Reviews from

in the past

Stands head and shoulders above other Nickelodeon games.

A solid 2000's 3D-platformer, which is surprising for a licensed game. It's a relative average game for the time, but it's still decent.

Only recently discovered there was a remaster and I'm kind of excited to play it. It's the only Spongebob game I played so it's hard to compare it to others but an open world adventure in Bikini Bottom always seemed like the best way to go with something like this.

I would write this game a review... BUT THERE'S NO TIME!

I've had the Bikini Bottom main hub world theme in my head for two decades.

Holds up well, while it was made on a budget (characters and assets are frequently reused from level to level), its mechanics, writhing and charm more than make up for it.

A wonderful game from my childhood and hits just right in almost every way.

This game is really good lol. I have no nostalgia to it, I grew up playing Truth or Square on Wii, yet I do think it's a really good game. It nails the feeling of SpongeBob with dialogue that makes explicit, and sometimes subtle, references to the show; music that sounds exactly like what a SpongeBob game should; and other details that the more hardcore fans of the show will love, like when the player goes out of bounds and the human hand grabs the character. Some of the stages also make references to specific episodes, like Rock Bottom. It's just really neat, and even if you don't know too much about SpongeBob it's still a really charming and fun platformer. Sandy is the best character in the game.

i can quote this game like an encyclopedia

idk why this game's rating is so low. This is a licensed game that has all the pros of spongebob from my childhood while also being a top tier 3d platformer.

Surprisingly fun action platformer. Good jumping and sliding sections. I'm glad they got most of the voice actors from the show except for mr.krabs and mermaid man although the writing was weak compared to that of early spongebob. The boss selections were also kinda lame. King Jellyfish is good but the prawn and a bunch of robots based on the playable characters? They could have taken more from the show.

I played the PC version waaaay back as a kid, and it was fine for a kid. I don't remember it too well, probably.

I just beat the game with 78 golden spatulas. It's definitely a step above a lot of licensed games, but it's still a step below some other great 3D platformers. It's super quick to get around Bikini Bottom via taxi, socks have value unlike the Blue Coins they function like, Spongebob controls pretty good. The problem mostly lies in the enemies. They'll get a lot of cheap shots off on you in a lot of ways. You'll get shot at from off screen, they'll run up before you can see them, sometimes they'll send you flying and other times won't, it's not very fun, and you do a lot of fighting. Platforming is mostly fine though. I don't think I'd recommend it to anyone but a Spongebob fan who has already played the better collectathons.

Never played the original in full, first real experience was the remake

And the original still holds up really damn well, defs one of the best licensed games to exist.

Fun until it isn’t. I gotta say, as far as licensed games go, this is one of the best. The attention to detail in creating the look and feel of the show is incredible, and it manages to be a really fun platformer on top of that.

However, the final mission to this game is just too frustrating and annoying. I have no desire to continue trying to beat it if all it does is anger and annoy me. It sucks because I want to give this game a better score and officially beat it, but that final bit just leaves too bitter a taste for me to consider it.

I’m curious to see if the remake/remaster fixes a lot of the more frustrating bugs in this, but it’ll be a while before I play that. Overall I’m just sad because I feel like this game beat me when I should’ve beaten it.

it has its moments of frustration for sure, but this is still one of my favorite games of all time. the controls are rock solid, almost every mission is enjoyable in some way, the music bops and it generally oozes cartoonish flair at every turn

You get to explore Bikini Bottom with a fun game, you gotta love it.

Clancy Brown dude where you at

My favorite game that I have played I feel as a 3D Platformer it's great at keeping great level design while being open enough for exploration. I love all the nods they have to the show in it and I grew up with it so automatic 10/10

puta merda lembro so de uns frames mas é pika, Confia.

The PC version of this game is a barebones collection of minigames which have little to nothing to do with the world of Spongebob. Unfortunately, I have yet to play the actually good versions of this game; if I do, it'll likely be through the remaster so I can leave this review as-is.

Decent, but could have been so much more. A really fun experience that lost that fun factor in the latter stages.
Sure, it's better than 99% of all other 3D platformer made just to shill an IP and developed by a non-'prestige' developer, but that isn't enough alone for me to ignore just how sharply the enjoyment I had with this game decreased from Kelp Forest onwards.
The development team clearly could create a fun interactive world where you get to be Spongebob in Bikini Bottom, but when tasked to crank up some real difficulty in the level design it would either be too easy or only difficult because the relevant mechanics are janky and the hit detection is inconsistent.
But hey, if you like Spongebob Squarepants and you don't mind sixth-generation console platformers, this is worth a try


Really fun time! Didn't even bother with Kelp Forest for more than two spatulas since it was annoying to navigate but other than that I really enjoyed it

Love this game childhood classic

genuinely solid cult classic 3D platformer collectathon type deal set in the spongebob world. I didn't play this one growing up, but I did play the spongebob movie game back then which was essentially the sequel to this game so I knew what I was signing up for going in. Honestly I think I like this game a little bit more than the movie game, and wish I had played it growing up since this game explores a lot more of the locales in the spongebob universe than its sequel does. Also there are more playable characters. This game got remade, but I have heard that the remake was rather mid so idk maybe play the original instead?