Reviews from

in the past

Still a great Star Wars game. Playing through the story as a clone trooper from the Clone Wars to the Galantic Civil War is interesting but I wish it was build upon more. The game is packed with content so its very replayable, Galantic Conquest is my favorite of the bunch. Overall, this game rocks.

I've got the high ground now.

Incredible big team battle shooter and one of the best Star Wars games ever created. It's a shame I only had this on the PS2 at the time, because if I could reliably play it online it would have no doubt consumed my childhood.

This game provided some great childhood memories. It still has more charm than the current iterations as well.

ps2 era star wars games were just different, man

One of my most played games I always come back to, with a ton of nostalgia attached.

Too many memories with this one to even really joke about

It's my favorite game ever made and the amount of hours/days/weeks sunk into it rival even those spent on grade school and college work

Which explains a lot, honestly

Yeah, I have to give this classic of a game full rating. Why? If you are a Star Wars fan, you have to try this, trust me! Finished the campaign in 3 hours, and after all those years, multiplayer still filled with players. You play as a 501st trooper in the campaign, and you have different modes of playing!

This is everything EA wants their games to be. Might be the nostalgia speaking, but holy heck. BEST. GAME. EVER. Also, the Jedi Temple mission is hard as hell. Goddamn jedis STOP DESTROYING THE DAMN BOOKSHELVES PLEASE I CAN'T BE EVERYWHERE AT ONCE :(

This game is incredible, was the highlight game of my childhood!

The true Battlefront II. Just a pretty well rounded game overall.

Battlefront 2 é um jogo muito bem elaborado e extremamente divertido. Nele, você pode participar de grandes batalhas vistas nos filmes, seja em terra ou a bordo de uma nave, escolhendo entre os períodos das Guerras Clônicas ou da Guerra Civil Galáctica. Além disso, é possível jogar com vários heróis e vilões da saga.

O modo campanha nos coloca em diversas missões na pele de um clone da 501ª Legião, desde batalhas contra a CSI até o grande expurgo Jedi. Após a queda da República, o Império Galáctico é criado por Darth Sidious, e a 501ª agora é conhecida como o ''Punho de Vader''. Como um Stormtrooper Imperial, somos designados para diversas missões a fim de eliminar a escória rebelde. Antes do início de cada missão, podemos assistir a trechos do diário da 501ª, mostrando o que cada soldado sentia antes de suas batalhas, revelando o desenvolvimento da divisão de elite de Darth Vader.

No modo Galactic Conquest, você escolhe um período da guerra e utiliza sua frota para conquistar planetas. É possível adquirir bônus para auxiliar seu exército durante as batalhas, como mais munição para os soldados, rifles aprimorados e regeneração de HP. A partida é vencida por quem dominar a galáxia.

O modo Instant Action proporciona partidas rápidas com os modos: Conquest, Space Assault, Capture the Flag, Hero Assault, Hunt e XL.

O jogo também oferece suporte a mods, o que pode aprimorar significativamente sua experiência e transformar completamente o jogo, adicionando conteúdo adicional.

Apesar do suporte oficial para o modo online ter sido desativado, ainda é possível jogar o multiplayer utilizando outros programas.

Passei muitas horas jogando Battlefront 2 no meu antigo PS2, e o jogo não perdeu nada de sua diversão. Recomendo não apenas para os fãs de Star Wars, mas também para aqueles que procuram um excelente jogo de tiro.

The most fun Star Wars game to play!

Love the gameplay and the novelty of being able to play on so many iconic maps from the film series as well as a dozen or so heroes and villains. Everything the first game did this does better. The Rise of the Empire storyline deserves its own movie or miniseries because its that interesting. The attention to detail is insane down to having Han frozen in carbonite and the Rancor on Jabba's Palace or the trash compactor on the Death Star.

My only real flaw is I wish there were some more heroes to play as like where is Padmé, Qui-Gon, Lando and Plo Koon etc. as playable heroes?

Favourite Hero to play as: Luke Skywalker
Favourite Villain to play as: Darth Maul

Favourite Maps
1. Death Star
2. Jabba's Palace
3. Geonosis
4. Hoth
5. Bespin
6. Tantive IV

This is a game I could play for hours and hours in the free play mode, even after all this time. Fun gameplay, lots of unique characters to choose from, and a really interesting story following the Clones through the war and transitioning into the Imperial army.

If I became immortal, even after 10,000 years I would still play this game.

heroshit makes this inferior to the first

A must play for anyone who loves Star Wars games.

Played it for like 3 hours one night with my brother and it kinda was cool ig

Everything that was cool about the first game was amped up for the sequel.

Again a soldier takes centre-stage. You aren't a super-soldier or a wizard, you're a frontline infantry soldier in the star wars universe. As a kid who saw Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith in the cinema, this was an absolute dream.

The campaign. Oh my god the campaign. Seeing the story of the prequels from the perspective of clone troopers is honestly worth picking up the game for alone if you're a star wars fan.

This sequel added a ton of new features including space combat maps and playable heroes from the saga that felt a lot fairer than the Jedi Hero Bonus of the original game.

Battlefront II 2017 is an okay online shooter (after the microtransaction fiasco was sorted) but this game is truly the definitive 3rd Person Star Wars shooter.

Recommended for any Star Wars fan.

Though if you are. You've probably already played it.

Lots of content, covers everything from the two trilogies that matter. You can play as actual characters alongside the different classes.

Yeah this game rocks.

ej he ett vivid minne av å spele ditta med min nabo elias og han som fortelle mej "du leve for å drepe" når ej fikk spele som en jedi, ej vart hyped up

Every year I come back to play and Every year I am reminded of how incredible and immersive this game still is. This game had so many iconic maps that will forever remain with me and the amount of quotable lines from this game is insane. The story mode (Whilst just reused multiplayer maps) is one of the most impactful Star Wars stories ever told all from Temuera Morrisons own voice as he gave one of his best performances he had given in all of Star Wars. This game delivered on its promises and will always be remembered for it.

Can't believe they never made Battlefront 3 with evil obi wan

One of the best Star Wars games ever! The campaign is awesome and the multiplayer is still active. I play it modded, which is actually way more fun

I really appreciate how they use not just famous Star Wars music but also less well-known tracks throughout the game. Also, cutting people up as Darth Maul is one of the most fun experiences I've had in all of gaming.