Reviews from

in the past

A good platformer for its time but has become very overatted due to the speedrun and nostalgia. It's good but its nothing more than a generic 3D platformer. I personally prefer the Movie Game.

Excellent collect-a-thon that honestly trumps so many of the other games who took a shot at the genre, despite its outward "TV show game/movie game" appearance.

Better than it had any right to be. The creators could have easily phoned it in, given that it's a licensed game, but they made a very solid platformer. Worth picking up the remaster to enjoy it today.

i had to return this to blockbuster before i was able to finish it

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Eu adoro collectathon e ainda não joguei praticamente nem metade do que existe na face da Terra, mas este jogo me mostrou que qualquer jogo do gênero pode ser simples, longo e rápido ao mesmo tempo.

Mesmo se tratando de um jogo do Bob Esponja, os desenvolvedores que fizeram este jogo estava com muita vontade de trabalhar e demonstrar ao público que é possível se fazer um collectathon sem esconder muita coisa pelo cenário, pois é assim que deveria ser. Em sua grande maioria, este jogo não te força a ficar jogando ele por horas para saber onde esta determinado item, muito menos onde ir de maneira desenfreado e não encontrando nada.

Este jogo é perfeito, tanto nos seus primeiros minutos quanto no restante do jogo... apenas na jogatina.

Seus gráficos são lindos em qualquer um console dos 6fracos e acabei jogando no Xbox, então minha experiência foi uma das melhores visto que este seja o melhor dos multiplataformas.

O som do jogo eu precisei ficar mutando quando era na parte de descer uma espécie de tobogã porque já estava enjoativo ficar ouvindo uma guitarra soando na minha mente inúmeras vezes porque você irá descer bastante elas e ver quais caminhos fazer e rotas que há itens.

E, cara... que controle simples. Como pode um collectathon ser tão simples e perfeitinho ao mesmo tempo? O pessoal da Heavy Iron se consagrou com este jogo viu, parabéns.

Masterpiece dos collectathon.

If you love Spinchbub this game perfectly captures the aesthetic of the golden years of the show. Outside of that it's a pretty decent, hey that's pretty good platformer filled with very memorable levels.

Bob esponja é um dos meus desenhos preferidos e o jogo absorveu totalmente a essência do desenho.

Todas os recursos e mecânicas que são usadas na gameplay fazem referências a episódios ou piadas da série que fez o jogo ficar bastante engraçado, todas as fases são absurdamente divertidas e criativas com um monte de desafios, puzzles, batalhas pra ultrapassar utilizando as habilidades de cada personagem.

Qualidade gráfica também maravilhosa, trilha sonora boa pra caramba, os chefes são incríveis, enfim... eu me divirto com esse jogo até hoje e sempre irei gostar, um ótimo classico do PS2!

Unironically one of the best 3d platformers ever made. Love speedrunning this one

surprisingly faithful to the show and one of the best tie-in games

Peak for people who grew up in the 2000's

Never have I been more memed into a game in my life. Seeing this game in so many 3x3s, so many people talking about it, constantly recommended, I thus tried it out. And guess what? It's a shovelware platformer, that is at best, a babysitter for a nine year old in 2004. This game sucks and is the single biggest indictment on millennials as a whole.

Cruiseboosting makes it one of the most incredible movement-based platformers ever made. <3

a licensed spongebob game which gets the humor of the show spot fucking on. incredible shit.

You kinda had to grow up with the game to like it no cap

Perfectly okay 3D platformer, not exactly polished, but fun because it's old school Sponged Bob. Not something I'll ever replay but ehhh fuck right?

the remaster sucks just emulate this game instead

Security system TAKES CONTROL OF SQUIDWARD'S HOUSE and begins ATTACKING THE CITY. Leaving the mayor to give Squidward community service for the damage he caused. EVEN THOUGH Spongebob and Patrick were in his house the WHOLE FUCKING TIME,

and were responsible for EVERYTHING! GAAH! FUCK THIS EPISODE! this episode is when the Squidward torture porn started to become a regular stable in Spongebob's episodes and this one is one of the meanest, cruelest, and just plain unfair of them all.

all Squidward wanted to do is enjoy one day to himself. but that can NEVER HAPPEN when he lives next to Spongebob and Patrick. can it.

kinda overrated but i guess it was ok for a shovelware game for the ps2

one of many great spunch games from the early 2000s. playing as patrick and sandy is a lot of fun but some of the enemies are bullshit and the voice lines can get grating

feel like you either grew up playing this game and love it, or you didn't and don't care that much

better than banjo thats for damn sure

A classic, i played this when i was so young that i didnt understand what new game was so i just clicked it every time

it's not a perfect game but god DAMN do i love it. it's my favorite game of all time and will always mean a lot to me

Very fun, love the soundtrack and the dream levels, but the game feels so repetitive the rest of the time, collectathons just aren't for me maybe

very fond childhood memories, this.

100% thrice as a kid.

Lost it since but have the remake.