achei elas tão ruins assim. A única reclamação é que o robô é meio duro, mas fora isso elas são até que legais.

Mas cacete, as fases do Sonic são maravilhosas. Todo o tom do jogo é colocado logo na tua frente com City Escape, a fase inicial dele. O único problema é que as fases do Sonic são apenas algumas entre várias, então por mais que todas sejam espetaculares, é bem triste só poder jogar com ele a cada duas ou três fases.

Apesar disso, eu acho (???) que eu me diverti bastante com o jogo apesar dos problemas dele, o próximo da lista é o Heroes mas sinceramente eu não tô com esperanças nenhuma nele. Enquanto isso deixarei esse bem guardadinho na minha memória como o primeiro Sonic 3D bom que eu joguei.

Sonic literally means more to me than my dad I genuinely wouldn't be the same person I am without this game everything about this game I'm deeply in love with from the clunky mech levels to the fast and thrilling speed levels. It is a super janky game but jank can be good :3

Shelved on PC via Steam. I beat Hero Story but from what I played, Dark Story seems more of the same. Didn't like it much. Here's what I liked:
- Speed stages
- Soundtrack
- Rail grinding
That's it. Those are the only things that I thought were unambiguously good (for the most part). Everything else ranges from mediocre to bad.
- The level design. Most of it was bland and frustrating, minus the speed stages of course, but even then they get their share of BS. I found enemies would literally drop down from the sky and it felt quite annoying, especially for A-ranks.
- Treause hunting. Minus the first two stages with Knuckles, and the first stage with Rouge, all of the levels are garbage. They're way too big and confusing to be fun. Oh, and not to mention the nerfed radar that no one asked for.
- Mech stages. The challenges in these stages are to not fall asleep.
- Bosses. They all suck and aren't fun to fight.
- Nerfed spindash. Why.
- The collision is quite iffy, especially in the mech stages.
- The audio mixing is AWFUL. I genuinely had to turn my headphones off which sucks because I really enjoyed the soundtrack.
I genuinely have no clue as to why this game is considered so good. My experience was quite frustrating and not something I can recommend. I liked SA1 a lot more than this one. Overall, it's pretty mid.

Of all Sonic games I expected to see less of when coming back, this may have been the absolute last one I could've predicted. The gameplay has been tightened to match the speed Sonic and Shadow are capable of, the treasure hunting levels are way more complex, and the story is just about the best it can be for a 3D Sonic game, even to this day (unfortunately). So, what is the problem?

Well to start off, I'm not exactly fond of most of the speed stages outside of Radical Highway, Metal Harbor and Green Forest. City Escape is great in concept but there's just something... wrong with the physics for me at times, especially the rails. This carries on for most of the game until the very end for sonic in Final Rush, which is probably the most skill based level in the series thus far, as it requires mastery of rail grinding, the level layout itself, and the absurdly shit camera controls, all of which I have none! But I can respect the sheer amount of branching pathways with varying rewards regardless. The absolute worst part about these stages though is the complete incompetence placed into Sonic and Shadow's kits. Wanna Spindash? Hold the action button, which now has a delay in this game but its not a problem in my eyes, considering the new Somersault mechanic, tied to the same button! Wanna Light Speed Dash? Tap the action button but not really because you'll just Somersault instead. Well how about the new Bounce attack? Obviously tap the action button while in the air repeatedly to gain height. You get the point, so many new things to work with and because of how hard they wanted to maintain the single button does all mentality from the classic games, the levels and by extension my enjoyment is as inconsistent as the controls themselves.

Tails stages just suck, filled with enemies that spawn right on top of you, bad platforming, a terrible camera that doesn't fix when going down (universal problem for all characters) and a gameplay loop that isn't even satisfying in the first place. Its even more frustrating that the answer to all of these problems is simply playing as Eggman, who has way better level design and intriguing levels (I'm only saying this because I A ranked Cosmic Wall first try 😁). Even with that going for him, both Eggman and Tails suffer from shitty collision with the levels themselves, which lead to the main cause of death throughout my time as them, other then Artificial Chaos' of course. I won't even go into detail about Artificial Chaos' but like imagine an enemy that can stunlock you and hide their only weakspot from you whenever they please, and appear in sections where you're falling where you just so happen to have a single shot at killing them, usually after you've been hit and too late to react. Other than that, these could easily be fixed by just making the aim more accurate akin to that of gamma from SA1, which these two are biting directly off of, yet done worse in every way somehow, leave it to Sonic Team I guess.

Just like SA1, I enjoyed my time with both treasure hunting characters, so outside of the obvious radar problem, there isn't much for me to comment on. That being said, FUCK MAD SPACE. Meteor Herd didn't give me too much trouble but I could've just gotten lucky, but holy shit who thought Mad Space was a good mesh with this games mechanics. My biggest problem isn't even the radar being absent for this stage, instead the god awful camera mixed with there being literal planets with their own gravitational pull that just serve to pad the time out every single time you drop down either on purpose or by the games sheer hatred of you. Somehow I felt lucky to beat this in 20 minutes, as I did cheat a bit and look into some of the possible locations of the shards, I got lucky enough after about 14 minutes of doing nothing and got my ticket out of that hellhole. Its a shame how bad Sega is at handling different characters considering how well they did it in the LAST GAME, even with Big in consideration he didn't void out the good parts of the game, especially because of how short his story was and how funny the context of that section was.

The last story is something I'm entirely conflicted on. On one hand the mech parts aren't terrible, but Eggman stoops down to Tails' level in terms of its layout so idk. The time stop mechanic is pretty cool but is abused during Knuckles and Rouge's sections, to the point it just becomes another gimmick getting in the way of finishing the level quicker. Also I drowned like 3 times as Knuckles here because I didn't know there was an upgrade to breathe underwater, leading to me getting a game over as Sonic. Speaking of, his section is... meh. Pretty short if you know what you're doing but I almost wish more was done here, but I can only assume Sonic Team realized how punishing the Knuckles section was and trimmed this down in late development. I guess now would be a good time to mention the bosses, yeah? Long story short, the rival bosses are boring, with the Eggman and Tails ones just being utterly mind numbing mechanically. Sonic and Shadow's bouts are pretty cool visually, but shallow like the rest mechanically. Biolizard/Hazard was pretty fun, and highlights the standard selling point of Sonic games: the soundtracks. As over the top as ever, I find it interesting how much more SA2's tracks blend together naturally (outside of Knuckle's rap songs but even those are a joy in their own right), and seem to use similar production, unlike SA1 which are varied due to how unstructured and isolated those levels were.

The last thing I should probably bring up is the characters themselves. Personally, I'm content with the cast, but the voice work is pretty hit or miss depending on the character. Ryan Drummond is still great as Sonic of course, and David Humphrey is arguably the best depiction of Shadow to this day, however I prefer his work in Heroes a bit more. Deem Bristow is an amazing Eggman, who nearly edges out Shadow as my favorite member of this cast. Rouge, Tails and Knuckles' voices fit them for sure but it just seems like they weren't given as good of direction as the main stars of the game, which is a shame because I enjoy their interactions (for as rare as they are outside of plot dumps). Amy is solid too but her inclusion just feels random, maybe just a placeholder for the Battle rerelease I guess but I'd rather her as well as many other side characters in this franchise do nothing in the story than just not show up at all, although it would be nice for them to have a purpose once in a while.

This is definitely the turning point for Sonic as a franchise, and it just so happens that I didn't grow up on it as much as many others who hail it as the peak of the franchise. I can certainly see through the cracks of this game's problems, within it lies yet another ambitious title, one that took in one too many ideas for its gameplay and didn't execute on a majority of them. Here's hoping for a remake, same as the last game, but for vastly different reasons.

I remember it being a bit better than the first one, only a bit though! Shadow and Sonic should probably just get together.

Sonic Team peaked.

The Dreamcast's Swan Song.

3d Sonic bad. I played a small bit of this one on my brother's Dreamcast as a kid and even then I was kind of like "This isn't fun? Why isn't Sonic fun?" Going back and watching Let's Plays of SA1&2, the animations are some of the worst I've ever seen, and the gameplay is just...people who call this one of their favorite games have some kind of ultra-powerful nostalgia goggles I've never been able to get my hands on. The soundtrack slaps though. ♪ Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow! ♪