Reviews from

in the past

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is a level-based game , where you play as 4 different versions of Spider-Man ( The Amazing, Noir, 2099, and Ultimate )
I really liked this one better than Edge of Time, its more arcadey. The level design was cool, 4 versions of Spider-Man, each one with their own gameplay and every level had a unique boss fight and unique feeling.

I went through 3 distinct reactions while playing Shattered Dimensions. The first 3 levels I thought it were pretty neat, honestly cool Ideas and presentation. Next I reached the mid point where the clunk really showed and I got seriously annoyd at the awful gameplay. And then luckily they managed to wrap it up pretty satisfingly in the last 2 levels. Overall it was fun, but I only recommend it to hardcore Spidey fans and if you want to know where the current Spiderverse craze has it origins from.

You get to play as:
1. the classic cunt
2. emo boy with anger issues
3. VA that doesnt fit
4. has some opinions he is too scared to share
really good deal tbh

i'm a slut for spider-man admittedly but this game really won me over. i had just played spider-man 3, web of shadows, and ultimate spider-man so i think that might have something to do with how absurdly nice the varying locales and ideas of this game felt to me but i just genuinely had a blast. amazing voice acting all around, some really solid combat, and super interesting level design and gimmicks.

After multiple replays, Its still my favorite spider-man! game of all time.

The game is still one of the best and most fun ways to implement dimensional versions of one character. From a fan service standpoint the game gets a 10/10 but in everything else it lowers its score. By all means do no play the game on hard if you wanna complete it fully, the enemy HP is pretty much quadrupled and you take 3 times the DMG.

Over all still a great game!

Very fun spider-man game! It really felt like it was made by die hard spider-man fans. Each level of the game had a different antagonist from spider-man's rogue's gallery and each of their boss battles felt unique from each other. Each spider-man you play as have different abilities, combat animations, personality, and voice actors so they all felt unique to play as. The combat was fun, if a little clunky at times. Only bad things about the game was the stealth sections in Noir spidey's universe (those enemies could spot you from a mile a way istg) and the final boss felt lacking. The challenges were fun to work for and give the game some replay value and there's a decent amount of costumes to unlock. The story was nothing special, but enjoyable enough and had Stan Lee's lovely narration. Highly recommend this game to any Spider-Man fans.

I like the concept of different dimentions, the gameplay was different in each one, so you never got bored. The story in each of them was interesting to follow as well.

This is the first Spider-Man game I've played proper. Having no good contact with the other ones I didn't have any expectations for it and I ended up enjoying it a lot.

You play through 4 dimensions, each dimension has different Spider-Men and villains selected from the corresponding comics and some original ones, each one also sporting a different visual style and even gameplay gimmicks. There's simple character upgrades like unlocking combos and enhancing health, they need to be unlocked through the completion of challenges each level but none of them are too difficult to get so it is never a chore.

First is the Amazing Spider-Man dimension, with an outlined cel shaded art style and fun villains, gameplay during it is pretty much a basic brawler with Spider-Man powers but it's fun regardless.

Next up comes the 2099 dimension, this one is the biggest reason this game doesn't get 5 stars for me. It has the least interesting villains out of them all (in game, don't know about the comics) and the least interesting visual style with the same color palette everywhere, a futuristic style stereotypical from what people in the 80s thought future technology would look like, not exactly pleasant to the eyes. The gimmick for 2099 Spider-Man is moving fast while time slows down, but it's only situationally useful and doesn't save it from the most dull and least open levels from the game.

Luckily, Noir Spider-Man fairs better, the visual style is pretty much... Noir, and the gameplay gimmick is that you must sneak around in the shadows and take down enemies one by one without being spotted to get through the levels. It's not a very in depth stealth system, but it gets the job done and there's a variety of ways in which you can take down enemies, however there's still some brawling sections and the game doesn't punish you hard at all for being seen in case that kind of stuff bores you too much.

Finally we have the Ultimate Spider-Man dimension, this one sports Spider-Man with the black symbiote suit and has really flashy attacks alongside it, it has the best villains in the game and while the gimmick of powering up strenght with rage that's built up as you fight is simple, it's still pretty much engaging. This dimension also contains the most open levels in the game and they're the ones I had the most fun on as a result.

Lastly, the final boss stage is unfortunately very much a scripted section with kinda dull small fights as you wait for the QTE to defeat the big bad to happen, but it wasn't frustrating or too boring at least so I won't complain much.

Overall the game was fun throughout, only a single 2099 stage made me feel like quitting but completing it was worth it, I'll probably replay it some time in the future just to have some fun.

The single best Spiderman game I've ever played. Something I find myself going back to every so often and always having a great time. The voice acting is amazing, especially Noir. I'll admit I'm biased because he's voiced by the 90's Animated Spiderman, but that's what makes him so great. Just an amazing beat-em-up that has a lot of replay value. I'm going to 100% it someday.

Honestly one of the best Spider-Man games aside from the PS4 one. I love the art style and the variety of different levels/villains and also the different aesthetics of each of the universes.

im holding this game hostage

EU copy played on a PlayStation 3 Super Slim.

In hindsight this feels like a back to basics attempt after the rather lookwarm receptions to Spider-Man 3 and (the admittedly fun but extremely edgy) Web of Shadows. The lack of open or hub world to swing around and have fun in is the biggest elephant in the room and also an explanation as to why traversal just doesn't feel as fun. That all being said this is an enjoyable game, with Dan Slott as the writer and kind of serving as a precursor to his Spider-Verse storyline in the comics and the later Into The Spider-Verse movie, so it has a fun sense of character and plot. The gameplay, aforementioned disappointment aside, is enjoyable, with a strong influence from the beat 'em up genre and a healthy amount of character upgrades to keep things fresh. Gameplay itself tends to feel rather samey between the 4 Spider-Men with the standout being Noir's levels being rather shamelessly ripped from Arkham Asylum.

All in all, this is a fun Spidey title and probably the most well-rounded since Ultimate SM in the PS2/GC/Xbox days.

This was a fun game. It was awesome to hear some legendary Spider-Man voice actors come back to be different Spider-Man which was the highlight for me. (Barney Stinson back as Spider-Man and C.D Barnes from 90's Cartoon as Noir are the two best imo.)

Also, the levels are great. Noir is probably my favourite. Hard as fuck but really fun to play.

Very epic game. Spider-Verse style.

game that gave us the Spider-Verse

The GOAT Spider-Man game, don't @ me.

My favorite Spider man game prior to the Insomniac series, Shattered Dimensions is a celebration of spiderman just like spider-verse, and while certain aspects of it feels dated such as repetitive level and boss design, the different atmospheres and worlds feel diverse with their own pace and gameplay style, with Noir feeling the most unique to the other 3, add that up with a large sprinkle of spiderman's best villains and costumes, along with a celebrated cast of friendly neighborhood voice actors, Shattered Dimensions is still an underappreciated gem that wish wasnt lost to time after the activision license expiration

Man Miguel seemed so happy can't wait to see what happens in his movie debut

A very fun Spider-Man adventure that introduced me to my love of stealth gameplay with the Noir sections. Great voice cast and fun boss fights.

A fun boss-rush precursor to the Spider-Verse

The biggest mistake of this game is its limitations. You can only swing to the points where the game wants you to, and you can only climb the walls the game lets you. Still, Shattered Dimensions has a pretty good story and creative level designs that compensates for that, but I kinda wish it was only about Noir lol.

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions was my first exposure to the now commonly known “Spider-Verse”. It was a game I finished when I was about 15 years old, and I remember loving it for its unique artstyles and storytelling.

I figured it was time to revisit the childhood classic… but maybe that was a mistake. Shattered Dimensions isn’t a bad game. I actually do like it quite a bit, and think there’s a lot to love here.

The fact that the developers gave each universes Spider-Man a unique art style and setting made the storytelling pop just as much as the first time I played the game through. I loved the fact that Noir’s gameplay was more stealth based, and the inclusion of shadows for cover was actually a really cool idea.

The premise itself is still awesome for a Spider-Man story… and even cooler for a game based on the character. Especially when there’s so many Spider-Man games that feel similar. Beenox decided to abandon the open world and take a more linear, beat-em-up approach… and I actually think that was a refreshing decision having played these all back to back.

All of that said, the game does suffer from repetitive lackluster combat, frustratingly unresponsive controls, and a runtime that could’ve easily been trimmed down when you consider how little each stage contributes to the overall plot. It wouldn’t be so bad if each level was fun and unique… but a lot of levels felt similar to one another for a game that intended to distinguish each. Instead of focusing on one combat system and refining it, they focus on four… and they’re all just kind of mediocre.

I’m sure it would be pretty fun for others on a single play through. It was fun for me, especially as a teen. But returning to it a second time, especially after having played much better games, it’s just okay.

It's a neat and unique journey, and although the gameplay is fairly mediocre, Shattered Dimensions stays fun and engaging till the end

this the kinda game you play with a kid and its like wooow this is so cool I get to be all the cool spider-man wow noir is so cooool. then you play it when you're older and they relatively repetitive combat wears on you, the levels are all 30-40 minutes long which just feels too damn long I think, there are bizarre decisions in terms of some character/story decisions (why the fuck are juggernaut and Deadpool in this and not Rhino, the lizard, fuck, even kingpin or morbius could have been cool, anything but a fuckin x-men villain and an x-men adjacent antihero. there is also no black cat or MJ or really any characters besides the villains, the spider-man, and madame web). you do have to give it credit for giving us the spider-verse though.

it's probably more of a 7 but I had to either reset and quit out of the game for the last four levels because either enemies stopped existing or the game just didn't trigger doors opening

that being said, for as fun as "wow!!!!!!! four spidermen cool!!!!!!!!!!" is, 3/4 of them are functionally the same gameplay wise while the other 1/4 is also the same but the stealth element at least gives noir SOMETHING different to do.

also damn here's the big finale level (authors note: it sucks) what is 2099 gonna do? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... fall fast? yeah ship it

90 percent of the spiderman games I play are open world games so at the time it was fun to do something more linear with a tightly constructed story with the multiverse. It was fun to play as different spidermen. Though spiderman noir was the weakest and his section didn't play as well as I would have liked.

It was a nice game and I enjoyed it.
Different gameplay and a lot of villains of spider-verse which was fun and the best part was the legendary voice actors.